Saturday, July 10, 2010

What Foods are Useful in Controlling Diabetes?

- Grapefruit

Grapefruit is an effective food for patients suffering with diabetes and if this fruit is taken more liberally, there would be much less diabetes. Person suffering from high blood glucose should take grapefruit thrice a day.

A person who does not have high blood glucose, but a tendency towards it, and wants to prevent it, should also eat the fruit thrice a day. Concurrently, consumption of sweets, starches and fats should be reduced. Diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables and juices. Two weeks of this grapefruit rich diet will drop sugar level in individuals not taking insulin. For patients who take insulin regularly, it takes longer.

- Soyabean

Soyabean is also beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. It contains very little amount of starch, but is rich in fat and protein. Its usefulness in diabetes is attributable not only to its richness in protein and its palatability, but also to its ability to cause a reduction in the percentage and the total quantity of urinary sugar in diabetes patients on the usual dietary restrictions.

- Tomato

Tomato with its low carbohydrates contents is a valuable food for diabetic patients and for those who want to reduce their body weight. It is also effective in controlling the percentage of sugar in the urine of diabetic patients.

- Jambul Fruit

The jambul fruit too possess anti-diabetic properties. The fruit, the seeds and fruits juice are all beneficial in treatment of diabetes. The jamboline contained in the seeds is believed to check the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in case of increase production of glucose. The seeds are dried and then powdered. This powder mixed with water, taken thrice daily reduces sugar in the urine and allays thirst.

In Ayurveda, the inner bark of the jambul tree is considered helpful in the treatment of diabetes. The bark is dried and then burnt to produce a white colored ash. This ash is pestled in the mortar, strained and bottled. The diabetic patients should be given about two grams of this ash in the morning on an empty stomach and two grams each in the afternoon and evening and hour after meals.

- Kidney or French bean

French bean should be eaten liberally to keep diabetes under control. A decoction prepared from the beans is a valuable natural remedy for diabetes. This decoction is prepared by boiling 60 grams of fresh kidney bean pods, after removing their seeds, in 4 liters of water on a slow fire for 3-4 hours. It is then strained through fine muslin cloth and allowed to stand for 6-8 hours.

One glass of this decoction every 2 hours during the day is recommended for diabetic patients. This treatment should be continued for 4-8 weeks along with the prescribed diet restrictions. The decoction must be made fresh every day, as it loses it medicinal properties after 24 hours.

Read information about Diabetes Herbal Treatment. Also find effective Herbal Remedies for Diabetes.

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