Sunday, May 30, 2010

Common Breastfeeding Problems That Nursing Mothers Should Know

Breastfeeding can be a problem after the birth of the baby especially with the new moms. There can be many reasons leading to breastfeeding problems, but most of the problems can be solved by adopting suitable strategies. It is recommended by most health experts that mothers should start breastfeeding within few hours of delivery and that must continue till the baby attains six months of age. Breast feeding has many beneficial aspects both related to the baby and the mother, but it may need some professional help and advice to get started with it.

Soreness of the nipple is observed within the first few weeks of breast feeding and that is caused mainly due to the wrong positioning of the baby during feeding. The proper latching is not done and the baby cannot suck properly. Changing the position of the baby enables proper sucking so that it does not hurt the nipples. Avoiding the use of harsh soaps and chemicals prevents the drying and cracking of nipples preventing sores.

The fullness in breasts is observed due to the accumulation of milk in the breasts and that often leads to hardening of the breasts causing pain. Frequent breastfeeding of the baby about 7-8 times a day allows the baby to suck enough milk that lessens the pain and hardness of the breasts. Sometimes the milk can be pressed out manually or with the help of an electric pump.

Inadequate milk supply can be another serious problem in breast feeding as there are chances for the baby to remain under nourished. Proper nutrition, frequent breast feeding, sufficient rest and reduced stress levels are essential for adequate supply of milk. The milk supply of mother also depends on the demand of the baby.

Plugging of the milk duct: Sometimes the milk ducts of the mother gets congested if there is skipping in breastfeeding or if the baby is unable to suck milk properly. This causes tenderness and redness in a particular area of the breast with the formation of a lump. This plugging can be removed by gentle massaging of the breasts by applying little pressure.

Infections in breast: Some breast infections like mastitis can occur in mothers those who are over stressed, have plugged milk ducts and cracked nipples and those who skip feeding. These infections develop symptoms like mild fever, aching muscles and redness, tenderness over a particular area of the breast. These are generally treated by antibiotics and by giving warm compressions on the infected area.

Mother's milk is always safe and nutritious for the baby in spite of these infections. Even if the mother faces problems in breast feeding due to some illness or some common problems consulting a pediatrician or an expert nurse is always advisable.

Find natural Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream. Know how Cellulite Reduction Cream helps restore the shape.

What are the Common Breastfeeding or Lactation Problems?

It is very important both for the baby and the mother to learn the art of breastfeeding. It is a time taking process and the problem is not the same with every pair. Some common problems are associated with the process of breast feeding. Some problems need the help of the professionals and the some problems disappear in due course of time. Some important and common problems related with the problems of breast feeding.

1. There must be insufficient supply of milk. In this case if the baby does not get proper supply of milk then he or she may remain on feeding all the time. Sometimes the baby also insists on feeding as breast feeding is very comforting for him/her and he/she also enjoys it. If this activity of the baby is different from his/her normal routine then it will automatically become normal after two-three days. You must always be sure that you position your baby properly and always feed him/her on demand.

2. Sometimes mother may suffer from bleeding/sore/cracked nipples which result into the problem of breast feeding. This may happen due to the bad positioning of the baby. In this case immediately discontinue the feeding of the baby by inserting your finger gently into his/her mouth so that he/she may lose the grip. In this case you must reposition your breast. Try different positions in which you may feel comfortable. You can use the less sore side to feed the baby. You can express milk and rub it on the nipples as it may help in healing the sore.

3. Some sore nipples and white marks which don't seem to heel are called thrush. It may appear without any particular reasons or during the course of antibiotics. Both mother and the baby have to use anti-fungal cream or by taking oral medication.

4. Sometimes baby also refuses to be fed from the breast due to many reasons like if you are using some nipple cream, if you have stopped using the nipple shields, or due to some dental problems or starting of your period. Sometimes this problem also occurs when due to change in diet or medication, taste of the milk changes.

5. Sometimes this problem also occurs when there is an inflammation, red areas on the breast. This symptom may accompany flu symptoms like full sore breasts, aches, temperature. This condition is also known as Mastitis in which there is an inflammation of the breasts when there is a leakage of milk into the breast tissue.

Find natural Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream. Know how Cellulite Reduction Cream helps restore the shape.

Yeast Infection and Pregnancy - How to Get Rid of it?

More than 75% women are prone to yeast infections. With pregnancy the chances of this increases much more. This is generally due to the higher levels of the hormone estrogen produced by the body and making conditions favorable for the growth of the yeast in the reproductive tract. About 80% of the yeast infection is caused by the Candida albicans, which is present in the vagina in minute amounts. The beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus keeps in check the unwanted growth of the Candida albicans.

Symptoms of Candida infection during pregnancy are

1. Severe itching, irritation and redness in the vagina

2. Thick, white, odorless discharge from vagina

3. Burning sensation when urinating

4. Pain during lovemaking

Probable causes

1. The immune system becomes weak during pregnancy helping the spread of the yeast infections.

2. The drastic hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy are also responsible for the yeast infection.

3. Presence of more sugar in the vaginal secretions aids in the multiplication of yeasts.

Prevention and remedies

In cases of mild yeast infections, maintaining clean hygiene relieves of the discomforts. But if such infections are overlooked and left untreated it may lead to much more complications spreading the infection to the new born baby. Physicians avoid prescribing antifungal and antibiotic drugs to curb this infection as these may have adverse effects on the fetus. It is better to opt for natural and home remedies that are absolutely safe.

1. Regular application of a mixture of apple cider vinegar in water to the affected area reduces infection. Adding garlic to the mixture also provides good results.

2. Curd or yoghurt is one of the best natural remedy to treat vaginal infection as it replaces the beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus. Applying a tampon soaked in yoghurt on the affected area helps in curing the infection.

3. Similarly, adding yoghurt to the daily diet or taking 2-3 glasses of buttermilk helps in killing the Candida.

4. Applying a mixture of olive leaf extract and grape fruit seed extract in a glass of water on the affected area gives the desired comfort.

5. Reducing sugar and carbohydrate intake as yeast feed on sugar, the infection can be lowered substantially.

Some useful Don'ts -

1. Cleanliness and dryness of the vagina must be maintained so that it does not remain moist. Yeast thrives in moist area.

2. Wearing of tight undergarments, synthetic clothing must be avoided.

3. Avoiding wearing of wet clothes like swim suits for long time.

4. Use of vaginal sprays, deodorants must be restricted to prevent yeast infection.

It is always wise to cure the yeast infection during pregnancy in early stages to prevent much complication. But if things are out of control, one may require some antibiotic treatment prescribed by a medico.

Know about Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy. Read about Second Trimester of Pregnancy.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Trying to Conceive? Know How to Get Pregnant Naturally!

When a couple plans for a baby, a time frame sets in their mind when to get their baby delivered without any hassles and complications. Some find it easy to achieve their goals within the set time frame, whereas some may find it too much time consuming and exhausting to achieve the feat of parenthood. If normal conditions prevail in both the partners, then it may not be a trying task to get pregnant.

Still some useful and simple tips may make things easier for a couple to achieve the first feat in parenthood naturally without any medical intervention.

1. Enjoy the love making not only with the sole purpose of conceiving, but enjoying sex and lovemaking in a relaxing and stress free mood helps to conceive naturally.

2. Calculating the ovulation period that is the 14th to 16th day, starting from the first day of the period the egg is released by the ovary and gets ready for fertilization. Having sex in those days helps in getting pregnant.

3. Practicing the lovemaking positions like the missionary position or the doggy style helps in deeper penetration and enables the sperm to fertilize with the egg. Faulty sex positions like woman on top, standing or sitting positions may prevent the sperm reaching deep into the vagina.

4. Keeping the hips in an elevated position supported by a pillow 15-20 minutes after the lovemaking helps the sperms to travel through the vagina and fertilize with the egg.

5. Avoid oral sex before lovemaking as the bacteria in the saliva may cause harm to the sperms.

6. Having sex in the early mornings helps in conception as the sperm count remains maximum at this time.

7. Having sex when there is an increase in volume of the cervical mucous and it turns clear and slippery, one can fair a chance of pregnancy.

8. When you are trying to conceive, strictly quit smoking and drinking which hinders conception.

9. Healthy diet rich in folic acid like broccoli, lettuce, spinach, cabbage are essential for the reproductive health of the woman.

10. Regular exercise and maintaining a normal body weight is important to get pregnant.

11. Don't allow the stress and tension to build up, as it may hamper in conceiving.

Though infertility is a rising concern now-a-days, still people leading a disciplined life with few tensions and stress are much more ahead in achieving pregnancy. Many couples postpone pregnancy due to career prospects, and after long years of marriage conceiving turns out to be difficult which would have occurred naturally had the timing being right.

Read about First Trimester of Pregnancy. Know about Flatulence and Gas during Pregnancy.

Pregnancy and Stress - How Can Stress Affect Your Pregnancy?

