Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dogs Feeding and Health Problems in Old Age

Old age in dogs bring many problems. Old aged dog sometimes do not get the full benefit from the diet he has been eating. He may become thin, and his coat becomes harsh and dry. In some cases, a different food, a new feeding dish, or a different person preparing the food may upset the dog.

When your old dog becomes thin and weak you should try feeding him more often. Give him two feedings instead of one per day; or three instead of two. Smaller amount at each feeding is easier on the digestive system, and don't forget a few treats now and then, such as custard.

Keep fresh drinking water available at all times. If you find an increase in the volume of water consumed, especially accompanied by increased thirst, report it to your veterinarian. Kidney deterioration is common in geriatric dogs. Medication and prescription diets may be necessary. If your old dog has heart disease or stomach or intestinal problems, special foods are available in canned conditions through your veterinarian.

Watch carefully for any changes in the appearance of your dog. The old dog cannot fight infections as effectively as in the young age. If anything seems wrong, take the temperature. Even a degree rise in the body temperature which may mean nothing in a younger dog is a danger sign in the old dogs. Though infection spreads slowly, yet it does spread. Proper treatment must begin before damaging headway is made.

Growth is also a common part of the aging process. Growths may be found on almost any part of the body. The flaps of the ears, the eyelids, and the flesh between the toes are probable places. This should receive immediate treatment by your veterinarian.

Warts on old aged dogs are usually hard, round, and smooth. They are rather common and are caused by a virus. If they become irritated or bleed, have them removed. Warts are often found in the mouth. They often disappear spontaneously without treatment. In any cases, they can be removed surgically.

Tumors of the breasts or testicles often develop in old dogs when they have not been spayed or castrated. These, unfortunately, have a high malignancy rate. Long toenails strain the feet and make walking difficult. The nails can no longer grip the ground and so they grow rapidly. An old dog's nails rarely wear down to comfortable length naturally, so it is necessary to shorten them with a nail trimmer or a coarse nail file to give the dog better footing on smooth surfaces.

Skin diseases are common health problems of dogs. In normal good condition, the dog's skin is elastic. In most breeds, the skin of the dog is a light pink color; on a few others, it is blue, dark or spotted. Part the hair and look at your dog's skin just to make sure it is healthy.

The most common trouble sign is scratching perhaps followed by the appearance of lesions, or a breaking out of blisters or bumps on the surface of the skin. Often the dog's furious scratching and biting to gain relief aggravates the condition. Consult your veterinarian at the first sign of any dermatological problem. If the problems are diagnosed and treated in the early stage, there is a better the chances of it curing quickly.

Find information on Diarrhea in Dogs causes, treatment and remedies. Also know Dog Flatulence Remedies and how to treat excessive gas problems in dogs.

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