Very few people want to talk about this painful condition hemorrhoids or piles. Many people suffer from this problem but only fewer seek help to overcome from this painful condition. We all have hemorrhoidal veins in both the side of the anal area from inside as well as outside. Due to hemorrhoids these veins get swollen and irritated and result into the symptoms of hemorrhoids like itching, pain, burning sensation and the general discomfort. Two types of hemorrhoids are there -
1. External hemorrhoids - In this condition due to swollen veins there form a soft lump around the opening of anal. This condition is very painful as around the anus the skin tissue is densely covered with nerve endings. The lump becomes hard and painful, if there develops a blood clot. Usually external hemorrhoids are very painful.
2. Internal hemorrhoids - Usually it is not painful because inside the anal there is lack of nerves endings. Many people remain unaware of internal hemorrhoids until they bleed during the bowel movements or become irritated. It is caused due to hard stool which results into blood on the stool, toilet paper, or even droplets of bright red blood.
Some of the causes of hemorrhoids are diet and straining on the toilet. This cause is related to constipation which is due to eating bad food and it results into straining on the toilet. Western diet contributes to hemorrhoids as they are rich in processed food and also lack in fiber. Straining is also encouraged due to style of the modern toilet. Pressure is increased to the anal veins when any one read while sitting on the toilet. Other factors which cause hemorrhoids include pregnancy, bouts of diarrhea, hereditary and aging also.
Some of the natural remedies are -
1. Our diet should be anti-constipation diet. It must be high fiber diet which includes bran cereals, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and carrots. You must avoid ice-cream, cheese, meat and processed food. You must drink enough water and exercise daily.
2. Avoid soda beverages, beer and wine, citrus fruits and juices and also caffeinated products especially coffee. It will reduce the itching caused by hemorrhoids.
3. Inflammation in the anal area is reduced by icing the anal area for 15-20 minutes. For ice pack you may use small zip lock bag.
4. In order to get relief from constipation and fecal impaction you may use enemas. It is very effective and keeps the bowels clean.
Find information about Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Piles.