After the confirmation of pregnancy, there lies ahead a long path of thirty six weeks for the full development of a new life before it steps into a new world. Lots of physical and hormonal changes take place in the mother's womb in these months helping in the proper development of the fetus. The mother also experiences several emotional and physical stresses due to sudden hormonal changes, the after effects of which may not be healthy to the baby in near future, sometimes leading to premature births and miscarriages.


Though not at all a healthy aspect, but anxiety and stress are common during pregnancy which needs to be controlled or minimized.

1. The fear of bringing up a baby in a new world puts a new would-be-mother under stress.

2. Sometimes the mother during pregnancy is under stressful situations like break up of marriage, physical abuse, infidelity and the negligence or indifference from the partners. Women don't get the required psychological support and are under severe stress.

3. Too much work load can be stressful for the expecting mothers instead of sufficient rest and diet that are essential for delivering a healthy baby.

4. Many pregnant mothers are in constant worry for the developing fetus, seldom realizing that too much worrying can have adverse affects on the fetus as well as the baby in growing phase.

5. Over exposure to smoking and drinking can aggravate the stress levels in pregnancy.

Effects of stress during pregnancy-

1. When anybody is under stress there is a constant release of a stress hormone called Cortisol, excess amount of which, if it reaches the baby in the womb may result in high blood pressure of the child in future.

2. Due to high level of stress, the baby in the womb is exposed to lots of toxic and harmful chemicals which later are reflected in poor concentration, hyper activity and lack of self control in the growing stages of the future child.

3. Though it has not been clinically proved, but researches show that high stress levels in the pregnant mother is responsible for the children to suffer from asthma.

4. Stress during pregnancy can lead to asymmetry in co ordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows and as a result the child shows low I.Q. levels.

It is the dream of every mother to deliver a healthy baby and to nurture him in the best possible ways. So why let worries dampen the dreams? Practicing yoga, breathing exercises, taking light and nutritious diet and trying to remain merry will beat all the stress paving the ways for a happy motherhood.

Read more about Stress during Pregnancy. Find information on Feet Swelling during Pregnancy.

How to Conceive Quickly and Easily - 7 Useful Tips

Longing to be mom and dad? Trying hard to become pregnant? Yes, it is obvious in many cases that conceiving becomes very tough and the enjoying motherhood seems to be an unfulfilled dream. Though infertility is a growing concern in modern age, still the chances of pregnancy remains at a much higher level compared to the infertility. So there is nothing to lose heart, but follow few basic rules that will aid in conception.

Unless there are no major physiological defects in the female reproductive organs like under functioning of the ovary, irregular menstrual cycles, obstruction in fallopian tubes or insufficient levels of sex hormones, the chances of becoming pregnant remain fair. Similarly low sperm counts, erectile dysfunction can be the reasons in men for not being able to impregnate the partner. These factors demand medical intervention. Otherwise by keeping a tab on the regular physiological functions and modifying them one can conceive quickly and easily.

Factors enhancing the chances of conception -

1. Fertility is the most important factor in conceiving. The chances of conception are maximized when the woman reaches the maximum fertility period of the month, which is generally four days before and after the menstruation.

2. Ovulation refers to the release of mature ovum from the ovary which is to be fertilized by the male sperm. This generally occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Having sex during this period increases the chances of pregnancy. Ovulation date can be calculated by using the techniques like ovulation calculator, monitoring basal body temperature

3. Cervical mucous becomes thicker and the volume of the fluid increases with the approaching of fertility, making the uterus ready for the fertilization to take place.

4. Intercourse carried on with man on top increases the penetration and the chance of conception, so that the semen remains in the vagina for longer time. The hips should be kept in the raised position for 10 minutes after the intercourse to achieve fruitful result.

5. Intake of Vitamin C, E and folic acid increases the chances of getting pregnant. Vitamin C protects the sperms from getting damaged. Vitamin E increases the fertility both in men and women.

6. Quitting smoking is a must as smoking reduces the chances of pregnancy by 40%.

7. Maintaining a healthy bodyweight helps in conceiving, whereas being overweight or underweight negates the chances of conception.

Many couples waste few years after getting married postponing pregnancies in pursuit of lucrative career or due to financial constraints. But with the biological clock ticking away, age can pose a serious problem in conceiving. So it is always wise to act right in right time.

Read about Bleeding During Pregnancy Causes. Know about Thyroid Disease during Pregnancy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to Become Pregnant Fast and Naturally - 7 Useful Tips

Women very often wish to get conceived after few years of marriage and sometimes it turns out to be a concern if it takes abnormally long time to get pregnant and the cherished dream of motherhood sometimes turns bleak to many modern age couples. With the biological cock ticking away, women now a days desire to become pregnant faster.

Most couples are of the opinion that they are aware of the facts of conception leading to pregnancy, but very few care to give a second thought that some factors may be there providing hindrance in conception.

Factors hampering pregnancy

1. Age is one of the most important factors that affects in conception. Women aged between 20-30 years have greater chances of conception than those above 30.

2. Frequent miscarriages

3. Diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes

4. Being overweight or underweight

5. Stress, tension and anxieties

6. Pregnancy at an early age or adopting wrong abortion steps

7. Use of artificial lubricants, perfumed vaginal sprays during intercourse

Avoiding the above mentioned factors as far as possible it is possible to increase the chances of getting pregnant. Also maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following some simple guidelines one can conceive faster and that too without any medication.

Tips to conceive faster naturally

1. Timing the menstrual cycle and calculating the ovulation date is an important factor in conceiving faster. For women having normal menstrual cycle of 28 days, the 14th day from the 1st day of the periods is the ovulation date. The woman is said to be fertile from that date.

2. Cervical mucous increases in volume and texture during ovulation, the fluid becomes thicker, clear and slippery. It enhances the fertility by making the uterus ready to accept the sperm.

3. Having sex in right positions avoiding the woman on top and standing positions. The seminal fluid flows away from the vagina reducing chances of conception. The missionary position is better and keeping the hips in raised position for 5-10 minutes increases the chance of fertilization of the sperm and the egg.

4. Adopting a healthy life style by good eating that controls the production of sex hormones both in man and women. Hormonal imbalance can affect the sperm production in man, and in woman excess estrogen levels can hamper in conception.

5. Quitting of smoking and drinking, as these can be the most serious cause in reducing the chance of pregnancy in women and increasing infertility in men.

6. Too much of stress causes irregularity in menstrual cycles and hence lowers the chances of pregnancy.

7. Plenty of green vegetables and folic acid included in regular diet increases the chances of pregnancy and women can conceive fast due to the nourishment provided.

Considering the above guidelines seriously one is bound to get the desired results unless there is any major physiological disorder in the woman or the partner.

Read about Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms, Causes. Know about Pregnancy Week By Week.

Healthy Diet during Pregnancy - A Practical Pregnancy Diet Plan

When the pregnancy is confirmed it is time for the would-be-moms to take special care of the daily diet which must be well balanced including all that is required for the healthy development of the fetus as well as maintaining the good health of the mother.

Pregnancy induces lots of psychological stress and physical strain due to the gradual development of fetus and that leads to various biochemical and hormonal changes in the body which can be summarized as –

1. Hormonal changes
2. Increase in basal metabolic rate
3. Changes in renal function

As a result the calorie demand increases in the expecting mothers and so moderate amount of high calorie food in the diet is beneficial for the mothers. Mothers should eat according to their appetite and when they feel hungry.

Choosing the right food in pregnancy

Maximum benefits from the food can be reaped only if the right food is taken in right amounts keeping in mind the various aspects related to pregnancy. It is obvious that one will avoid allergy causing food items even if they are delicious. Including vitamins like folic acid and iron in the diet is a must as it helps in the development of the brain in the baby and preventing abnormalities like spina bifida.

Milk and dairy products in the form of skimmed milk, yoghurt, cheese are essential as these are calcium rich foods that help in the development of the bones in the fetus. Ghee, butter can be avoided as these result in unnecessary weight gain. Non pasteurized milk from the local vendors must be avoided as these may cause bacterial infections.

Cereals, whole grains, pulses must be important inclusion in the diet as they are good source of protein.

Green leafy vegetables are good sources of folic acid, vitamin and fiber beneficial for mother and the baby.

Egg, Fish, meat provides the essential amino acids, but the food must be well cooked to avoid any bacterial infection which may be harmful for the fetus.

Fresh and juicy fruits are the store house of vitamins which maintains the immune system of the expecting mother and fruit juice help in the replenishment of the fluids. Processed and canned juices must be strictly avoided.

Plenty of fluids must be taken, as constipation is a very common problem during pregnancy, due to the fetal pressure on the stomach. Moreover fluids help in preventing the cramps. Drinking water must be pure to avoid any water borne disease.

It is normal to gain weight during pregnancy, but dieting must be strictly avoided during pregnancy. Some expecting mothers may require extra supplements of iron and calcium if they are weak and anemic. Expecting mothers suffering from high blood pressure and gestational diabetes must have special diet plans advised by the doctor.

