Warts appear as small outgrowths on the skin in the form of small moles, tumors of various sizes and are generally benign in nature. This can appear in any parts of the body face, hand, feet, waist, chest and genital areas. Human Papilloma Virus is responsible for the spreading of warts. People of all age group, sex can contract this infection. But sometimes it leads to awkward and embarrassing situations especially when the hand and face are studded with these unwanted growths. Plantar warts appear on the soles and on the sides of the feet as small outgrowths. If they are hurt or injured bleeding may occur. Genital warts are moist; appear as clusters resembling cauliflower.
Some warts may be painful, itchy and give out liquid discharges depending upon the severity of the infection and some warts may not cause any discomfort. These are highly contagious and can spread if the warts are scratched, itched, bruised or pinned.
The main culprit for the occurrence of warts is the Human Papilloma virus. This enters the body under favorable conditions spreading infections.
1. Low immune system of the body can give rise to the warts.
2. Plantar warts are caused due to infection from swimming pools.
3. The virus can get its entry through injured skin.
4. Genital warts are contracted through sexual contacts with infected persons.
5. Sharing things of personal use like towels etc. can cause the infection.
Of all varieties of warts, genital warts are most contagious and difficult to cure.
Some warts need serious medical intervention like genital warts, but most warts can be cured by applying simple natural cures.
1. Application of castor oil on the affected areas regularly is a great treatment for warts.
2. Rubbing raw potato juice on the warts for a fortnight gives good result.
3. Applying tea tree oil for 7-10 days also help in healing the warts.
4. If cut onions are rubbed on warts they fall off, though onion causes some tingling and burning sensation on the skin.
5. Adding foods rich in sulfur - containing amino acids in the diet like garlic, asparagus, citrus fruits and onions helps in the healing of warts.
6. Fruits like pineapple, papaya, figs, banana peel contain proteolytic enzymes that help in dissolving the warts. The fresh sap when applied is a good natural cure for warts.
7. Treating the affected area with crushed garlic also heals warts.
8. Camphor oil treatment is also beneficial to the wart treatment.
Warts in general can be cured easily excepting the genital warts. Maintaining a strong immunity system of the body by healthy eating and adopting safe sex one can prevent such undesirable conditions.
Read useful Natural Genital Wart Treatment. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Warts.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Natural Treatment for Thyroid Problem - Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid Causes and Symptoms
Thyroid is a gland which is located below the thyroid cartilage in the front party of the neck. This gland is responsible to produce thyroid hormone which regulates the metabolism of our body. It also regulates the energy of the body, growth and maturation of the tissue of the body and also the use of vitamins and hormones by our body.
Thyroid gland is affected in two conditions. Either it produces too little hormone or it produces too much hormone. The condition in which the thyroid gland produces too little hormone, that condition is termed as hypothyroidism. The condition in which our gland produces too much hormone than this condition is termed as hyperthyroidism.
Causes of the problem of thyroid vary in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid.
Causes of hypothyroidism are loss of tissue, present from birth, anti thyroid antibodies, due to some medications and due to some defect caused in the production of thyroid hormone.
Causes of hyperthyroid are grave’s disease, multinodular goiter which is toxic, due to induction of some drug, pituitary adenoma and also due to thyroiditis.
Symptoms of thyroid vary according to hypothyroid or hyperthyroid. The symptoms are different in infants, children and in adults. Some of its common symptoms are poor growth, fatigue, nervousness, excessive tiredness, poor tolerance to cold as well as hot temperatures, constipation, weight gain in hypothyroid and weight lose in hyperthyroid, depression, puffiness around the eyes, lack or irregular menstrual periods and also it leads to worsen intellectual ability. Some natural remedies are available which must be followed regularly to reduce the affect of thyroid.
1. Make use of coconut oil in the preparation of your daily food. You will observe the effective result.
2. Doing exercise or practicing yoga especially the position of sarvangasna is very helpful in the treatment of thyroid.
3. After consulting your primary physician make a routine to add guggul extract to your diet. It will really help you in reducing the affect of thyroid. But be sure to consult some physician because it may have negative effect on many persons.
4. Intake of dairy and wheat products must be avoided.
5. Make a habit to eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables. It will give some positive effect on your body and you will feel fresh.
6. A hot ginger tea is very effective for the treatment of thyroid. So if possible drink lots of ginger tea.
7. Salty foods have negative effect on the people suffering from thyroid. So it is best to avoid the salty foods.
Find powerful Natural Thyroid Supplement. Read useful Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism.
Thyroid gland is affected in two conditions. Either it produces too little hormone or it produces too much hormone. The condition in which the thyroid gland produces too little hormone, that condition is termed as hypothyroidism. The condition in which our gland produces too much hormone than this condition is termed as hyperthyroidism.
Causes of the problem of thyroid vary in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid.
Causes of hypothyroidism are loss of tissue, present from birth, anti thyroid antibodies, due to some medications and due to some defect caused in the production of thyroid hormone.
Causes of hyperthyroid are grave’s disease, multinodular goiter which is toxic, due to induction of some drug, pituitary adenoma and also due to thyroiditis.
Symptoms of thyroid vary according to hypothyroid or hyperthyroid. The symptoms are different in infants, children and in adults. Some of its common symptoms are poor growth, fatigue, nervousness, excessive tiredness, poor tolerance to cold as well as hot temperatures, constipation, weight gain in hypothyroid and weight lose in hyperthyroid, depression, puffiness around the eyes, lack or irregular menstrual periods and also it leads to worsen intellectual ability. Some natural remedies are available which must be followed regularly to reduce the affect of thyroid.
1. Make use of coconut oil in the preparation of your daily food. You will observe the effective result.
2. Doing exercise or practicing yoga especially the position of sarvangasna is very helpful in the treatment of thyroid.
3. After consulting your primary physician make a routine to add guggul extract to your diet. It will really help you in reducing the affect of thyroid. But be sure to consult some physician because it may have negative effect on many persons.
4. Intake of dairy and wheat products must be avoided.
5. Make a habit to eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables. It will give some positive effect on your body and you will feel fresh.
6. A hot ginger tea is very effective for the treatment of thyroid. So if possible drink lots of ginger tea.
7. Salty foods have negative effect on the people suffering from thyroid. So it is best to avoid the salty foods.
Find powerful Natural Thyroid Supplement. Read useful Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Urinary Tract Infection Natural Remedies - Causes and Symptoms of UTI
Urinary tract infection is an infection caused by the bacteria that affects the urethra, urinary bladder, ureter and gradually spreads to kidneys. The bacterium makes its entry through the opening of urethra gradually spreading to other parts of the urinary system. People of all ages, sex suffer from this infection, out of which women and children being more vulnerable to this disease. After respiratory infection this is the second most common infection suffered by many.
The symptoms include painful urination and a constant urge to urinate, burning sensation when urinating, incomplete urination – expelling few drops of urine, urine color being milky, red or cloudy in appearance. If the infection spreads to the kidneys then one may experience pain in the abdomen, lower back side or in the right side, fever, nausea and vomiting.
There are many causes for urinary tract infection, some of which can be treated easily while some may lead to serious complications.
1. In most cases the infection occurs due to the entry of the bacteria from the digestive tract to the urethra.
2. Women catch this infection through frequent sexual intercourses that pushes the bacteria by the movement of the penis.
3. Having sex with many partners can induce urinary tract infection.
4. Hormonal imbalances after menopause cause this infection in women.
5. If one holds back the urge to urinate frequently, it stretches the urinary bladder weakening it and making it prone to the urinary infection.
Urinary Tract Infection must not be taken casually and serious medications are necessary to avoid further complications. But sometimes natural cures do help in reducing discomforts to a great extent and aids in curing.
1. Drinking plenty of water cleans the body increasing the volume of urine and flushing out harmful wastes from the body.
2. In the initial stages a mixture of half tsp. of baking soda in eight ounces of water if taken can be helpful in the treatment as this soda water mixture raises the acid-base balance of the urine.
3. Cranberry juices are rich in Vitamin C and they kill the bacteria and increase the acidity of the urine.
4. Mixing essential oils like sandalwood, bergamot, tea tree, frankincense, juniper in equal amounts and gently massaging over the bladder area provides relief.
