Friday, April 30, 2010

Warts Natural Remedies - Causes, Symptoms and Home Treatment

Warts appear as small outgrowths on the skin in the form of small moles, tumors of various sizes and are generally benign in nature. This can appear in any parts of the body face, hand, feet, waist, chest and genital areas. Human Papilloma Virus is responsible for the spreading of warts. People of all age group, sex can contract this infection. But sometimes it leads to awkward and embarrassing situations especially when the hand and face are studded with these unwanted growths. Plantar warts appear on the soles and on the sides of the feet as small outgrowths. If they are hurt or injured bleeding may occur. Genital warts are moist; appear as clusters resembling cauliflower.

Some warts may be painful, itchy and give out liquid discharges depending upon the severity of the infection and some warts may not cause any discomfort. These are highly contagious and can spread if the warts are scratched, itched, bruised or pinned.


The main culprit for the occurrence of warts is the Human Papilloma virus. This enters the body under favorable conditions spreading infections.

1. Low immune system of the body can give rise to the warts.
2. Plantar warts are caused due to infection from swimming pools.
3. The virus can get its entry through injured skin.
4. Genital warts are contracted through sexual contacts with infected persons.
5. Sharing things of personal use like towels etc. can cause the infection.

Of all varieties of warts, genital warts are most contagious and difficult to cure.


Some warts need serious medical intervention like genital warts, but most warts can be cured by applying simple natural cures.

1. Application of castor oil on the affected areas regularly is a great treatment for warts.
2. Rubbing raw potato juice on the warts for a fortnight gives good result.
3. Applying tea tree oil for 7-10 days also help in healing the warts.
4. If cut onions are rubbed on warts they fall off, though onion causes some tingling and burning sensation on the skin.
5. Adding foods rich in sulfur - containing amino acids in the diet like garlic, asparagus, citrus fruits and onions helps in the healing of warts.
6. Fruits like pineapple, papaya, figs, banana peel contain proteolytic enzymes that help in dissolving the warts. The fresh sap when applied is a good natural cure for warts.
7. Treating the affected area with crushed garlic also heals warts.
8. Camphor oil treatment is also beneficial to the wart treatment.

Warts in general can be cured easily excepting the genital warts. Maintaining a strong immunity system of the body by healthy eating and adopting safe sex one can prevent such undesirable conditions.

Read useful Natural Genital Wart Treatment. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Warts.

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