Read more on Diet during Pregnancy. Know about Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy.

First Sign of Pregnancy and Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Waking up early morning and feeling dizzy, reluctant to start the days work, heaviness in the head may be due to hectic work schedule and stress. But it is also a thing to ponder. Are you sexually active past few months? Well then those discomforts may be the first sign of pregnancy!

You cannot be sure enough of pregnancy by only those signs, but the probability is there. Other symptoms do follow in due course ultimately assuring that you have conceived.

Signs of pregnancy and their severity vary from women to women. If you are aware enough of the system of your body, then you can be almost sure of your pregnancy by the elusive changes that follow after conception.

Few symptoms that help in confirming pregnancy -

1. Missed periods are almost the surer test of pregnancy, but if late periods are common feature, then other signs of pregnancy must be watched out for.

2. Morning sickness is another common symptom faced by most of the women in the early days of pregnancy. In some cases it lasts for the first trimester, whereas in many cases it may last throughout the pregnancy.

3. Nausea and loss of appetite can be another sign of pregnancy, which starts from almost the 8th or 10th day of conception. Some particular smell of food or anything may lead to nausea and aversion to food. Generally this subsides in the 2nd trimester, or it may continue till the end of the term.

4. Spotting is observed in some cases due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. This starts mostly from the eighth day after the conception.

5. Tenderness and swelling of the breasts starts from about the first or second week after conception. Breasts become sensitive and even painful due to the hormonal changes that occur in pregnancy.

6. Craving for certain food items is widely experienced by the pregnant women that remain till the delivery of the baby.

7. Backaches and headaches result to the sudden upsurge of the hormonal levels.

8. Heartburns and constipation is another outcome of pregnancy. As the uterus swells it pushes the stomach leading to the above indigestion problems. Higher levels of hormones to some extent are also responsible for these problems.

9. Area surrounding the nipple (areola) changes in color and a dark line starting from the central abdomen up to the pubic region is observed.

10. Mood swings and stress can be experienced in the early stages of pregnancy expressing high emotions and frequent crying spells.

11. Feeling of frequent urination starts after few weeks of the uterine implantation due to the secretion of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone.

The above mentioned symptoms can guide you in confirming pregnancy, the only thing left out is to confirm it clinically and make the necessary arrangements in successfully delivering the baby.

Know more about First Pregnancy Sign. Read information on Heartburn during Pregnancy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Early Signs of Pregnancy That Confirm Pregnancy

Well it can be sometimes very bewildering regarding early symptoms of pregnancy, before one misses her periods. Passing anxious moments whether you are pregnant or not is a very common experience. Some early symptoms do crop up in the wake of pregnancy, which can confirm pregnancy in most of the cases. Some women shows the signs of pregnancy within 1 or 2 weeks after conception, while in some cases it takes much more time for the symptoms to build up. Again signs of pregnancy differ from woman to woman. But it is important that one must be fully aware of the early signs of pregnancy and interpret them properly before being sure that she is pregnant.

Check out for the early signs of pregnancy –

1. Spotting due to the implantation of the embryo to the uterine wall is observed in many women. Generally with 8-10 days of conceiving, the implantation occurs resulting in spotting and occasional cramps.

2. Basal body temperature increases in women during the ovulation, and if this temperature remains increased for longer time, it can be a possible sign of pregnancy. This temperature can be measured by a Basal body thermometer.

3. Enlargement and tenderness in the breasts is another early sign of pregnancy. This is observed within 1-2 weeks after conception due to hormonal imbalances in the body.

4. Fatigue or more tiredness starts from the first week after the woman is conceived. This is believed to result due to the high levels of hormones.

5. Craving for some special foods specially liking for sour food items is most prevalent sign starting from early weeks of pregnancy and persists throughout the whole term.

6. Nausea and morning sickness starts from the 14th- 21st day of the conception, lasting generally for few months.

7. Enlargement of the abdomen or bloating may occur in the early days of pregnancy, the weight increasing by small amount. Cramping may also follow this abdominal bloating.

8. Backaches are also common signs of pregnancy in the early days.

9. Headaches can be due to pregnancy because of the sudden rise in the hormone levels.

10. Color of the nipple changes in pregnancy, especially darkening of the area around the nipple (areola).

11. Mood swings and feeling stressed out starts from the early days of the pregnancy. Severe fluctuations in the hormonal levels are also responsible for this.

Apart from the early signs of pregnancy mentioned above, frequent urination and darkening of the skin around eyes, nose and cheeks called melasma are revealed in the initial stage of pregnancy. Even if all the early signs are directed towards pregnancy, but a clinical confirmation is the final seal to take further actions regarding the delivery of the baby.

Know more about Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy. Read information on Leg Cramps during Pregnancy.

Can Yoga Help to Overcome Pregnancy Stress?

Stress and anxieties are common factors that are very closely related to pregnancy. During pregnancy, lots of changes take place within the body due to the fluctuating hormonal levels. Added with excitement, fear and sometimes unwanted situations in personal life the stress levels are difficult to control, and too much of stress affects adversely the baby in the womb sometimes resulting in disasters. As the completion of the pregnancy nears, stress and worries will be following in series unless it is tackled efficiently from the beginning.

Yoga can do wonders!

Stress relieving drugs though are available in market, still gynecologists and obstetricians strictly prohibit the use of such drugs as these can have serious side effects leading to abnormal development of the fetus. Believe it or not researches and statistics have showed that yoga is the best medicine to relieve stress during pregnancy. But one should seriously carry on the yoga to get proven results till the baby is delivered. Basically four steps are followed in yoga -

1. Some mild stretching exercises are adopted for the smooth functioning of the reproductive organs and pelvic areas to ensure almost painless and smooth delivery without any complications.

2. Deep breathing exercises (Pranayama) increases the oxygen level in the blood improving the blood circulation and also providing energy and relaxing the mind, which helps in the better development of the baby in the womb.

3. Meditation helps in focusing the mind, helps the nerves to function in a coordinated manner releasing all tensions, stress. It soothes the nerves and prevents the production of harmful toxins. Meditation helps in maintaining the normal pulse rate. It helps to control emotions, develops self awareness and the bond with the baby in the womb. It even eases out the labor pains.

4. Relaxation is very essential throughout the pregnancy period. Pregnancy itself it very stressful and strenuous especially in the advanced stage. So few hours of relaxing mentally and physically, totally switching off from worries and anxieties helps one to get prepared to deliver the baby.

Yoga does not require too many procedures or tough techniques; neither extra effort nor investment is necessary. One just needs to fix a schedule time and a private secured place to carry on with the exercises. Obviously one must be cautious enough not to strain herself during pregnancy as it may result in unwanted complications. It is advisable to seek professional guidance in carrying out these exercises. One can join prenatal class to get the best advice from the experts and can also interact with other would be mothers.

Regular yoga and exercises can add glow and beauty in pregnancy too! So no use in worrying in pregnancy but it is the time to plan for a new nursery for the new member.

Read more about Stress during Pregnancy. Find information on Pregnancy Week By Week.

Best Days and Best Positions to Conceive or Get Pregnant

Very few are aware of the fact that best days and the best positions during intercourse helps in faster and effective conception. Especially those who are having trying times to conceive can get positive results by calculating the best days to conceive and adopting best lovemaking positions.

Best days of conceiving refer to the days when the fertility of a woman reaches the maximum. That can be counted by keeping a regular tab on menstrual cycles. Generally after 14-16 days from the first day of the period the ovulation starts. The egg released from the ovary gets ready to be fertilized by the sperm in those days. So having sex four days prior and after ovulation can be the best days providing the best opportunities to conceive. One can use the online ovulation calendar in planning the fertile days three months in advance.

By carefully studying the cervical mucous, it helps one to determine the best days in conception. With the progress of the menstrual cycle the volume of the cervical mucous increases, due to higher estrogen levels and it becomes clear and slippery. This enhances the chances of conception, as the mucous protects the sperms and aids in the fertilization.

Rise in the basal body temperature is also an indication for the ovulation and it can be the best time to get pregnant. This small rise of temperature cannot be felt, but can be measured by a Basal Body Thermometer. The days when the temperature reaches the highest point, conditions become favorable to conceive.

Giving stress on specific lovemaking positions during lovemaking and at the same time avoiding some special lovemaking positions increases the probability of getting pregnant. The basic fact lies in the maximum penetration to optimize the rendezvous of the sperm and the egg.

Avoiding the lovemaking positions like woman on top or standing, sitting reduces the chances of conception as the seminal fluid does not reach the vagina properly. Missionary position like man on top and the doggy style of sex and lying side by side permits deeper penetration and hence increasing the chance to conceive.

Uterine contractions during the orgasm may aid in the conception though reaching orgasm has very little relevance with the conception. It is just an added bonus to enjoy the lovemaking.

Lying for 10-15 minutes with elevated hip positions after ejaculation enables the sperm to flow swiftly through the vaginal canal to reach the egg.