5. Taking blue berries also help in the treatment as they prevent the E. coli attacking the walls of the urinary tract.
6. Castor oil soothes the inflammation of the abdomen by applying directly on the skin.
7. Use of artificial sweeteners must be strictly avoided.
In spite of the above mentioned remedies taking fruits rich in vitamin C and avoiding wearing tight fitting synthetic clothes for a long time are the small steps in curing the disease. There is nothing to be scared of if one catches urinary tract infection, but treatment at the initial stages helps fast recovery.
Read useful Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Urinary Stones.
The symptoms include painful urination and a constant urge to urinate, burning sensation when urinating, incomplete urination – expelling few drops of urine, urine color being milky, red or cloudy in appearance. If the infection spreads to the kidneys then one may experience pain in the abdomen, lower back side or in the right side, fever, nausea and vomiting.
There are many causes for urinary tract infection, some of which can be treated easily while some may lead to serious complications.
1. In most cases the infection occurs due to the entry of the bacteria from the digestive tract to the urethra.
2. Women catch this infection through frequent sexual intercourses that pushes the bacteria by the movement of the penis.
3. Having sex with many partners can induce urinary tract infection.
4. Hormonal imbalances after menopause cause this infection in women.
5. If one holds back the urge to urinate frequently, it stretches the urinary bladder weakening it and making it prone to the urinary infection.
Urinary Tract Infection must not be taken casually and serious medications are necessary to avoid further complications. But sometimes natural cures do help in reducing discomforts to a great extent and aids in curing.
1. Drinking plenty of water cleans the body increasing the volume of urine and flushing out harmful wastes from the body.
2. In the initial stages a mixture of half tsp. of baking soda in eight ounces of water if taken can be helpful in the treatment as this soda water mixture raises the acid-base balance of the urine.
3. Cranberry juices are rich in Vitamin C and they kill the bacteria and increase the acidity of the urine.
4. Mixing essential oils like sandalwood, bergamot, tea tree, frankincense, juniper in equal amounts and gently massaging over the bladder area provides relief.
5. Taking blue berries also help in the treatment as they prevent the E. coli attacking the walls of the urinary tract.
6. Castor oil soothes the inflammation of the abdomen by applying directly on the skin.
7. Use of artificial sweeteners must be strictly avoided.
In spite of the above mentioned remedies taking fruits rich in vitamin C and avoiding wearing tight fitting synthetic clothes for a long time are the small steps in curing the disease. There is nothing to be scared of if one catches urinary tract infection, but treatment at the initial stages helps fast recovery.
Read useful Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Urinary Stones.
Natural Remedies for Scabies, Causes and Herbal Remedies
Scabies is a quite common skin disease that occurs mostly in children but often adults are also not spared from it. This parasitic infection causes severe itching over the skin and there is a constant urge to scratch throughout the day turning worse during the night. This occurs in between the fingers, armpits, around the waist, around the breasts, lower abdomen, inner elbows, male genitals, wrists and the lesions appear as red patches or as fine lines on the surface of the skin. Children find a trying time to tackle the frequent bouts of itching due to scabies infestation that lasts for couple of weeks.
Scabies is caused when small burrowing mites known as Sarcoptes scabiei make burrows in the skin and lays eggs. Whenever such reaction occurs with the skin it is accompanied by the severe itching. The eggs need 21 days to mature and after that, more mites cause this reaction spreading the infection and the discomfort. Scabies is highly contagious and close physical contact with any infected person rapidly spreads the infection. A person can contact this disease through towels, hotel beds and other unhygienic conditions. Sometimes this infection can spread through pets also.
Natural Remedies
Doctors are ready to prescribe anti allergic pills and antibiotics, but the side effect that accompanies along with the cost adds many woes to the existing ones. Natural remedies on the other hand are much more effective in eliminating the root cause.
1. Washing the affected area with water boiled with neem leaves cures scabies, as Neem has antibacterial properties.
2. Onion juice mixed with sea salt if applied on the affected parts reduces itching.
3. Avoiding the use of perfumed soaps prevents further infection.
4. Children should be given light diet and fresh juicy fruits.
5. Margosa oil if massaged gently on the affected areas reduces itching and kills the scabies mites because of its anti bacterial and anti fungal properties.
6. Menthol present in ginger, mint, peppermint due to its cooling reduces scabies infection producing a soothing effect on the skin.
7. Aloe Vera oil also soothes the skin and reduces the scabies.
8. Mixture of pure lavender oil and alcohol if added in substantial amounts kills the scabies mites reducing the infection.
Having regular baths 2-3 times a day is essential to keep the body clean to prevent further infection. Daily washing of bed sheets, towels and ironing must be done to kill the mites. And when in hotel one must make sure of the cleanliness of beds and towels and the overall hygienic conditions.
Read useful Home Remedies for Scabies. Read information about Breast Mask for natural firming.
Scabies is caused when small burrowing mites known as Sarcoptes scabiei make burrows in the skin and lays eggs. Whenever such reaction occurs with the skin it is accompanied by the severe itching. The eggs need 21 days to mature and after that, more mites cause this reaction spreading the infection and the discomfort. Scabies is highly contagious and close physical contact with any infected person rapidly spreads the infection. A person can contact this disease through towels, hotel beds and other unhygienic conditions. Sometimes this infection can spread through pets also.
Natural Remedies
Doctors are ready to prescribe anti allergic pills and antibiotics, but the side effect that accompanies along with the cost adds many woes to the existing ones. Natural remedies on the other hand are much more effective in eliminating the root cause.
1. Washing the affected area with water boiled with neem leaves cures scabies, as Neem has antibacterial properties.
2. Onion juice mixed with sea salt if applied on the affected parts reduces itching.
3. Avoiding the use of perfumed soaps prevents further infection.
4. Children should be given light diet and fresh juicy fruits.
5. Margosa oil if massaged gently on the affected areas reduces itching and kills the scabies mites because of its anti bacterial and anti fungal properties.
6. Menthol present in ginger, mint, peppermint due to its cooling reduces scabies infection producing a soothing effect on the skin.
7. Aloe Vera oil also soothes the skin and reduces the scabies.
8. Mixture of pure lavender oil and alcohol if added in substantial amounts kills the scabies mites reducing the infection.
Having regular baths 2-3 times a day is essential to keep the body clean to prevent further infection. Daily washing of bed sheets, towels and ironing must be done to kill the mites. And when in hotel one must make sure of the cleanliness of beds and towels and the overall hygienic conditions.
Read useful Home Remedies for Scabies. Read information about Breast Mask for natural firming.
Insomnia Natural Remedies - Causes and Symptoms of Sleeplessness
It is really frustrating to watch everybody around you having a peaceful nights sleep and you just keep counting hours for the dawn to set in, without your eyelids drooping even for few minutes. Obviously a sort of nightmare one can dream of passing sleepless nights endlessly! Occasionally one can pass one or two sleepless nights, but if the trend continues it leads to a disease called insomnia. It is a disease of modern age observed especially in the urban people and the number of people suffering from this disease is on the rise.
People suffering from insomnia generally find difficulty to fall asleep, or get awakened within short spells of sleep, change in quality of sleep followed by lack of concentration, irritability, mood swings and emotional instability.
There may be a single cause for this disease or a mixture of several that leads to insomnia.
1. Anxiety, tension and too much of stress is the most common cause of insomnia observed in most people.
2. Emotional factors, anger, bitterness, inability to cope up with certain situations also play a major role in insomnia.
3. Life devoid of any physical activity, smoking, drinking, wrong sleeping habits leads to insomnia.
4. Physiological disorders like heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, asthma can lead to insomnia.
Natural Remedies
Popping up sedatives is the most common and easiest of the treatments that most patients resort to, but very few are aware of the fact that prolonged use of these sleeping pills can lead to an addiction posing other health problems.
1. Change in lifestyle, food can cure the insomnia to a great extent.
2. Setting a definite time to go to bed helps in the regularization of sleep maintaining definite time gap.
3. Regular physical exercises, reduced intake of sugar, carbohydrate and refined food and tea coffee can help in sleeping.
4. Avoiding allergy producing foods as they may cause disturbances in sleep.
5. Meditation and breathing exercises releases stress, elevates mood and improves sleep.
6. Light music also relaxes the mind and calms down nerves helping in sleeping.
7. Taking warm bath before retiring to bed also acts as good sleep inducer.
8. A glass of milk if taken with honey acts as a good sleeping tonic.
9. Vitamin B or thiamine strengthens the nerves and so taking food rich in Vitamin B such as cereals, pulses, nuts, whole grains are good to cure insomnia.
