Monday, April 26, 2010

Natural Remedies for Genital Warts, Causes, Symptoms and Cures

Genital Warts, a sexually transmitted disease also known as condylomata acuminate or venereal warts appear on the genital areas like vagina, penis, testicles, cervix, rectum, scrotum and vulva. This is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) affecting mostly the younger generation aged 18 to 25. The warts appear as cauliflower shaped or flat, or boil like structures of pink, red, black in color. Causing several discomforts and often turning serious if not treated properly, one must be alert enough to tackle this disease at the earliest stage.

Symptoms include severe itching of the warts often leading to bleeding and liquid discharges oozing and discomfort during lovemaking. Women may face abnormal bleeding in vagina following white discharges. Lesions, bumps also appear with burning sensations. Sometimes the symptoms may occur within 3 months of incurring infection or in some cases symptoms may take years to appear.


1. The main underlying cause is the unsafe sexual practices followed, that lead to the genital warts.
2. Infection also spreads by having sex with multiple partners carrying this infection.
3. Sometimes this disease is transmitted by using towels of other infected persons.
4. By touching the infected parts also spreads the infection.
5. Rarely a newly born baby can catch this infection.


Application of ointments, creams as prescribed by the doctor are good enough to cure the genital warts. But nature cures has proven results in treating the genital warts as well as saving few dollars.

1. Application of crushed garlic is a well known treatment of genital warts. It may produce some tingling and burning sensations, but if the application is continued for few days, the warts fall off.

2. A mixture of onion juice and salt when applied on the warts and left overnight produces good results.

3. Vitamin E oil when applied also produces good results.

4. Aloe Vera oil is very soothing for the skin, and so its application cures the warts in natural way.

5. Few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball if massaged gently on the infected areas cures genital warts.

6. Diet rich in beta carotene and folic acid if taken regularly is good for the cure and prevention too. Vegetables and fruits like radish, mango, squash, tomato or other colored fruits and green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage gives effective results.

It is very disappointing and unfortunate to pick up such disease at a young age. So it is always advised to practice safe sex, use condoms and avoid sex with multiple partners. One may get infected with much serious disease like AIDS that may ruin all the joyous prospects of life.

Read useful Natural Genital Wart Treatment. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Warts.

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