Daily lovemaking may not help in conception, but having sex with one or two day’s gap helps in the recovery of sperm count that is important in conception.

But considering the best days and best positions, the former factor outweighs the latter, yielding the desired result in conception.

Read on Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy. Know about Early Pregnancy Problems.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Herbal Remedies for Sunburn - Home Remedies and Cures

Sunburn is caused due to overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Especially it is caused due to radiation of ultraviolet B which is caused by the radiation of ultraviolet B which results into the inflammation of the skin. Due to skin burn the risk of skin cancer increases. Due to sunburn the aging of the skin increases but the sunburn is totally painless. It affects only the skin.

Usually the ultraviolet rays from the sun are absorbed by the melanin pigment in the skin. It acts as a defense for the UV rays. The concentration of melanin is low in the person having fair complexion. So UV rays destruct the skin and causes wrinkle and damages the blood vessels.

Some of the symptoms of sunburn -

1. When the sun burn is mild the skin becomes reddish. The person feels hotter and tender.

2. Blisters which are filled with fluid eventually burst out. These blisters are small and itchy.

3. When the sun burn is severe, it discolors the skin to red and purplish colors. A person having blistered skin suffers from nausea, chills, mild fever, dehydration and headache.

Sunburn can be controlled with the help of herbal remedies. With the help of herbal remedies the pain and swelling which is due to sunburn is reduced. The healing process is accelerated and can be applied at home easily. The herbal supplements are free from any chemicals.

1. Mix few drops of Sea Buckthorn oil with almond or olive oil and apply it over the affected skin. Repeat this rubbing process at least two - three times a day. You will observe the effective healing of the oil extract in reducing the damaging affect on the skin

2. Soak 2-3 bags of black tea into a bath tub filled with lukewarm water. As tea contains the tanic acid which reduces the pain caused by sun burn. The second method of application of tea bags is to wet in hot water and then allow it to cool. After some time place it directly on the affected area. You can also use chamomile or green tea. To give feeling of cooling you can use peppermint oil as well as tea.

3. Application of aloe gel on the affected area gives soothing effect on the skin.

4. Take 20 drops of calendula oil and mix it with 4 oz. of water. Apply this solution with the help of cotton balls on the affected area. It is also very effective herbal remedy.

Get natural Sunscreen Facial Cream to Protect against UVA and UVB Rays. Read useful Home Remedies for Sunburn.

Herbal Remedies for Strokes - Home Remedies and Cures

Stroke is a condition which occurs when the blood supplied to the brain is disrupted. It results into the cerebrovascular accident and also causes brain cells to die. When the flow of the blood is disrupted due to any reason then the oxygen and the glucose are not delivered to the brain properly.

The causes of the stroke are many. It may be due to -

1. Blockage of artery - it is usually the main cause of the stroke. The cells of the part of the brain die due to deprived blood and oxygen and result into stroke. This condition may be due to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes.

2. Embolic stroke - in this condition there may be clotting of the blood originally from the heart chamber only which causes irregular heart rhythm.

3. Cerebral hemorrhage-in this condition there is a bleeding in the surrounding brain tissue as there is a rupture of the blood vessels in the brain.

Some other causes of the stroke are migraine headache, vasculitis and subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Major symptoms of strokes are-without no reason sudden severe headache, weakness and numbness occurs suddenly on the face, leg or arm, loss of voluntary movement partial or may be complete, sudden confusion in understanding as well as in speaking, trouble in seeing from one or both the eyes and sudden problem in walking, feeling dizziness and there is problem in balancing the coordination also.

Some of the important herbal medicines which reduces the possibilities of stroke -

1. Use of garlic usually prevents the stroke in three ways as its consumption reduces the blood pressure, lowers the level of cholesterol and it also acts as an anticoagulant. It is an important herb for the prevention of heart attack. It improves the circulatory function. It is having the property of blood thinning which controls the high blood pressure. Everyone should increase the intake of garlic. You can also use it in the cooking, add it in your salad or you can take it as capsules. You must take 500 milligrams at least three times daily.

2. Ginger is also very effective as it is a cardiac tonic. It helps in decreasing the cholesterol and also improves the poor circulation.

3. Turmeric is also very helpful as it prevents the formation of blood clot.

4. Consumption of carrot significantly reduces the chances of stroke.

Other things which are useful for reducing stroke are the consumption of English pea, pigweed, pineapple, bilberry, cayenne pepper, calamus and many more.

Get Natural Cholesterol Supplement to maintain healthy cholesterol. Read useful Natural Blood Pressure Supplement to maintain normal BP.

Natural Treatments for Shingles - Home Remedies and Cures

A viral infection which is caused by a virus varicella-zoster, the same virus which causes chicken pox is known as shingles. Any person, who had chicken pox, is not cleared completely from the body. It lives in the nervous system and after many years later the virus which had become dormant in the nerve tissue reactivates and result into shingles. Usually the person with weak immune system and between the age group of 60-80 years suffers from this problem. It is just like rash. The virus of shingles also reactivates due to emotional stress, immune deficiency like chemotherapy or AIDS, any person suffering from cancer. The exact cause in many cases is yet to be found but the person suffering from chickenpox is at higher risk. Medically shingle is termed as Herpes zoster.

Some of the important symptoms of shingles are severe burning pain, sensitive skin, rash with small blisters with red base. Usually it takes three to four weeks from start to finish but sometimes a person may feel pain occasionally even if the blister is present or not.

Shingles is contagious also. It can be spread from affected person to adults or children. But instead of developing shingles they develop chickenpox.

Besides giving natural treatments it is also necessary to consult physician as soon as possible in order to reduce the complications or shorten the infection if you think you are suffering from shingles. You must consult immediately some physician if rash appears near the area of eye because it may result into permanent or temporary loss of vision. Some of the natural treatments for shingles:

1. Pancreas produces proteolytic enzymes which are naturally produced and help in the digestion of protein we eat. These enzymes are also available in certain foods like pineapple, papaya and it is also available from animal pancreas. Supplements derived from these things are available in some grocery, drug stores, in health food stores and can be found online. There are some side effects also with these enzymes like digestive upset and allergic reactions.

2. The area affected by shingles must be kept clean and dry.

3. Pain caused due to shingles may be reduced by applying wet, cool compresses.

4. It is very necessary for the patient suffering from shingles to take plenty of rest.

5. Acupuncture is also very helpful to overcome from this problem of shingles.

6. Application of peppermint oil or geranium oil over the affected area regularly may reduce the problem of shingles.

Read useful Home Remedies for Shingles. Know about Nocturnal Emission Treatment to treat nightfall.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Natural Herbal Remedies for High Blood Pressure, Hypertension

High blood pressure or hypertension is a well known disease that has affected millions. The disease is often known as the silent killer as the persons suffering from it mostly remain unaware of it unless they face some serious consequences. The main culprit undoubtedly lies on the modern day life style and the unhealthy eating habits.

The blood flowing through our body exerts a certain amount of pressure on the blood vessels and heart. If this pressure increases and not controlled the heart has to work more and the arteries can weaken leading to heart attacks, strokes which can be fatal in many cases. Initial symptoms of hypertension start with dizziness, severe headaches and sometimes a feeling of nausea. Generally overweight and obese persons and those undergoing tremendous stress and tension fall a prey to this disease. Sometimes genetic factors also count in inheriting hypertension.

Natural Cures for Hypertension

It is always preferable to control the disease through natural remedies without the intervention of drugs. Drugs not only invite side effects, but the intake of drugs once started has to be continued throughout the life and one has to be totally dependent on them to control high blood pressure. There are many natural remedies one can opt for, few of which are listed below:

1. Low sodium and a low fat diet must be followed by those suffering from hypertension.

2. Garlic is most commonly used in cooking and is very helpful in improving the blood circulation by lowering the blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Chewing few cloves of garlic in the morning can be beneficial.

3. The bark of Arjuna tree helps in reducing blood pressure and heart rate.

4. Herbs like Sankhapushpi and Ashwagandha protects the cardio vascular system and strengthens the heart muscles.

5. The leaves, flowers and berries of Hawthorn combat mild hypertension. It improves the function of the heart and reduces the irregular heart beat.

6. Extract of parsley leaves if taken regularly can be helpful in lowering high blood pressure. The elements in the leaves help to maintain the capillaries, arteries in a healthy condition improving the blood circulation in the body.

7. Taking juices of raw vegetables like carrots, spinaches that are rich in vitamins helps in keeping the blood pressure in control. Taking a glass of juice separately or in combination in morning and evening gives best results.

Much emphasis should be on the change in life style and diet along with the natural treatments to control this disease. Only adopting the natural cures will be not of great help if the basic diet and the life style remain faulty.

Know the benefits of Terminalia Arjuna Supplement as a heart tonic. Get Natural Cholesterol Supplement to maintain healthy cholesterol.