In maximum cases insomnia can be overcome by being relaxed and not to allow worries, tensions overcast your mind. Worries are a part of the life and so it cannot be the dominating factor of life.
Read useful Home Remedies for Sleeplessness, Insomnia. Also find simple and effective Natural Sleep Remedies to cure insomnia.
People suffering from insomnia generally find difficulty to fall asleep, or get awakened within short spells of sleep, change in quality of sleep followed by lack of concentration, irritability, mood swings and emotional instability.
There may be a single cause for this disease or a mixture of several that leads to insomnia.
1. Anxiety, tension and too much of stress is the most common cause of insomnia observed in most people.
2. Emotional factors, anger, bitterness, inability to cope up with certain situations also play a major role in insomnia.
3. Life devoid of any physical activity, smoking, drinking, wrong sleeping habits leads to insomnia.
4. Physiological disorders like heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, asthma can lead to insomnia.
Natural Remedies
Popping up sedatives is the most common and easiest of the treatments that most patients resort to, but very few are aware of the fact that prolonged use of these sleeping pills can lead to an addiction posing other health problems.
1. Change in lifestyle, food can cure the insomnia to a great extent.
2. Setting a definite time to go to bed helps in the regularization of sleep maintaining definite time gap.
3. Regular physical exercises, reduced intake of sugar, carbohydrate and refined food and tea coffee can help in sleeping.
4. Avoiding allergy producing foods as they may cause disturbances in sleep.
5. Meditation and breathing exercises releases stress, elevates mood and improves sleep.
6. Light music also relaxes the mind and calms down nerves helping in sleeping.
7. Taking warm bath before retiring to bed also acts as good sleep inducer.
8. A glass of milk if taken with honey acts as a good sleeping tonic.
9. Vitamin B or thiamine strengthens the nerves and so taking food rich in Vitamin B such as cereals, pulses, nuts, whole grains are good to cure insomnia.
In maximum cases insomnia can be overcome by being relaxed and not to allow worries, tensions overcast your mind. Worries are a part of the life and so it cannot be the dominating factor of life.
Read useful Home Remedies for Sleeplessness, Insomnia. Also find simple and effective Natural Sleep Remedies to cure insomnia.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Natural Remedies for High Cholesterol, Causes and Symptoms
Cholesterol is essential for the body to produce healthy cells and some vital hormones. These are fatty deposits present in the blood vessels. But over deposition of fat or high cholesterol also known as Hypercholesterolemia restricts the flow of blood due to narrowing of the space in blood vessels and decreasing the oxygen content of the blood, leading to serious health conditions which can be fatal. Person having high level of cholesterol faces high blood pressure, high risk of heart attacks and stroke. 1 out o 3 persons in modern age have high cholesterol deposits running higher risks of coronary diseases, if not controlled at desired levels.
LDL cholesterol (termed as bad cholesterol) and HDL cholesterol (termed as good cholesterol) are the two types under which cholesterol can be categorized. It is desirable to reduce the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol.
There are no particular symptoms of high blood cholesterol but often high blood pressure, coronary disease and other heart diseases are the outcome of this high cholesterol level.
A High cholesterol level in blood is another consequence of modern sedentary life style in tune with faulty and unhealthy eating habits. Other causes can be -
1. Obesity leading to higher levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
2. Heredity
3. Age and sex, women generally develop high cholesterol levels after menopause surpassing the cholesterol levels of men of the same age.
4. Excessive smoking and drinking.
5. Stress and tension.
6. Some types of medication.
High blood cholesterol can be brought down within tolerable levels if a person is aware of the disease and follow simple curing steps with religious regularity, except for certain age levels where medical intervention is necessary.
1. Drinking plenty of water at least 8-10 glasses per day cures the person.
2. Avoiding fat rich foods (containing saturated fatty acids), lowering the intake of carbohydrates, processed food, dairy products lowers the cholesterol levels.
3. Increased amount of fiber rich foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals in the diet lowers the blood cholesterol levels.
4. Food must be cooked in sunflower oil or rice bran oil.
5. Taking raw onion or onion juice helps in lowering blood cholesterol.
6. Garlic has also been a great natural cure in lowering blood cholesterol.
7. Nuts like almonds and walnuts if taken regularly lower blood cholesterol.
8. Red yeast rice is good natural way to control blood cholesterol levels.
9. Fruits rich in Vitamin C are effective in lowering the blood cholesterol.
High blood cholesterol can pose real threat to the life if undiagnosed and untreated for a long time. Regular blood tests after certain age and some changes in the life style is necessary like avoiding smoking and drinking and adopting some physical regime, for a better heart and a blessed life.
Read useful Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol. Also find Natural Cholesterol Supplement to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
LDL cholesterol (termed as bad cholesterol) and HDL cholesterol (termed as good cholesterol) are the two types under which cholesterol can be categorized. It is desirable to reduce the bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol.
There are no particular symptoms of high blood cholesterol but often high blood pressure, coronary disease and other heart diseases are the outcome of this high cholesterol level.
A High cholesterol level in blood is another consequence of modern sedentary life style in tune with faulty and unhealthy eating habits. Other causes can be -
1. Obesity leading to higher levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
2. Heredity
3. Age and sex, women generally develop high cholesterol levels after menopause surpassing the cholesterol levels of men of the same age.
4. Excessive smoking and drinking.
5. Stress and tension.
6. Some types of medication.
High blood cholesterol can be brought down within tolerable levels if a person is aware of the disease and follow simple curing steps with religious regularity, except for certain age levels where medical intervention is necessary.
1. Drinking plenty of water at least 8-10 glasses per day cures the person.
2. Avoiding fat rich foods (containing saturated fatty acids), lowering the intake of carbohydrates, processed food, dairy products lowers the cholesterol levels.
3. Increased amount of fiber rich foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals in the diet lowers the blood cholesterol levels.
4. Food must be cooked in sunflower oil or rice bran oil.
5. Taking raw onion or onion juice helps in lowering blood cholesterol.
6. Garlic has also been a great natural cure in lowering blood cholesterol.
7. Nuts like almonds and walnuts if taken regularly lower blood cholesterol.
8. Red yeast rice is good natural way to control blood cholesterol levels.
9. Fruits rich in Vitamin C are effective in lowering the blood cholesterol.
High blood cholesterol can pose real threat to the life if undiagnosed and untreated for a long time. Regular blood tests after certain age and some changes in the life style is necessary like avoiding smoking and drinking and adopting some physical regime, for a better heart and a blessed life.
Read useful Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol. Also find Natural Cholesterol Supplement to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure, Causes and Symptoms
High blood pressure is a common disease of the modern age with every 1 out of 3 persons suffering from it and the number is daily on the rise. Blame it on the modern age life style factors or some congenital faults it is well known as the 'silent killer'. Because in many cases the patient remains unaware of the disease before a fatal consequence befalls him. Blood pressure is the pressure which the heart exerts as it pumps blood into the walls of the artery. A normal pressure is essential for the circulation of blood, so if the pressure is high it is called High Blood Pressure. The heart has to work more to pump the blood causing a stress on the organ. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, any pressure above 130/90 mm Hg can be termed as high blood pressure.
Symptoms of high Blood Pressure (BP) in many cases are not that pronounced (the reason for being the silent killer). But in many cases giddiness, dizziness, headaches, bleeding from nose can be the results of high BP.
The daily stress and tension faced in this modern Hi tech age is one of the main reasons for this disease and coupled with the sedentary life style things turn out to be worse. Other causes may be -
1. Obesity and lack of physical activities or sedentary lifestyle
2. Excessive smoking and drinking
3. Excess intake of sodium in diet
4. Over stressed life style
5. Aging
6. Family history
To control high BP regular medication must be strictly followed, still some natural remedies can add to the benefit of the patients.
1. Reducing the body weight is the first step in controlling high BP, as the heart needs more pumping in obese bodies.
2. Avoiding fatty foods and limited intake of sodium controls high BP.
3. Garlic is a very effective natural remedy in reducing high BP.
4. Taking one teaspoonful gooseberry juice with honey reduces high BP.
5. Fruits like bananas, dates are rich in potassium and iron that help in controlling the high BP.
6. Eating baked potatoes are considered to be the best natural treatment of high BP.
7. Mixing few leaves of basil and neem and taking them in empty stomach helps in controlling high BP.
8. Including Brown rice in the diet which is rich in vitamins and minerals help in controlling high BP as well as body weight.
