Diabetes is a chronic disease suffered by millions throughout the world. Abnormally high blood sugar levels due to the underproduction of insulin and improper functioning of the pancreas results in Diabetes. This disease cannot be cured but can be controlled. The early symptoms start with increase in hunger and thirst, sudden loss in body weight, frequent urination and disturbance in sleep. Prolonged suffering of this disease can cause serious damages to heart, kidney and eyes resulting to stroke.
Causes of Diabetes
Long hours of work, stress and tension are the daily events of life. These coupled with the sedentary life style and wrong diet is the main causes of this disease. Hereditary factors also counts to some extent in the cause of this disease.
Natural Cures for Diabetes
Adopting natural cures Diabetes can be brought under control occasionally demanding medical intervention. Researches have revealed that the natural cures are more effective in curing Type 2 Diabetes than the Type 1.
1. Fiber rich diet is a must for the Diabetics. Brown rice, coarse wheat flour, leafy vegetables are rich in fiber and so they must occupy the major part in the daily food.
2. Food rich in carbohydrates and fats must be totally avoided.
3. Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C and anti oxidants. These help in improving the body immunity system. But fruits with high carbohydrate content may be avoided.
4. Taking bitter melon juice twice a day in empty stomach reduces blood sugar levels, as these are high sources of insulin.
5. Intake of cinnamon powder helps a lot in reducing blood sugar levels in both types of diabetes. One can take the cinnamon extract also to get the desired result. Cinnamon does not increase the insulin production, but it reduces the blood sugar level to a great extent.
6. Studies have revealed that garlic and onion when eaten raw reduced the blood sugar levels.
7. Extract of Banaba herbs and plants help a lot in beating the war of Diabetes. Popularly known as the plant insulin it is a good natural cure of the disease.
8. Green tea helps in lowering the blood sugar levels by increasing the action if insulin in the body.
9. Caffeine decreases the insulin resistance, thereby decreasing the blood sugar levels.
10. Adding fenugreek seeds in the dishes or powdered seeds reduce blood sugar levels significantly by increasing the insulin production.
Besides these cares, a change in the lifestyle plays a great role both in preventing and curing the disease. Brisk walking and jogging with friends regularly burns out excess calories and at the same time releases stress keeping the mind cheerful.
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