Natural Herbs for Menopause Symptoms Relief

It is natural for every woman to face the menopause at some stage of life. It leads to many types of physical discomforts and emotional swings due to under production of the hormone estrogen. Women suffer from hot flushes, irritability, frequent mood swings, sleeplessness and sometimes depression of varying degrees. These can be treated by hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but very often women are reluctant to go for HRT dreading the possibility of cancer. HRT also involves high cost.

Effectiveness of herbal therapy

Most women opt for herbal therapies to get relief from menopausal symptoms because these are readily available and one does not need the doctor's prescription. Time and again these natural herbs have been proven to be extremely safe and have been used for ages by millions of women to improve their health. These herbs also contain many other beneficial properties than the chemically produced drugs which are good for the general health. Moreover they are inexpensive and almost without any side effects.

1. Black haw has special clinical functions on the female reproductive system. It relieves of cramps, relaxes the muscles of the uterus and lowers the blood pressure. Its sedative properties also relax the nerves and helps in sleep.

2. Mother wort is traditionally used to treat all aspects of women's reproductive health. As a hormone regulator it stimulates the muscles of the uterus relieving of the cramps. It reduces hot flush, anxiety and insomnia. Good for the heart it also lowers the blood pressure.

3. Nettle – This herb is rich in vitamins, iron, calcium and other nutrients. This herb alleviates many menopausal problems. Taking the dried leaves as tea or steaming and cooking the herb as vegetable gives wonderful results.

4. Chaste tree berry is a hormone regulator that acts on the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland and controls the progesterone levels. It reduces vaginal dryness, dizziness, hot flushes and depression in menopause.

5. Licorice roots also regulate the metabolism of estrogen by altering its levels according to the need. But this herb must be avoided by those suffering from hypertension.

6. Kelp and other seaweeds are rich in nutrients and so must be regularly included in the diet as it controls the emotional swings in menopause and also treats the pre menopause and other menopausal symptoms.

7. Siberian ginseng contains the progesterone and estrogen precursors and maintains the hormonal balance. It increases the energy level and stamina during menopause.

Besides the above mentioned herbs there are many other herbs available to treat menopausal symptoms and they do give the best results. But women approaching menopause also at the same time must adjust their life styles by including some physical workouts and excluding some harmful food to remain hale and hearty throughout the life.

Know about Natural Menopause Relief Supplement. Find information on Menopause Causes Symptoms.

Natural Treatment for Fibroid Tumors, Causes and Symptoms

Fibroid Tumors happen to be the new lifestyle disease of the modern age women. These tumors, also known as uterine tumors, are normally not much harmful by nature but they cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort in a woman's life. Fibroid tumors generally occur in the reproductive stage and, sometimes, soon after the menopause. More than 30% of the world's female population is a victim of fibroid tumors.

Cause behind Fibroid Tumors

The actual cause behind the occurrence of fibroid tumor is not fully known. But it is widely accepted by the medical practitioners that the female hormone estrogen plays an important role in the formation of these uterine tumors. Especially in the reproductive stage and early menopause if the level of estrogen reaches a higher limit the female body cannot always release the excess hormone which causes lumps and fibroids in the uterus and, at times, breasts too. The reason behind hormonal imbalance can be many folded starting from genetic problem to stress, diet, lack of exercise, pollution and other constraints of the modern age.

Symptoms of Fibroid Tumors

Though fibroid tumors are mostly non-malignant or not cancerous by nature, they may cause dull to severe pain in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness, lower back pain, pain during menstruation, heavy menstrual flow, pain during intercourse and a lot more discomforts.

The Treatment: To fix this problem the commonly adopted methods is hysterectomy or surgery or drugs controlling the secretion of estrogen. Both the options are painful and the hormonal drugs have serious side effects. Moreover, since the treatment is to cure the problem, not the root cause; the tumor may reappear after a certain interval of time.

Natural way of treatment – the best alternative

Naturopathy or the natural and herbal medicines can work magically to shrink fibroid tumors and might also make them disappear gradually if taken for a consistent period of time. And the best part of natural treatment is, there is no side effect or after effect of this medicines.

1. Regular exercise is essential to keep reduce your toxin level of the body and thus check fibroid tumors.

2. Drinking plenty of water will definitely help in flushing out the toxins of your body.

3. Dietary changes are of utmost importance to control fibroids naturally. Eat more fresh and leafy vegetables, fruits, pulses and salads rather than fried and canned food. Drink fresh juices and have small intermediate meals instead of two big meals.

4. Molasses are quite helpful to reduce excess bleeding.

5. Certain herbs like red Raspberry, Red clove, Chaste berry, Goldenseal, Dong Quai, Ginseng, Yellow Dock Root, Echinacea etc have excellent healing and anti inflammatory properties. They are also experts in metabolizing the estrogen hormone to reduce the excess amount and thus keep a perfect hormonal balance in our body. You can consume the right combination of all these herbs prescribed by an expert naturopath or even you can prepare a tea with these herbs by yourself and drink them twice a day.

Fibroid Tumor is not a quick-fix problem. Keep up the positivity and patience to find your body without tumor one fine day and let it happen painlessly.

Know about Home Remedies for Fibroids. Find information on Frigidity Natural Treatment.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Natural Treatment for Fibroid Tumors, Causes and Symptoms

Fibroid Tumors happen to be the new lifestyle disease of the modern age women. These tumors, also known as uterine tumors, are normally not much harmful by nature but they cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort in a woman's life. Fibroid tumors generally occur in the reproductive stage and, sometimes, soon after the menopause. More than 30% of the world's female population is a victim of fibroid tumors.

Cause behind Fibroid Tumors

The actual cause behind the occurrence of fibroid tumor is not fully known. But it is widely accepted by the medical practitioners that the female hormone estrogen plays an important role in the formation of these uterine tumors. Especially in the reproductive stage and early menopause if the level of estrogen reaches a higher limit the female body cannot always release the excess hormone which causes lumps and fibroids in the uterus and, at times, breasts too. The reason behind hormonal imbalance can be many folded starting from genetic problem to stress, diet, lack of exercise, pollution and other constraints of the modern age.

Symptoms of Fibroid Tumors

Though fibroid tumors are mostly non-malignant or not cancerous by nature, they may cause dull to severe pain in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness, lower back pain, pain during menstruation, heavy menstrual flow, pain during intercourse and a lot more discomforts.

The Treatment: To fix this problem the commonly adopted methods is hysterectomy or surgery or drugs controlling the secretion of estrogen. Both the options are painful and the hormonal drugs have serious side effects. Moreover, since the treatment is to cure the problem, not the root cause; the tumor may reappear after a certain interval of time.

Natural way of treatment – the best alternative

Naturopathy or the natural and herbal medicines can work magically to shrink fibroid tumors and might also make them disappear gradually if taken for a consistent period of time. And the best part of natural treatment is, there is no side effect or after effect of this medicines.

1. Regular exercise is essential to keep reduce your toxin level of the body and thus check fibroid tumors.

2. Drinking plenty of water will definitely help in flushing out the toxins of your body.

3. Dietary changes are of utmost importance to control fibroids naturally. Eat more fresh and leafy vegetables, fruits, pulses and salads rather than fried and canned food. Drink fresh juices and have small intermediate meals instead of two big meals.

4. Molasses are quite helpful to reduce excess bleeding.

5. Certain herbs like red Raspberry, Red clove, Chaste berry, Goldenseal, Dong Quai, Ginseng, Yellow Dock Root, Echinacea etc have excellent healing and anti inflammatory properties. They are also experts in metabolizing the estrogen hormone to reduce the excess amount and thus keep a perfect hormonal balance in our body. You can consume the right combination of all these herbs prescribed by an expert naturopath or even you can prepare a tea with these herbs by yourself and drink them twice a day.

Fibroid Tumor is not a quick-fix problem. Keep up the positivity and patience to find your body without tumor one fine day and let it happen painlessly.

Know about Home Remedies for Fibroids. Find information on Frigidity Natural Treatment.

Herbs for Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) - Maintain Normal BP

Low blood pressure or Hypotension, though not that common as high blood pressure can also lead to serious conditions as the patients suffering from it does not receive enough blood supply for the normal functioning of the brain and other parts of the body.

People suffering from hypotension may experience dizziness, burred vision, fatigue, low pulse rate, headache and poor concentration.

Low blood pressure condition generally arises due to some prolonged weakness, anemic conditions and under nourished body system. Malnutrition leads to the overstretching of the tissues of the blood vessels and so there is less oxygen supply to the tissues which ultimately lead to the hypotension.

Natural herbs for treating low blood pressure

In most cases drugs and pills are not required to treat low blood pressure conditions. It can be rectified by eating healthy and nutritious food rich in protein, Vitamin C and vitamin B. These vitamins play a very important role in maintaining normal blood pressure conditions. Naturally growing herbs also have wondrous effects in raising the blood pressure to desired levels.

1. Beet root- A cup of raw beet root juice if taken twice daily is good to treat this condition, improving the condition within one week.