9. Regular intake of folic acid reduces high blood pressure.
It is easy to prevent High BP than the cure. So leading a disciplined life by maintaining healthy food habits and being active it is easy to keep this danger disease away.
Read information on Natural Blood Pressure Supplement. Find useful Home Remedies for Hypertension.
Symptoms of high Blood Pressure (BP) in many cases are not that pronounced (the reason for being the silent killer). But in many cases giddiness, dizziness, headaches, bleeding from nose can be the results of high BP.
The daily stress and tension faced in this modern Hi tech age is one of the main reasons for this disease and coupled with the sedentary life style things turn out to be worse. Other causes may be -
1. Obesity and lack of physical activities or sedentary lifestyle
2. Excessive smoking and drinking
3. Excess intake of sodium in diet
4. Over stressed life style
5. Aging
6. Family history
To control high BP regular medication must be strictly followed, still some natural remedies can add to the benefit of the patients.
1. Reducing the body weight is the first step in controlling high BP, as the heart needs more pumping in obese bodies.
2. Avoiding fatty foods and limited intake of sodium controls high BP.
3. Garlic is a very effective natural remedy in reducing high BP.
4. Taking one teaspoonful gooseberry juice with honey reduces high BP.
5. Fruits like bananas, dates are rich in potassium and iron that help in controlling the high BP.
6. Eating baked potatoes are considered to be the best natural treatment of high BP.
7. Mixing few leaves of basil and neem and taking them in empty stomach helps in controlling high BP.
8. Including Brown rice in the diet which is rich in vitamins and minerals help in controlling high BP as well as body weight.
9. Regular intake of folic acid reduces high blood pressure.
It is easy to prevent High BP than the cure. So leading a disciplined life by maintaining healthy food habits and being active it is easy to keep this danger disease away.
Read information on Natural Blood Pressure Supplement. Find useful Home Remedies for Hypertension.
Natural Remedies for Herpes, Causes, Symptoms and Cures
Herpes is a virus (like that of cold, fever) that resides within our body, but our body immunity system constantly fights and prevents the herpes breakout. The antibodies produced in the body always keep the herpes virus in check. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the world. This viral outbreak is often reflected in the mouth and the genital areas. It can also occur as cold sores in the form of small blisters that are painful leading to oozing and itching. Sometimes ocular herpes also occurs and if not treated properly can damage the cornea.
Two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV) namely HSV type 1 and HSV type 2 are responsible for the infections.
1. HSV 1 causes cold sores around the mouth and fever. This infection spreads due to oral sex.
2. HSV 2 causes painful blisters and small ulcers around the genital areas both in men and women and is a STD.
3. Kissing, intimate contacts can spread the infection from person to person.
4. Stress, hormonal imbalance, low immunity system, pregnancy can trigger herpes infection.
Though herpes is contagious, but it does not spread through contacts with towels or other personal objects as the virus cannot survive outside the body.
Apart from the antibiotic pills and ointments prescribed by the medicos, the most important factor in curing and controlling herpes is to maintain a good immune system of the body by avoiding stress, unhealthy life styles and taking vitamin and nutrient rich diet. Some natural cures are very effective in treating and preventing herpes outbreak in the long run.
1. Applying ice pack on the infected area curbs the disease to some extent.
2. Acidophilus in yoghurt is a good natural way to strengthen the immune system, so it must be a compulsory item in the diet.
3. Food rich in Vitamin C, E and zinc also boosts the immunity system of the body.
4. Drinking, smoking and high intake of sugar damages the immune system, so must be avoided.
5. Application of lemon balm, thyme on the affected areas prevents frequent outbreaks.
6. Applying baking powder on a cotton ball on the affected areas is beneficial in treating herpes.
7. Taking peppermint tea helps in reducing pain and fever.
8. Applying grated carrot wrapped in a cloth on the affected areas lessens the swelling of blisters and also the pain.
Whatever may be the mode of treatment, emphasis should always be in maintaining a healthy immune system of the body. Not only a good diet but regular physical exercises contribute a lot in prevention and controlling herpes.
Read useful Home Remedies for Herpes. Find information on Home Remedies for Warts.
Two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV) namely HSV type 1 and HSV type 2 are responsible for the infections.
1. HSV 1 causes cold sores around the mouth and fever. This infection spreads due to oral sex.
2. HSV 2 causes painful blisters and small ulcers around the genital areas both in men and women and is a STD.
3. Kissing, intimate contacts can spread the infection from person to person.
4. Stress, hormonal imbalance, low immunity system, pregnancy can trigger herpes infection.
Though herpes is contagious, but it does not spread through contacts with towels or other personal objects as the virus cannot survive outside the body.
Apart from the antibiotic pills and ointments prescribed by the medicos, the most important factor in curing and controlling herpes is to maintain a good immune system of the body by avoiding stress, unhealthy life styles and taking vitamin and nutrient rich diet. Some natural cures are very effective in treating and preventing herpes outbreak in the long run.
1. Applying ice pack on the infected area curbs the disease to some extent.
2. Acidophilus in yoghurt is a good natural way to strengthen the immune system, so it must be a compulsory item in the diet.
3. Food rich in Vitamin C, E and zinc also boosts the immunity system of the body.
4. Drinking, smoking and high intake of sugar damages the immune system, so must be avoided.
5. Application of lemon balm, thyme on the affected areas prevents frequent outbreaks.
6. Applying baking powder on a cotton ball on the affected areas is beneficial in treating herpes.
7. Taking peppermint tea helps in reducing pain and fever.
8. Applying grated carrot wrapped in a cloth on the affected areas lessens the swelling of blisters and also the pain.
Whatever may be the mode of treatment, emphasis should always be in maintaining a healthy immune system of the body. Not only a good diet but regular physical exercises contribute a lot in prevention and controlling herpes.
Read useful Home Remedies for Herpes. Find information on Home Remedies for Warts.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Natural Remedies for Gum Disease, Causes, Symptoms and Cures
Oral health and the dental functions are largely dependent on the healthy gums. But millions of people suffer from different types of gum diseases resulting in premature falling of teeth with persistent digestive problems. Poor oral health resulting from gum diseases destroys the facial beauty and one can be cowed down while interacting with others. Gingivitis and Periodontitis are the two general forms of gum diseases, with the gingivitis being the mildest of all.
Symptoms of gum diseases include inflammation of the gums, softening of the tissue surrounding the teeth, bleeding and formation of pus, bad breath and ultimately leading to the premature falling of teeth.
Bacterial activity forms a colorless, sticky plaque around the teeth and that is the main cause for the gum diseases. Other causes that follow are -
1. Smoking and chewing tobacco
2. Genetic factors
3. High intake of carbohydrates and sugars
4. Following poor oral hygiene
5. Puberty, pregnancy and menopause in women
6. Obesity
7. stress
8. Any disease that reduces the body immunity system
9. Use of anti depressants, oral contraceptives, heart medicines
10. Diabetes
Natural Remedies and Cures
Emphasis is to be laid upon maintaining a good oral and dental hygiene through dental check ups and soliciting professional advice. Natural cures can also help in parallel to cure the gum diseases and maintaining healthy gums.
1. Proper care must be given to brushing and flossing of teeth. Brushing 2-3 days after meals for 5 minutes and flossing helps in curing gingivitis. Proper techniques must also be followed while brushing.
2. Rinsing mouth with water after eating any food must be a habit for those having gum disease.
3. Smoking and tobacco can aggravate the gum disease, so it is better to quit those habits.
4. Massaging the gums with finger tips allows more circulation of blood aiding in curing the gum disease.
5. Frequent rinsing mouth with warm water and salt reduces the bacterial activity in mouth.
6. Taking fruit juices rich in Vitamin C like that of oranges, sweet limes, lime juice, guava cures gum diseases.
7. Mouthwash containing peppermint oil
Read useful Home Remedies for Gingivitis and gum inflammation. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Toothache and gum problems.
Symptoms of gum diseases include inflammation of the gums, softening of the tissue surrounding the teeth, bleeding and formation of pus, bad breath and ultimately leading to the premature falling of teeth.
