Herpes is a virus (like that of cold, fever) that resides within our body, but our body immunity system constantly fights and prevents the herpes breakout. The antibodies produced in the body always keep the herpes virus in check. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the world. This viral outbreak is often reflected in the mouth and the genital areas. It can also occur as cold sores in the form of small blisters that are painful leading to oozing and itching. Sometimes ocular herpes also occurs and if not treated properly can damage the cornea.
Two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV) namely HSV type 1 and HSV type 2 are responsible for the infections.
1. HSV 1 causes cold sores around the mouth and fever. This infection spreads due to oral sex.
2. HSV 2 causes painful blisters and small ulcers around the genital areas both in men and women and is a STD.
3. Kissing, intimate contacts can spread the infection from person to person.
4. Stress, hormonal imbalance, low immunity system, pregnancy can trigger herpes infection.
Though herpes is contagious, but it does not spread through contacts with towels or other personal objects as the virus cannot survive outside the body.
Apart from the antibiotic pills and ointments prescribed by the medicos, the most important factor in curing and controlling herpes is to maintain a good immune system of the body by avoiding stress, unhealthy life styles and taking vitamin and nutrient rich diet. Some natural cures are very effective in treating and preventing herpes outbreak in the long run.
1. Applying ice pack on the infected area curbs the disease to some extent.
2. Acidophilus in yoghurt is a good natural way to strengthen the immune system, so it must be a compulsory item in the diet.
3. Food rich in Vitamin C, E and zinc also boosts the immunity system of the body.
4. Drinking, smoking and high intake of sugar damages the immune system, so must be avoided.
5. Application of lemon balm, thyme on the affected areas prevents frequent outbreaks.
6. Applying baking powder on a cotton ball on the affected areas is beneficial in treating herpes.
7. Taking peppermint tea helps in reducing pain and fever.
8. Applying grated carrot wrapped in a cloth on the affected areas lessens the swelling of blisters and also the pain.
Whatever may be the mode of treatment, emphasis should always be in maintaining a healthy immune system of the body. Not only a good diet but regular physical exercises contribute a lot in prevention and controlling herpes.
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