Monday, May 3, 2010

Pregnancy Nausea and Morning Sickness Home Remedies and Natural Treatment

Side effects of pregnancy come in the form of nausea, vomiting and morning sickness. 90% of the pregnant women suffer from these in the earlier stages of pregnancy and subsides after the first trimester. Nausea and morning sickness does not pose any serious problems unless the vomiting is not severe. As a rare occurrence severe vomiting may lead to draining out of nutrients of the body and may require serious medical guidance.

Though termed as morning sickness it can be felt at any part of the day. Feeling uneasy, fatigue or tired ness, loss of appetite, nausea, headache starts with the setting of the dawn, the symptoms sometimes lingering throughout the day and sometimes for few hours.


There is no definite cause for the morning sickness, but the symptoms are attributed to the sudden rise in the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones that leads in production of excess stomach acids and enhancing the smelling sense.

1. Progesterone hormone relaxes the functions of the muscles of the body including that of the digestive tract; the digestion slows down producing acidity.

2. After implantation the Human Chorionic Gonadotopin (hCG) is produced which may be the cause of morning sickness during pregnancy. After the first trimester the levels of hCG gets reduced and so the morning sickness also fades away.


To cure these discomforts there is no need to take regular OTC drugs as they can be controlled effectively by natural home remedies. Drugs may not be safe during the pregnancy and there is probability of harming the developing fetus. Some simple and effective natural remedies can reduce the discomfort.

1. Not hurrying while leaving the bed, but leave the bed in a relaxed manner.

2. Having proper sleep during the day and night, but not right after the meals.

3. Avoiding the smells that cause nausea by turning on the exhaust fans during cooking.

4. Having dry crackers or dry cereals early in the morning.

5. Avoiding too much spicy and oily food that may create acidity, heartburn and digestive problems.

6. Smelling the essential oils like that of lemon added to handkerchief reduces the nausea.

7. Eating according to the appetite and going for short frequent meals than large meals at a time.

8. Drinking tea flavored with peppermint and ginger helps in reducing nausea.

9. Avoiding drinking too much fluid at a time. Fluids must be taken in small amounts throughout the day to prevent dehydration.

10. Taking small amounts of low protein snacks is better instead of remaining empty stomach. Empty stomachs may aggravate the morning sickness problems.

There is nothing to worry about the morning sickness and nausea but if overlooked it may lead to weakness and nutrient deficiency in the first trimester of the pregnancy. So proper nutrition, studying the symptoms of the morning sickness must be provided constantly for the benefit of the mother and the fetus.

Read more Home Remedies for Nausea during Pregnancy. Also know Home Remedies for Morning Sickness.

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