Bacterial activity forms a colorless, sticky plaque around the teeth and that is the main cause for the gum diseases. Other causes that follow are -
1. Smoking and chewing tobacco
2. Genetic factors
3. High intake of carbohydrates and sugars
4. Following poor oral hygiene
5. Puberty, pregnancy and menopause in women
6. Obesity
7. stress
8. Any disease that reduces the body immunity system
9. Use of anti depressants, oral contraceptives, heart medicines
10. Diabetes
Natural Remedies and Cures
Emphasis is to be laid upon maintaining a good oral and dental hygiene through dental check ups and soliciting professional advice. Natural cures can also help in parallel to cure the gum diseases and maintaining healthy gums.
1. Proper care must be given to brushing and flossing of teeth. Brushing 2-3 days after meals for 5 minutes and flossing helps in curing gingivitis. Proper techniques must also be followed while brushing.
2. Rinsing mouth with water after eating any food must be a habit for those having gum disease.
3. Smoking and tobacco can aggravate the gum disease, so it is better to quit those habits.
4. Massaging the gums with finger tips allows more circulation of blood aiding in curing the gum disease.
5. Frequent rinsing mouth with warm water and salt reduces the bacterial activity in mouth.
6. Taking fruit juices rich in Vitamin C like that of oranges, sweet limes, lime juice, guava cures gum diseases.
7. Mouthwash containing peppermint oil
Read useful Home Remedies for Gingivitis and gum inflammation. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Toothache and gum problems.
Natural Remedies for Genital Warts, Causes, Symptoms and Cures
Genital Warts, a sexually transmitted disease also known as condylomata acuminate or venereal warts appear on the genital areas like vagina, penis, testicles, cervix, rectum, scrotum and vulva. This is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) affecting mostly the younger generation aged 18 to 25. The warts appear as cauliflower shaped or flat, or boil like structures of pink, red, black in color. Causing several discomforts and often turning serious if not treated properly, one must be alert enough to tackle this disease at the earliest stage.
Symptoms include severe itching of the warts often leading to bleeding and liquid discharges oozing and discomfort during lovemaking. Women may face abnormal bleeding in vagina following white discharges. Lesions, bumps also appear with burning sensations. Sometimes the symptoms may occur within 3 months of incurring infection or in some cases symptoms may take years to appear.
1. The main underlying cause is the unsafe sexual practices followed, that lead to the genital warts.
2. Infection also spreads by having sex with multiple partners carrying this infection.
3. Sometimes this disease is transmitted by using towels of other infected persons.
4. By touching the infected parts also spreads the infection.
5. Rarely a newly born baby can catch this infection.
Application of ointments, creams as prescribed by the doctor are good enough to cure the genital warts. But nature cures has proven results in treating the genital warts as well as saving few dollars.
1. Application of crushed garlic is a well known treatment of genital warts. It may produce some tingling and burning sensations, but if the application is continued for few days, the warts fall off.
2. A mixture of onion juice and salt when applied on the warts and left overnight produces good results.
3. Vitamin E oil when applied also produces good results.
4. Aloe Vera oil is very soothing for the skin, and so its application cures the warts in natural way.
5. Few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball if massaged gently on the infected areas cures genital warts.
6. Diet rich in beta carotene and folic acid if taken regularly is good for the cure and prevention too. Vegetables and fruits like radish, mango, squash, tomato or other colored fruits and green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage gives effective results.
It is very disappointing and unfortunate to pick up such disease at a young age. So it is always advised to practice safe sex, use condoms and avoid sex with multiple partners. One may get infected with much serious disease like AIDS that may ruin all the joyous prospects of life.
Read useful Natural Genital Wart Treatment. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Warts.
Symptoms include severe itching of the warts often leading to bleeding and liquid discharges oozing and discomfort during lovemaking. Women may face abnormal bleeding in vagina following white discharges. Lesions, bumps also appear with burning sensations. Sometimes the symptoms may occur within 3 months of incurring infection or in some cases symptoms may take years to appear.
1. The main underlying cause is the unsafe sexual practices followed, that lead to the genital warts.
2. Infection also spreads by having sex with multiple partners carrying this infection.
3. Sometimes this disease is transmitted by using towels of other infected persons.
4. By touching the infected parts also spreads the infection.
5. Rarely a newly born baby can catch this infection.
Application of ointments, creams as prescribed by the doctor are good enough to cure the genital warts. But nature cures has proven results in treating the genital warts as well as saving few dollars.
1. Application of crushed garlic is a well known treatment of genital warts. It may produce some tingling and burning sensations, but if the application is continued for few days, the warts fall off.
2. A mixture of onion juice and salt when applied on the warts and left overnight produces good results.
3. Vitamin E oil when applied also produces good results.
4. Aloe Vera oil is very soothing for the skin, and so its application cures the warts in natural way.
5. Few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball if massaged gently on the infected areas cures genital warts.
6. Diet rich in beta carotene and folic acid if taken regularly is good for the cure and prevention too. Vegetables and fruits like radish, mango, squash, tomato or other colored fruits and green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage gives effective results.
It is very disappointing and unfortunate to pick up such disease at a young age. So it is always advised to practice safe sex, use condoms and avoid sex with multiple partners. One may get infected with much serious disease like AIDS that may ruin all the joyous prospects of life.
Read useful Natural Genital Wart Treatment. Find simple and effective Home Remedies for Warts.
Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux, Causes, Symptoms and Cures
Acid reflex is a digestive disorder suffered by millions of people when the contents of the stomach after eating including the gastric acids rushes back into the esophagus and throat. This disease is also referred as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The patient experiences heartburn due to the back flow of the gastric acids very often in a week. This back rush of the gastric acids occurs due to the underperformance of the esophageal sphincter muscle and the gastro esophageal valve.
The most common symptom observed is the heartburn. Other symptoms like dry coughing, difficulty in swallowing, chest pain, wheezing, sleep disturbances, bitter taste in throat and bad breath. Sometimes the acids regurgitates into the mouth upon bending or overeating.
This digestive disorder occurs when the percentage of the acid in the blood increases, affecting the digestive system of the body leading to indigestion. Other causes are
1. Taking too much of rich, oily and spicy food.
2. Eating in a hurry without properly chewing the food.
3. Stress and sleep disorder.
4. Intake of liquor and habit of smoking.
5. Obesity leading to improper digestive function.
6. Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy.
7. Going to bed just after the meals or having large meals.
8. Too much consumption of carbonated drinks.
9. Irritable bowel movements and constipation.
10. Weakening of the esophageal sphincter muscles due to some diseases.
Natural Remedies and Cures
The best way of curing acid reflux is to adopt a healthy diet that will produce the gastric acids at minimum level. Drugs do provide relief, but change in life style and food habits go a long way in curing this disease. Apart from these some natural remedies can be applied to get rid of acid reflux.
1. Adding few drops of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and sipping during the meals.
2. Taking ginger root capsule after dinner cures acid reflux as this herb absorbs stomach acid and calms down the nerves.
3. Chewing gum is a good and fast remedy for this disease, as this helps in increased production of saliva which neutralizes the acids produced by the stomach.
4. Chewing fennel seeds after meals relieves from the troubles of acid reflux
5. Having Aloe Vera juice before meals also gives good results.
6. Fruits and vegetables like bananas, pineapples, apples, papaya, figs and carrot, cabbages, nuts, almonds keeps the acid reflux well in control.
7. Cutting down of sugar rich foods and high carbohydrate foods helps in reducing weight and curing acid reflux.
Whatever mode of treatment or cure one adopts, but it is necessary at the same time to get a check up done by medicos to prevent any serious turnout of the disease. But it is true that change in lifestyle and exercise can do the maximum in treating acid reflux.
Read useful Home Remedies for Acid Reflux. Read information about Breast Mask for natural firming.
The most common symptom observed is the heartburn. Other symptoms like dry coughing, difficulty in swallowing, chest pain, wheezing, sleep disturbances, bitter taste in throat and bad breath. Sometimes the acids regurgitates into the mouth upon bending or overeating.
This digestive disorder occurs when the percentage of the acid in the blood increases, affecting the digestive system of the body leading to indigestion. Other causes are
1. Taking too much of rich, oily and spicy food.
2. Eating in a hurry without properly chewing the food.
3. Stress and sleep disorder.
4. Intake of liquor and habit of smoking.
5. Obesity leading to improper digestive function.
6. Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy.