2. Indian spikenard – Taking 30-40 grains mixed with pinch of camphor and cinnamon regularly raises the low blood pressure. Taking the extract of this herb also gives similar results.

3. Ginger – Most commonly used Asian herb it is equally useful in controlling high and low blood pressures.

4. Hawthorn – Though used in treating high blood pressure it functions mainly to stabilize the blood pressure and bring back to its normal state.

5. Rosemary – This herb in useful in treating low blood pressure. Taking 10 ml. of the extract daily stabilizes the blood pressure.

6. Motherwort – Extract of this herb, though bitter in taste helps in raising the blood pressure to desired levels.

7. Coffee – Coffee being a strong stimulant can create magic in case of mild low blood pressure conditions. Sipping a cup of this aromatic beverage early morning is enough to maintain the blood pressure at desired levels.

8. Ginseng – This herb is known to normalize all the functions of the body and that includes the normalizing of blood pressure too.

9. Siberian Ginseng - Though it is similar to the other ginseng herbs, studies revealed that this variety raises the blood pressure of only those who are suffering from low blood pressure.

10. Stinging nettle – This is a herb that nourishes and helps to build up blood cells and also raising the blood pressure in those suffering from hypotension. This herb can be taken as extract, tea or in capsule form.

External application of some herbs like Rosemary oil or inhaling the scent of Rose geranium can help in stabilizing the low blood pressure conditions.

Get Natural Cholesterol Supplement to maintain healthy cholesterol. Read useful Natural Blood Pressure Supplement to maintain normal BP.

Herbs for High Blood Pressure, Maintain Normal BP Naturally

High blood pressure also known as hypertension is a life threatening disease that has affected more than 40 million people. One out of three Americans suffer from this disease and very few people are aware of it unless one experiences frequent spells of dizziness, headaches and occasional nose bleed. High blood pressure is also known as silent killer and it can lead to strokes, heart attacks damaging the vital organs leading either to death or a paralyzed condition.

Apart from the drugs and medications prescribed by the doctors, one can opt for herbal treatments which the nature has provided us in bounties. Lots of scientific researches have proved the effectiveness of herbal treatment in controlling high blood pressure.

Following are the some Herbs useful in High Blood Pressure treatment:

Garlic - The most common herb used in every household is very effective in lowering blood cholesterol and helps in the free flow of blood through the blood vessels. It also acts as mild diuretic, aids in strengthening the heart and not to forget about its antibacterial properties. So by taking few cloves of raw garlic early morning the high blood pressure can be kept in check.

Turmeric - This herb is a compulsory additive in every Indian curries. Turmeric contains curcumin which is an anti oxidant and has inflammatory properties. It reduces the blood cholesterol improving the blood circulation, prevents formation of clots and strengthens the blood vessels. It also aids in liver metabolism. So addition of extra turmeric in curries and gravies can be beneficial in hypertension treatment!

Ginger root- Ginger is also another popular herb used in most Asian recipes. This herb is known to be a blood purifier since ages. It improves the blood circulation and relaxes the muscles around the blood vessels. It aids in digestion and assuages nausea and other uneasiness.

Gingko Biloba – It helps in the dilation of arteries at the same time improving the blood circulation which results in lowering of high blood pressure. Blood circulation in the brain increases due to this herb and it improves memory retention.

Hawthorn berry- Also known as mayflower this herb opens up the arteries and improves the blood circulation. Additionally it strengthens the heart muscles and reduces the hardening of artery walls thus making the blood circulation more effective which keeps the high blood pressure in control.

Olive leaf - Olive tree is widely found in the Mediterranean region and the extract of the olive leaves regularizes the heartbeat and lowers high blood pressure.

Maitake – It is a Chinese mushroom well known for its blood cholesterol reducing qualities and controlling the high blood pressure.

Though herbal medications have proven results still consultation with the experts is necessary before trying out these herbs.

Read about Natural Blood Pressure Supplement to maintain normal BP. Get Natural Cholesterol Supplement to maintain healthy cholesterol.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Natural Breast Firming and Enlarging Products - Increase Bust Size Naturally

Increasing of the breast size is something that a lot of women desire. Women do not like it if their breasts are of a small size, because a good breast size matters a lot to them. In fact, there are a lot of women out there who constantly feel upset about the fact that they are less endowed in the breast area, and because of that, they have a tendency to avoid social gatherings and mostly stay at home.

So is there a way with which we can help solve the problem of such women?

Indeed, there are a lot of solutions. One of them happens to be breast enhancement creams which are widely available in the market. These are made from substances that deal with the estrogen of the women that looks into the growth of secondary sexual characteristics in them. With regular use, the multiplication of the growth cells in the breast area triggers very well and women get fuller and better breasts in a very short span of time.

A lot of doctors and other experts also recommend the use of such breast enhancement creams. However, they also warn us of the fact that some of these creams available in the market may not be so good. One must ensure the reliability of the manufacturer as well as the seller before the purchase of any such cream. Also, preference should be given to those creams which consist of natural and herbal ingredients instead of those made with chemical substances. Chemicals have a tendency of reacting more to the body and may also lead to side-effects. But natural ingredients are safe and have no risks.

The same thing applies to the large variety of breast enhancement serums too available in the market. One must always go in for the naturally made breast serums.

Apart from the creams and serums, there are a lot of pills and supplements too available widely in the market which helps in the enhancement of breasts. These pills however need to be taken in a specific dosage, and are meant for specific body types. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a physician before the use of such pills.

One must not go in for unsafe and unreliable methods of breast enhancement such as surgeries and treatments etc. The different kinds of offers that keep on coming up every now and then, about some new therapy and treatment seem very tempting; but are hardly benefiting. They drain people out of their precious money into lavish and highly expensive treatments, but not many of them actually give results. In fact, there is so much of risk involved in these procedures that you may have to face some severe consequences later because of the side-effects that may come in.

Overall, it is understandable that breasts and their right size are very important to every woman. But women must realise that they cannot play with their health and risk it when it comes to their desire for breast enhancement.

Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream helps to increase cup size.

Herbal Breast Enhancement and Enlargement Products to Increase Busts Size

Breast enhancing creams, pills and serums are effective in increasing the breast size naturally. Though these days with the development of surgical techniques and methods, breast surgery is no more harmful as it used to be but it is very expensive and still problems like ruptures, scars and bleeding is evident in some cases.

Breast enhancing creams, pills and serums work naturally to increase breast size by promoting production of prostaglandin hormone in the body which consequently promotes growth of breast tissue. This is a natural way of promoting breast size. Estrogens are stimulators of mammary gland, good quality breast enhancing creams, pills and serums contain natural estrogens also known as phytoestrogens which stimulate mammary gland and make the breast fuller and firmer.

The best quality natural breast size increasing creams and pills contain natural herbs which can treat the hormonal problem, under developed breasts and sagging breasts due to age or other reasons. These supplements can alleviate the problem with in weeks and are formulated with natural compounds to make it free of side effects. These pills contain ingredients like blessed thistle which has been used as a hormonal balancer for women since a long time. Fenugreek seeds and fennel seeds extract is a rich source of estrogens or phytoestrogens which promotes hormonal production and release, to stimulate the growth of mammary gland and breast tissue, to increase the size of breast naturally. Don qui a Chinese herb used as a vital ingredient in these pills and creams helps the body in efficiently using the hormones. Kelp is another herb which is a rich source of iodine, this herb helps in improving thyroid gland functions and healthier hormonal balance and also has been found very effective in reducing breast cancer rates.

Saw palmetto is generally considered as an herb more useful for males rather than woman but it is a vital ingredient of pills and creams intended to increase breast size naturally. This herb contains oil which is an effective agent to reduce atrophy of mammary gland due to age, hormonal imbalance or due to other ailments in the body. It eventually helps in maintaining the size and prevents sagging of bust effectively. L-tyrosine is an amino acid which aids and improves adrenal, pituitary and thyroid glands for good over all health and prevents the negative effects of age on the bust size and shape too. This also helps in naturally increasing the size of under developed breast by birth, caused due to malfunctioning of any of these glands.

Damiana leaves and Mexican wild yarn roots are other necessary ingredients of breast size increasing pills, creams and serums which are rich sources of phytochemicals necessary and helpful in improving and developing size of bust. The use of any of these supplements surely helps and save any woman from low self esteem and gives her personality an attractive look making her feel like a complete woman. To aid the effects of these supplements avoid too much consumption of tea and caffeine and try to avoid stress by taking proper sleep and rest. Rich and balanced diet including all the essential vitamins, proteins and minerals is not only good for over all health but also has catalytic effects on the results of these supplements.

Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream helps to increase cup size.

How to Naturally Enlarge Your Breasts - Let them Glow your Personality

Small breasts can be a cause of embarrassment for many women. They may have a strong inferiority complex about having small breasts and may not like to be much in public because of that. So many times, women, especially teenage girls prefer to stay at home instead of going out for parties or other social gatherings because of their inferiority complex. They also shy away from wearing certain dresses or adopting some specific styles because they feel that they will not look nice in them due to their small breast size.