7. Going to bed just after the meals or having large meals.
8. Too much consumption of carbonated drinks.
9. Irritable bowel movements and constipation.
10. Weakening of the esophageal sphincter muscles due to some diseases.
Natural Remedies and Cures
The best way of curing acid reflux is to adopt a healthy diet that will produce the gastric acids at minimum level. Drugs do provide relief, but change in life style and food habits go a long way in curing this disease. Apart from these some natural remedies can be applied to get rid of acid reflux.
1. Adding few drops of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and sipping during the meals.
2. Taking ginger root capsule after dinner cures acid reflux as this herb absorbs stomach acid and calms down the nerves.
3. Chewing gum is a good and fast remedy for this disease, as this helps in increased production of saliva which neutralizes the acids produced by the stomach.
4. Chewing fennel seeds after meals relieves from the troubles of acid reflux
5. Having Aloe Vera juice before meals also gives good results.
6. Fruits and vegetables like bananas, pineapples, apples, papaya, figs and carrot, cabbages, nuts, almonds keeps the acid reflux well in control.
7. Cutting down of sugar rich foods and high carbohydrate foods helps in reducing weight and curing acid reflux.
Whatever mode of treatment or cure one adopts, but it is necessary at the same time to get a check up done by medicos to prevent any serious turnout of the disease. But it is true that change in lifestyle and exercise can do the maximum in treating acid reflux.
Read useful Home Remedies for Acid Reflux. Read information about Breast Mask for natural firming.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hyperthyroidism Natural Treatment, Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which our body secrets too much of thyroid hormone or we can say that in this condition thyroid gland becomes overactive. Due to this the metabolism of our body increases and the patient feels often hotter and even after eating more their weight gradually decreases. Inflammation of the thyroid gland can also be the cause of hyperthyroid. The most common cause of the hyperthyroidism is Grave's disease. Grave’s disease constitute three distinct parts like:
1. Swelling around the eyes due to inflammation in the tissue
2. Over the lower legs there is a thickening in the skin
3. Over activity of the thyroid gland
Due to grave's disease a person may suffer from severe eye problems like severe inflammation, blurred vision, double vision and bulging of the eyes.
Sometimes thyroid may cause after delivering baby also. It can also occur when any person take thyroid hormone in any form in excessive quantity. Due to enlargement of swollen thyroid gland it results into the swollen neck which is known as goiter. Usually this swelling is soft but sometimes it may be lumpy and hard.
Some common signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism-intolerance of heat, fast heart beat, loss of hair, staring gaze, moist and warm skin, weakness of muscle, loss in weight, trembling hands, fatigue, nervousness, depression, palpitations, increase in bowel movements, missing or very light menstrual period and breathlessness.
Usually patients of hyperthyroidism are unaware of the problem because its symptom is very slow and gradual. Sometimes patient doesn’t suffer from any of the symptoms just the patient undergo loss of weight and feel depressed.
Hyperthyroid may be controlled with the help of natural treatment for which there is no need to go to the doctor. These treatments can be applied in home itself.
1. Intake of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine must be avoided, if anyone is suffering from the problem of hyperthyroidism. You will have to restrict the intake of colas, plain chocolate, coffee and tea as they contain caffeine.
2. Intake of proper diet also plays a vital role in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Always try to intake the diets which are nutrient rich. Hyperthyroidism may be reduced by taking the foods which are rich in iodine.
3. Avoid the intake of foods like turnips, Swedes and raw cabbage.
4. You must take fish egg etc to compensate the additional need of protein. It will help in the replacement of muscle tissue which has been lost.
Find powerful Natural Thyroid Supplement. Read useful Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism.
1. Swelling around the eyes due to inflammation in the tissue
2. Over the lower legs there is a thickening in the skin
3. Over activity of the thyroid gland
Due to grave's disease a person may suffer from severe eye problems like severe inflammation, blurred vision, double vision and bulging of the eyes.
Sometimes thyroid may cause after delivering baby also. It can also occur when any person take thyroid hormone in any form in excessive quantity. Due to enlargement of swollen thyroid gland it results into the swollen neck which is known as goiter. Usually this swelling is soft but sometimes it may be lumpy and hard.
Some common signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism-intolerance of heat, fast heart beat, loss of hair, staring gaze, moist and warm skin, weakness of muscle, loss in weight, trembling hands, fatigue, nervousness, depression, palpitations, increase in bowel movements, missing or very light menstrual period and breathlessness.
Usually patients of hyperthyroidism are unaware of the problem because its symptom is very slow and gradual. Sometimes patient doesn’t suffer from any of the symptoms just the patient undergo loss of weight and feel depressed.
Hyperthyroid may be controlled with the help of natural treatment for which there is no need to go to the doctor. These treatments can be applied in home itself.
1. Intake of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine must be avoided, if anyone is suffering from the problem of hyperthyroidism. You will have to restrict the intake of colas, plain chocolate, coffee and tea as they contain caffeine.
2. Intake of proper diet also plays a vital role in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Always try to intake the diets which are nutrient rich. Hyperthyroidism may be reduced by taking the foods which are rich in iodine.
3. Avoid the intake of foods like turnips, Swedes and raw cabbage.
4. You must take fish egg etc to compensate the additional need of protein. It will help in the replacement of muscle tissue which has been lost.
Find powerful Natural Thyroid Supplement. Read useful Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism.
Natural Hair Loss Treatment, Remedy, Causes, Symptoms and Prevention
Hair loss is a common problem by which usually all the men and women suffers. In some men and women the hair loss is in such a severe condition that they suffer from complete or partial baldness. Usually the hair losses in women are also frequent like men only but due to some differences in hormones men suffer more than women.
Some of the common causes of hair loss are poor nutrition, some medications, stress due to some illness, some chemicals, some trauma and male pattern baldness.
Some uncommon causes of baldness are failure of liver, failure of kidney, problems due to hormones, cancers, poor blood flow, infections like syphilis and also the skin disease like lupus.
Some of the symptoms of hair loss -
1. While doing pony tail a woman may feel loss in her hair by observing decreasing size of her pony tail.
2. While looking in a mirror many people notice hair loss.
3. Due to increase in the symptoms of hair loss many people find broken or full length hair on their pillow or in their hairbrush or comb.
4. While doing comb lots of hair sticks to the comb itself each time.
Different natural remedies are there which will help in the prevention and cure of the hair loss. Foods, minerals and vitamins play an important role to overcome from this problem. Taking proper care of your hair is very important to prevent from baldness.
1. Vitamins are very important to keep our hair healthy. For hair follicle sebum is an important lubricant. Sebum is produced when vitamin A works with zinc and silica. In absence of sebum there is a thickening of scalp, dandruff and dry hair which result into loss of hair.
2. Mineral also plays an important role in curing the loss of hair. So it is very necessary to add mineral in your diet. A trace of mineral silica is very important for the growth of healthy hair. Usually most of the Americans lack this diet.
3. Eating chick peas is very important to prevent hair loss. Eating chickpeas regularly is just like killing two birds with one stone. Basically for healthy hair you need vitamin B-6 and zinc. You get both the things from chickpeas. Zinc is very helpful as well as important in building hair protein.
4. You may apply white of an egg mixed with lemon and gram flour mixed with lemon or curd to prevent hair loss. Lemon itself will also work as it reduces the dandruff and thus prevent hair loss.
Find effective Male Hair Loss Natural Products. Also find Hair Loss Product for Women.
Some of the common causes of hair loss are poor nutrition, some medications, stress due to some illness, some chemicals, some trauma and male pattern baldness.
Some uncommon causes of baldness are failure of liver, failure of kidney, problems due to hormones, cancers, poor blood flow, infections like syphilis and also the skin disease like lupus.
Some of the symptoms of hair loss -
1. While doing pony tail a woman may feel loss in her hair by observing decreasing size of her pony tail.
2. While looking in a mirror many people notice hair loss.
3. Due to increase in the symptoms of hair loss many people find broken or full length hair on their pillow or in their hairbrush or comb.
4. While doing comb lots of hair sticks to the comb itself each time.
Different natural remedies are there which will help in the prevention and cure of the hair loss. Foods, minerals and vitamins play an important role to overcome from this problem. Taking proper care of your hair is very important to prevent from baldness.
1. Vitamins are very important to keep our hair healthy. For hair follicle sebum is an important lubricant. Sebum is produced when vitamin A works with zinc and silica. In absence of sebum there is a thickening of scalp, dandruff and dry hair which result into loss of hair.