For such women, there can be a lot of social and psychological problems as well. In teenage girls especially, the importance of having a good breast size is so important that other girls make fun of those who are not so well endowed. Problems obviously tend to grow for those who are genetically very thin, because unlike other women (whose breasts grow as they grow older) their breasts do not increase in size even when they are growing in age.

So then what should one do in such a situation?

There are various solutions to this problem, ranging from creams to breast enhancement pills and serum available in the market. Thanks to the advancement that science has made in the recent times, some of the methods of breast enhancement in the market are so effective, that you will love the results.

However, you must make sure that you do not fall in the trap of various therapies and surgeries that promise breast enhancement. This is because there are a lot of fraud people with fake degrees who run the business of these surgeries in order to trap people and drain them out of their money. Some others are full of side-effects, as a result of which you are under the threat of a lot of risks.

Therefore, you must look for safe and simple, as well as natural ways of breast enhancement. For instance, you can use the herbal creams and serums available in the market that help in breast enhancement as well as firming and toning. The cells in the breast area with the regular usage of such creams start to multiply faster, hence making them grow bigger in less time and making them look fuller and more shapely. The toning and the firming ensures that the breasts do not look lose.

In case of pills, there are thankfully a lot of pills made with natural herbs that are safe for use and do not cause any side-effects. Consumption of a lot pills for breast enlargement has resulted in cases of severe discomfort to a lot of people, and has even cause side-effects. But it was found out that those pills were made of chemical substances and not natural ones. Those who have used natural pills have had good benefits. Therefore, you must take natural pills only and also ensure that you check on the reliability of the manufacturer as well as the seller when you are buying those pills.

Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream helps to increase cup size.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Breast Creams and Serums to Massage Your Busts and Increase Cup Size

To enlarge your breast naturally you need to take proper and effective supplements. There are many factors which may lead to sagging and preventing development of bust in woman. Some curative steps are to be taken at younger age when bust is developing, if missed at that age, than use of supplements like creams, pills and serums are the best way of improving bust line.

Exercises also help in improving the flow of blood to the breast but exercises cannot handle this problem as hormonal fluctuations or imbalances cannot be corrected by exercises alone. The supplements like pills and creams, meant for enlarging your breast naturally, contain herbs those are trusted since ages as excellent hormonal balancers, these supplements maintain the production and efficient utilization of hormones in the body for sufficient production of natural estrogens which stimulates the growth of mammary gland. The availability of natural estrogens to the body is vital for mammary gland's growth and strength, which consequently enlarges your breast naturally.

Creams, pills and serums also contain herbs which promote production of prostaglandin hormone. The production of this hormone gets reduced due to age, stress and other factors. This hormone is essential for preventing sagging of breast, improved production of this hormone leads to enlargement of breast naturally and give a firmer and fuller look to the bust line.

Massaging your bust with breast enhancing creams can do wonders in enlarging the size of breast naturally. Massage improves the flow and circulation of blood to the bust and supplementation of creams, pills or serum provide the body natural compounds having curative properties for sagging and small breasts. These supplements also contain herbs those can nullify the negative effects of age and other factors on breast tissue and mammary glands. Stopping atrophy of mammary gland leads to enlargement of breast naturally.

Some experts suggest that balanced and nutritious diet can enlarge your breast naturally. There are no two opinions on the positive effects of nutritious diet on one's health but as far as enlargement of breasts are concerned, diet has little role to play. The development of breasts starts at a young age when a girl is approaching her puberty, at later stages improvement in the quality of diet cannot improve the growth of bust. Diet containing essential nutrients and minerals along with supplementation of bust enhancing creams, pills and serums can help in having quicker desired results but relying on diet alone for enlargement of bust is not wise.

You can completely trust bust enhancing creams, pills and serums for natural enlargement of your breast. Avoiding excess consumption of tea, coffee and alcohol also helps in getting quicker results. Taking proper and timely rest is good for over all heath and helps the body in maintaining hormonal balance. Many women have benefited using these products but one should always keep in mind that every human being is unique, in some cases effects can be seen in a very short duration while in some it may take little bit longer. Effects of the ingredients of these pills and creams are evident according to one's body chemistry and life style.

Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream helps to increase cup size.

Enhance Breast Size Naturally - Herbal Bust Enhancing Creams, Pills and Serums

The best natural way to enhance breast size is use of bust enhancing creams, pills and serums. The reason being, that these supplements contain herbal and natural compounds as ingredients and caste no side effects. These are easy to use and no special regimen has to be followed to get desired results and the most important reason is that they are very effective.

These creams, pills and serums are made by using time tested herbs in their pure and original form. These herbs are effective in their own rights but when blended together in these products produce even better and all round positive effects than what one get using them singularly. Some natural compounds are also used as ingredients in these products which one may not get through diet. These pills and creams are made by keeping in mind all the possible reasons causing the problem.

Hormonal imbalances and fluctuations that a woman faces in her life are the major cause of sagging and under developed breasts. The creams and pills for natural enhancement of breast size address the hormonal imbalance or lack of hormonal production well which consequently naturally enhance the breast size. Hormonal imbalance may be present due to genetic reasons, stressed life style, malnutrition at young age, menopause and menstrual cycles. Bust enhancing creams contain fenugreek seeds extract, fennel seeds extract, blessed thistle and kelp for hormonal balance, hormonal production and promotion of efficient utilization of hormones by the body. Better hormonal utilization naturally enhances breast size.

Herbal ingredients and supplements provide the body with natural estrogens which are essential for the growth of mammary gland and breast tissue. Promotion of prostaglandin hormone in the body stimulates the growth of breast tissue too. Dong qui a Chinese herb promotes better absorption of hormones produced by the body. All of these herbs blended together collectively enhance the breast size naturally and quickly

These bust enhancing creams and pills also supplement the body by essential amino acid L-trysine improves functioning of adrenal, pituitary and thyroid glands. This amino acid also improves production of growth hormones which reduce fat and build body muscles. Saw palmetto is an excellent ingredient of naturally breast size enhancing creams, pills and serums. This natural herb prevents atrophy of mammary gland, maintenance of mammary gland augurs well for fuller and firmer looks of bust.

Exercise and nutritious diet also compliment the effects of bust enhancing creams, pills and serums. Exercises improve blood circulation in the body which is good for over all health and it also helps in reducing excess fat off the body which helps in making one feel fitter and younger for better hormonal production. Massage of breast is also helpful while using breast enhancing creams and pills and helps effectively to increase breast size naturally. Nutritious diet containing all the necessary and vital nutrients and minerals is good for health and provide the body with essential amino acids responsible for growth of tissues of all body parts. Proper rest and sleep are very helpful in maintaining hormonal imbalance and keeping stress at bay. Avoiding over consumption of tea, coffee and alcohol surely helps in getting quick and desired results.

Find information about Herbal Breast Enhancement Product to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Breast Firming Serum helps to increase cup size.

How to Increase the Size of Breasts Naturally - Herbal Enlargement Products

How can I make my breasts look fuller and bigger? This is one question that a lot of people tend to ask themselves, their doctors, their friends and whosoever they feel they can talk about this issue and get help and advice from. Even I used to do that. However, most of the times I used to get a mixed up reply from a lot of people, till them time I got actual advice from my doctor. She made me realise a lot of things that were going wrong and why exactly some women are not very endowed in their breast area.

My doctor told me that there a lot of women out there who are not endowed in their breast area because of genetic reasons. Their mothers and grandmothers would have been thin because of which there is an obvious and natural tendency for the genes to be passed on to them to, and hence, they are thin too with small breasts. Some other people like me sometimes just either are one of those who pick up the wrong genes while being in their mother's womb, or have bad lifestyle habits which hamper the proper growth and development of the cells.

So here are some things that I finally managed to learn from my experiences:

One of the first things that women like us need to do is keep our diets in check. We may feel that whatever we are eating has no direct connection with our breasts, but I myself was amazed to see how some dietary changes made my breasts look fuller and better, and also helped my body to be in better shape.

At the same time, there are fortunately a lot of pills available in the market for breast enhancement. My doctor suggested one to me after explaining as to why she was not letting me use the other ones. One of the reasons was that some pills are made from unreliable manufacturers because of which they have a high risk value with them in terms of the side-effects that they might give to the user. Some of the side-effects harm a person's body adversely and at times stay for a lifetime making it difficult for the person to deal with them.

Secondly, there are some creams and breast enhancement serums too available the market which helps in the firming and toning up of the breasts, so that they look bigger, fuller and shapelier.

One thing that my doctor advised me to keep in mind was the fact that whenever one is purchasing such pills or serums or creams, one should always go in for those which have natural ingredients in them. Natural and herbal ingredients, have no side-effects unlike the chemical ones, and are hence, safe for use.

I do understand that breasts are more or less like our most loved asset, and that women feel very depressed and upset when they do not have a nice breast size. But small things, as mentioned above can help deal with this problem.

Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream helps to increase cup size.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Herbal Breast Enlargement Products to Increase the Size of Your Busts

There are many factors those determine the size of a woman's bust, those having small sized breast want to increase the size of breast to feel confident and attractive. There are many suggestions to increase the size of breasts but practically most of them are not as effective as they claim to be.

Apart from genetics, nutrition is one of the major factors that determine the size of bust, when a girl approaches puberty her breast start to grow and a nutritious diet at an early age helps to increase the size of breasts. Later in life healthy diet and exercise may maintain it but will not be able to grow it in size. Hormonal imbalances during periods, pregnancy and menopause are other common factors which may lead to sagging, dullness and under development of bust.

Breast is made up of fatty tissue, it is an advanced form of sweat gland which produces milk in woman. Doing exercises like push ups and chest flies, helps in maintaining the fuller look of bust, but it may not help at all to those who have smaller bust size. Other surgical methods like implants and laser treatment are not only expensive but also painful and may have severe side effects. Some woman use different types of instruments to increase the size of breast. All of these methods are time consuming, troublesome and results are not at all guaranteed.

The best solution to the problem of small bust size is use of breast size increasing creams, pills and serums. These pills are made up of herbs and natural compounds and are free of side effects plus they are very easy to use and can be applied or consumed with out any hassle. The best quality pills and creams include all the necessary herbs and compounds which are required to resolve the reason causing smaller bust size. It is very effective, lesser expensive, safer and easy method to increase the size of breast.

The best quality creams and pills made to increase the breast size contain herbs like blessed thistle which is an effective hormonal balancer for woman and has been used since a long time. Fenugreek seeds promote the growth of mammary gland by supplementing phytoestrogens and promoting hormonal production. This herb is also used as a preventive treatment for breast cancer. Fennel seeds are rich source of flavanoids and are non toxic and harmless. These herbs are used as vital ingredients in creams and pills to increase breast size.

Damiana is also used in bust enhancing creams and pills for curing hormonal imbalances and an old Chinese herb called dong qui is used which promotes better consumption and efficient utilization of hormones produced by the body. These pills also contains herb like saw palmetto which is very effective in preventing atrophy of mammary gland due to age or any other problem thus helping in boosting the results occurring due to the herbs present in these pills and creams. There many other herbs used as an ingredient which are not only very good to increase the size of breast but also in improving over all health.

Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream helps to increase cup size.

How to Firm and Enlarge Your Breast Size Naturally

Breasts are one of the most important parts of a woman's body that are more like an asset to her. No woman would want that she is less endowed, at least in the breast area, because only a woman knows how big a factor that is for embarrassment and inferiority complex. Many women around the world who do not have adequate sized breasts feel upset about it, and some even go up to the extent of locking themselves indoors most of the times without indulging in much of public gatherings. Worst of all, their inferiority complex stops them from trying out various styles and fashions because they feel that they would look good only on more endowed women.

So is there any way in which we can help such women get out of this problem and the consequent depression?

Yes, fortunately, there is an answer! In fact, there are loads of answers. Science has made so much of advancement and development that there are a lot of ways in which a woman can now go in for breast enlargement or enhancement. These options range from pills to tonics to various kinds of surgeries and therapies or treatments. However, all these options vary in terms of their advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to each specific person to decide what option she would want to go in for.

In most cases, breast enhancement naturally is the preferred route. This is mainly because of a lot of side-effects that are attached with therapies and surgeries, which can sometimes stay for a lifetime and harm the person's body more than benefiting it. Besides, the number of fraud cases and dubious people with fake qualifications has increased in the last few years which have led to people falling in the trap of unreliable hands in the name of surgery. And those of course doing the surgery benefit because of the huge payments that the women going in for breast enlargement make.

Therefore, more and more awareness is being spread about the fact that people must not fall in for such unreliable methods, and should instead go in for safe and effective ways of breast enlargement. For instance, there a lot of herbal pills available in the market which are made of natural substances totally and do not cause any harm to the body. They are safe for consumption because they are usually certified by some reputed organisation, and hence, there is no risk of side-effects.

Similarly, breast enhancement creams and serums are also available in the market, all of which range in terms of their effectiveness. You must however go in for those which are made of natural and safe substances, and the best way to know which one is good is to take advice from a doctor or someone who is an expert in this field. Make sure that the shop you are purchasing it from is reliable and that the manufacturer is also good. Breast enlargement is important, that is understandable, but you must not do it at the risk of your body's overall health.

Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream helps to increase cup size.

How to Firm and Increase Your Breast Size Naturally

Every woman suffering from under developed, sagging or small breast would like to know ways to increase her breast size naturally. Though surgery these days is lot less risky than it used to be but still side effects of it are pretty much evident in many cases and it costs a lot.

There are many factors which attribute to small bust size of a woman. The factors like genetics is the major determining factor of a woman’s bust size. Malnutrition at an early age also causes under developed breast. Hormonal imbalances can affect the bust size of a woman at any age which may lead to decrease in the levels of estrogen in the body for sagging breasts. It is not that difficult to have bigger, firmer and fuller bust line with the natural creams and pills available in the market, these pills are very effective in increasing the size of breast naturally.

Many times exercises and diet are considered as effective ways of increasing the bust size. First of all the breast is a fatty tissue and not a muscle, so exercises may help in maintaining the firmness and shape of the bust but they may not be of any help in increasing or reducing the size of it. A young girl approaching her puberty starts developing her bust, balanced and rich diet at that age surely helps in improving her bust size but later on even rich diet cannot be as effective. Apart from these, both of these methods cannot handle the hormonal fluctuations occurring in a woman’s body, which are most important factors related to the size of a woman’s bust.

Use of creams, pills and serums are the best ways to increase the size of breasts naturally. These pills and creams are made by blending effective and trusted herbs in their original form and other natural compounds which alleviate the problem causing sagging or preventing growth of breast tissue. Natural production of prostaglandin hormone in the body promotes growth of breast tissue, these creams and pills contain herbs which are natural and promote the release and efficient utilization of hormones by the body to increase the size of breast naturally. Evidences have shown that use of these pills and creams can increase the breast size by two cups sizes naturally within two weeks.

Massaging the breasts with the breast enhancing creams or simply using any cream along with pills or serum can work wonders. Massage will help the body to rush the blood to the bust and creams, pills and serums as supplements will take care of other issues giving you a fuller, bigger and firmer bust line. Breast size enhancing creams, pills and serums contain herbs which stimulates the production of natural estrogens by supplementing phytoestrogens, estrogens stimulates the hormonal production and promotes growth of mammary gland which consequently leads to increase in the size of breast naturally, quickly and substantially. These creams and pills also contain natural herbs that are capable of preventing atrophy of mammary gland. Due to age or other factors mammary gland is reduced and weakened causing sagging of bust but these herbs prevents this and maintains the firmer and fuller looks of the bust line.

Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms. Also know how Herbal Breast Enlargement Cream helps to increase cup size.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is the Best Time to Conceive and Get Pregnant?

When a couple is planning to have a baby, very often this thought passes through both of their minds about the best time to get pregnant. Very few are unaware of the "Best time to get Pregnant", as sometimes routine intercourse does not lead to fruitful results. Very often the "best time" gets missed unnoticed.

When planning for pregnancy some points must be given due consideration -

1. The relation between the partners

2. General health of both the partners

3. Financial conditions whether it can accommodate a new comer or not.

These factors if properly checked saves lots of emotional stress and tension during the entire period of pregnancy.

How to determine the best time to conceive?

Best time for the woman to get pregnant is the time when the woman has gained the maximum fertility in a month. This can be determined by -

1. Calculating the ovulation period which starts from the 14th- 16th day of the month counting from the first day of the period. In a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days the egg from the ovary is released on the 14th day and is ready to get fertilized with the sperm. The ovulation period can be checked with hi- tech ovulation kit available now-a-days. Generally the sperm survives for 3-5 days but the egg survives 12-20 hours of its release. So the chances of conception are better if the egg finds sperms waiting for fertilization.

2. During ovulation the basal body temperature increases, which can't be felt most of the time but can be determined by a basal body thermometer. This period is favorable for the woman to get pregnant.

3. As the days for ovulation progresses, the cervical mucosa gives an indication of the fertility of the woman. The cervical mucosa increases in volume, texture and turns slippery due to the higher levels of estrogen. This mucus protects the sperm and helps in the fertilization with the egg and the woman is said to have reached the height in fertility.

4. During ovulation some lower abdominal discomforts can be observed and that can be the best time to get pregnant. Mild aches, pains and cramps may occur which lasts for few minutes to few days depending upon the individual. About one out of five women face this ovulation discomfort.

To calculate the best time to get pregnant one must keep a chart of the ovulation, basal body temperature of 2-3 months to determine the fertile days. Lovemaking must be an enjoyable activity for both the partners and not just a routine work to maximize the chances of conception.

Read more on Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy. Know about Early Pregnancy Problems.

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