2. Mineral also plays an important role in curing the loss of hair. So it is very necessary to add mineral in your diet. A trace of mineral silica is very important for the growth of healthy hair. Usually most of the Americans lack this diet.
3. Eating chick peas is very important to prevent hair loss. Eating chickpeas regularly is just like killing two birds with one stone. Basically for healthy hair you need vitamin B-6 and zinc. You get both the things from chickpeas. Zinc is very helpful as well as important in building hair protein.
4. You may apply white of an egg mixed with lemon and gram flour mixed with lemon or curd to prevent hair loss. Lemon itself will also work as it reduces the dandruff and thus prevent hair loss.
Find effective Male Hair Loss Natural Products. Also find Hair Loss Product for Women.
Gallstones Natural Treatment, Home Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Gallstones are solid particle which is formed in the gallbladder. It is formed from bile. Liver produces a fluid which is known as bile and it is very helpful in the purpose of digestion of fats. This juice until needed remain stored in the gallbladder. It helps in the digestion process when we intake high-fat and high cholesterol meal.
Usually there are two types of gallstones -
1. Cholesterol stones-it is formed when too much of cholesterol are present in the bile.
2. Pigment stones-it is formed when too much of bilirubin is present in the bile.
Gallstones may vary in size. It may be tiny as the grain of sand or it may be large like a ball of the golf. There may be a single large stone, many smaller stones and combination of sizes is also possible.
Usually in the gallbladder when there is a formation of solid particles by bile then gallstones occur. When the amount of bilirubin and cholesterol is high in the bile, it results into the formation of stones. The formation of stones is also promoted by the presence of other substances in the bile. Due to high bilirubin the people may suffer from liver as well as any blood disease also. The formation of gallstones is also promoted by the presence of residual bile. Some of the major causes of cholesterol gallstones include overweight, female gender, quick loss of weight and intake of some medicines like cholesterol- lowering drugs or birth control pills.
Some of its major symptoms are severe pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, bloating, belching, indigestion, jaundice and also intolerance for greasy or fatty foods.
Some of the natural treatments for gallstones -
1. Take 20 ml of olive oil in a cup or glass and add juice of half lemon. You may add raw garlic of kidney bean size. Slice this garlic and add to the mixture of lemon oil and olive oil. This mixture will help in reducing the problem.
2. For cleansing of liver you can add black seed oil to your daily diet. Start with 5 ml per day and gradually increase to 10 ml and then 15 ml. Initially it will cause loose bowels as a result of cleaning process but ultimately it will improve the functioning of the liver.
3. To remove gallstones and sediment you can take cleavers and chamomile tea, daily intake of fruit like pear, apple and grapefruit, take at least 6 radishes in a day, intake of raw beetroot juice, half teaspoon of turmeric powder daily.
Read useful Natural Remedies for Gallstones. Find information about Home Remedies for Gall Bladder Stone.
Usually there are two types of gallstones -
1. Cholesterol stones-it is formed when too much of cholesterol are present in the bile.
2. Pigment stones-it is formed when too much of bilirubin is present in the bile.
Gallstones may vary in size. It may be tiny as the grain of sand or it may be large like a ball of the golf. There may be a single large stone, many smaller stones and combination of sizes is also possible.
Usually in the gallbladder when there is a formation of solid particles by bile then gallstones occur. When the amount of bilirubin and cholesterol is high in the bile, it results into the formation of stones. The formation of stones is also promoted by the presence of other substances in the bile. Due to high bilirubin the people may suffer from liver as well as any blood disease also. The formation of gallstones is also promoted by the presence of residual bile. Some of the major causes of cholesterol gallstones include overweight, female gender, quick loss of weight and intake of some medicines like cholesterol- lowering drugs or birth control pills.
Some of its major symptoms are severe pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, bloating, belching, indigestion, jaundice and also intolerance for greasy or fatty foods.
Some of the natural treatments for gallstones -
1. Take 20 ml of olive oil in a cup or glass and add juice of half lemon. You may add raw garlic of kidney bean size. Slice this garlic and add to the mixture of lemon oil and olive oil. This mixture will help in reducing the problem.
2. For cleansing of liver you can add black seed oil to your daily diet. Start with 5 ml per day and gradually increase to 10 ml and then 15 ml. Initially it will cause loose bowels as a result of cleaning process but ultimately it will improve the functioning of the liver.
3. To remove gallstones and sediment you can take cleavers and chamomile tea, daily intake of fruit like pear, apple and grapefruit, take at least 6 radishes in a day, intake of raw beetroot juice, half teaspoon of turmeric powder daily.
Read useful Natural Remedies for Gallstones. Find information about Home Remedies for Gall Bladder Stone.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Depression Natural Cures, Causes, Symptoms and Remedies
At some stage of life depressive moments make their entry following any situations that are uncalled for. But the very human nature to adapt to any situations helps to overcome those moments with time. But if the depression is prolonged, then special attention or treatments should be brought in for the aid of the patient; otherwise it may lead to a disaster. People of any age, gender can fall prey to depression.
Person suffering from depression lose interest in all aspects of life remaining sad and unhappy, shy away from social interactions, lose their appetite (or increase in appetite), reflect negative and suicidal thoughts, cry without any reason, show irritability, restlessness with signs of fatigue and tiredness. Children show poor performance in studies and other activities with deterioration of health.
Depression can be due to a single cause or a mixture of many unpleasant events in life.
1. Due to over stress, tension and pressure and inability to meet deadlines in workplace.
2. Unexpected break up of a relationship
3. Sudden loss of dear and loved ones
4. Persons having low self esteem are more prone to depression
5. Depression in women can also be attributed to child abuse.
6. Low estrogen levels post menopause cause depression among women
7. Genetic factors also play a major role in depression.
It is never wise to overlook a person suffering from depression, but proper attention and care is required to help the person come out of depression. In mild cases family cooperation, understanding and discussions help to overcome this problem. Taking antidepressants often lead to serious side effects especially to persons who are already suffering from some chronic ailments, whereas natural remedies are mostly safe to apply.
1. St John's wort, an herb has good effects in treating worries, nervousness and poor sleep related to depression.
2. Food containing omega-3-fatty acids like cold water fish salmon sardines help in normal functioning of the brain treating depression.
3. Eating green leafy vegetables rich in folic acid (Vitamin B6) supplements the vitamin deficiency in depressive patients.
4. Changing the dietary intake by avoiding refined sugar and eating protein and fiber rich foods treats depression. Fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain, cereals are the best natural cures.
5. Strictly avoiding caffeine, alcohol aids in the treatment of depression.
6.Practicing some physical exercises, deep breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi releases mood elevating chemicals reducing the stress levels.
Life is full of up and downs, pleasant and unpleasant events. One must try to overcome every hurdle instead of giving up. Indulging in creative hobbies, creating a friend circle diverts one's mind from negative thinking. Discussing the problems frankly with close ones vents out all the negative feelings and the support, cheer from them brings back the spirit of life.
Read useful Home Remedies for Depression. Find Anti Sagging Breast Care Product for natural enhancement.
Person suffering from depression lose interest in all aspects of life remaining sad and unhappy, shy away from social interactions, lose their appetite (or increase in appetite), reflect negative and suicidal thoughts, cry without any reason, show irritability, restlessness with signs of fatigue and tiredness. Children show poor performance in studies and other activities with deterioration of health.
Depression can be due to a single cause or a mixture of many unpleasant events in life.
1. Due to over stress, tension and pressure and inability to meet deadlines in workplace.
2. Unexpected break up of a relationship
3. Sudden loss of dear and loved ones
4. Persons having low self esteem are more prone to depression
5. Depression in women can also be attributed to child abuse.
6. Low estrogen levels post menopause cause depression among women
7. Genetic factors also play a major role in depression.
It is never wise to overlook a person suffering from depression, but proper attention and care is required to help the person come out of depression. In mild cases family cooperation, understanding and discussions help to overcome this problem. Taking antidepressants often lead to serious side effects especially to persons who are already suffering from some chronic ailments, whereas natural remedies are mostly safe to apply.
1. St John's wort, an herb has good effects in treating worries, nervousness and poor sleep related to depression.
2. Food containing omega-3-fatty acids like cold water fish salmon sardines help in normal functioning of the brain treating depression.
3. Eating green leafy vegetables rich in folic acid (Vitamin B6) supplements the vitamin deficiency in depressive patients.
4. Changing the dietary intake by avoiding refined sugar and eating protein and fiber rich foods treats depression. Fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain, cereals are the best natural cures.
5. Strictly avoiding caffeine, alcohol aids in the treatment of depression.
6.Practicing some physical exercises, deep breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi releases mood elevating chemicals reducing the stress levels.
Life is full of up and downs, pleasant and unpleasant events. One must try to overcome every hurdle instead of giving up. Indulging in creative hobbies, creating a friend circle diverts one's mind from negative thinking. Discussing the problems frankly with close ones vents out all the negative feelings and the support, cheer from them brings back the spirit of life.
Read useful Home Remedies for Depression. Find Anti Sagging Breast Care Product for natural enhancement.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Natural Treatment and Remedies
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlargement of prostrate which is non malignant. In the men, prostrate is a small gland which surrounds the neck of the bladder. Contribution to seminal fluid is its major function. If there is an enlargement of the prostrate then there is a pressure on the urethra. It acts like a partial clamp. This problem causes varieties of urinary symptoms. Usually 50% of men suffer from this problem with advancing age.
The main cause of the growth of the larger prostrate is the increase in the number of cells (hyperplasia). Yet the definite cause of the increase in the cells is unknown. Varieties of factors which contribute to the increase in cells are androgens (male hormone), estrogens and other signaling pathways.
Many men don't have any symptoms with enlarged prostrate. Some of the major symptoms are -
1. A weak stream of urine
2. Facing difficulty in starting urination
3. Especially after urination, dribbling of urine
4. Leaking of urine
5. Blood in the urine
6. Frequent urination and sometimes sudden desire to urinate especially in the night
7. Feeling of not fully emptying the bladder
For the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia herbal and ayurvedic remedies are the best. It reduces the weight of the prostrate and treats the problem of BPH. One of the best herbal non-hormonal ayurvedic medicines is Ural-BPH capsules. It helps in reducing the post- void residual urine and thus improves the urinary flow rate. An effectual reproductive function is promoted after the regular consumption of this medicine. Regular consumption of this medicine improves the quality of life, normal output of urine is maintained, it promotes free flow of urine, all the discomforts associated with this problem, pain and inflammation are reduced. It helps in reducing the weight and volume of the prostrate. Prostatic stromal proliferation is also inhibited by the use of Ural-BPH capsule.
It is advisable to take 1-2 tablets per day with meals. It takes number of weeks to get an effective result. To cure any problem including BPH, natural products are the best solutions but usually it takes time to cure. But the natural treatments usually give long lasting results.
For the improvement of prostrate health it is necessary to drink more water, practicing yoga regularly is also must. It is must to take some health supplements, take warm sitz baths and to avoid prolonged horseback riding, bicycle riding and all the different exercises which gives pressure below the prostrate.
Read information on Natural Prostate Supplement. Find useful Home Remedies for Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy.
The main cause of the growth of the larger prostrate is the increase in the number of cells (hyperplasia). Yet the definite cause of the increase in the cells is unknown. Varieties of factors which contribute to the increase in cells are androgens (male hormone), estrogens and other signaling pathways.
Many men don't have any symptoms with enlarged prostrate. Some of the major symptoms are -
1. A weak stream of urine
2. Facing difficulty in starting urination
3. Especially after urination, dribbling of urine
4. Leaking of urine
5. Blood in the urine
6. Frequent urination and sometimes sudden desire to urinate especially in the night
7. Feeling of not fully emptying the bladder
For the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia herbal and ayurvedic remedies are the best. It reduces the weight of the prostrate and treats the problem of BPH. One of the best herbal non-hormonal ayurvedic medicines is Ural-BPH capsules. It helps in reducing the post- void residual urine and thus improves the urinary flow rate. An effectual reproductive function is promoted after the regular consumption of this medicine. Regular consumption of this medicine improves the quality of life, normal output of urine is maintained, it promotes free flow of urine, all the discomforts associated with this problem, pain and inflammation are reduced. It helps in reducing the weight and volume of the prostrate. Prostatic stromal proliferation is also inhibited by the use of Ural-BPH capsule.
It is advisable to take 1-2 tablets per day with meals. It takes number of weeks to get an effective result. To cure any problem including BPH, natural products are the best solutions but usually it takes time to cure. But the natural treatments usually give long lasting results.
For the improvement of prostrate health it is necessary to drink more water, practicing yoga regularly is also must. It is must to take some health supplements, take warm sitz baths and to avoid prolonged horseback riding, bicycle riding and all the different exercises which gives pressure below the prostrate.
Read information on Natural Prostate Supplement. Find useful Home Remedies for Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy.
Natural Remedies for Depression, Causes, Symptoms and Cures
Depression is a problem which is related to the feeling or mood. Usually it is a common mental health problem. In this condition mood is described as feeling low, being blue, as sad and feeling down in dumps. Some of the major causes of depression -
1. Sudden loss- this condition arises when any person suffer from severe and sudden loss. This may be due to loss of friendship, death of a loved one, job loss and all the different causes like this only. In this condition of depression the sufferer very well know the cause of depression.
2. High stress level from long time- in this condition the patient is unable to find the cause of the depression. But this type of depression is due to the number of pressure, amount of responsibility, stress and the number of hassles. This type of depression usually creeps up the patient.
An individual who is depressed experiences loss of energy, poor concentration/attention, appetite/sleep disturbance, accelerated worry/thought and different physical manifestations. Different symptoms are experienced by different people suffering from depression. During the period of depression a patient may experience at least five symptoms out of the given symptoms.
1. Sudden gain/loss of weight or disturbance in appetite.
2. Every day or most of the day the sufferer experience the depressed mood.
3. Excessive sleeping or insomnia.
4. Chronic tiredness or low energy level.
5. Thoughts of suicide or death recurring now and then and an expressed desire to be dead.
6. Restlessness or psychomotor agitation.
7. Interest is diminished in almost all activities.
8. Loss of self esteem, inadequate feeling.
9. Decreased in concentration and attention.
Some of the natural cures for depression -
1. Intake of sugar must be avoided. Mental illness is increased by increased intake of sugar. It causes insulin resistance, stress hormone is raised and also the level of blood sugar becomes unstable.
2. Intake of too many refined carbohydrates may be one of the leading causes of the depression. It is not healthy to take too many manmade and unnatural things.
3. Our mood is improved by the intake of low fat dairy products, turkey and soy foods and bananas. These foods help in boosting the serotonin in our brain.
4. You must do lots of exercise daily. It controls the weight and maintains the physical health. It also improves our energy level. If someone is feeling depressed exercise also improves their sleep.
These natural cures play an important role in curing depression problem.
Read useful Home Remedies for Depression. Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms.
1. Sudden loss- this condition arises when any person suffer from severe and sudden loss. This may be due to loss of friendship, death of a loved one, job loss and all the different causes like this only. In this condition of depression the sufferer very well know the cause of depression.
2. High stress level from long time- in this condition the patient is unable to find the cause of the depression. But this type of depression is due to the number of pressure, amount of responsibility, stress and the number of hassles. This type of depression usually creeps up the patient.
An individual who is depressed experiences loss of energy, poor concentration/attention, appetite/sleep disturbance, accelerated worry/thought and different physical manifestations. Different symptoms are experienced by different people suffering from depression. During the period of depression a patient may experience at least five symptoms out of the given symptoms.
1. Sudden gain/loss of weight or disturbance in appetite.
2. Every day or most of the day the sufferer experience the depressed mood.
3. Excessive sleeping or insomnia.
4. Chronic tiredness or low energy level.
5. Thoughts of suicide or death recurring now and then and an expressed desire to be dead.
6. Restlessness or psychomotor agitation.
7. Interest is diminished in almost all activities.
8. Loss of self esteem, inadequate feeling.
9. Decreased in concentration and attention.
Some of the natural cures for depression -
1. Intake of sugar must be avoided. Mental illness is increased by increased intake of sugar. It causes insulin resistance, stress hormone is raised and also the level of blood sugar becomes unstable.
2. Intake of too many refined carbohydrates may be one of the leading causes of the depression. It is not healthy to take too many manmade and unnatural things.
3. Our mood is improved by the intake of low fat dairy products, turkey and soy foods and bananas. These foods help in boosting the serotonin in our brain.
4. You must do lots of exercise daily. It controls the weight and maintains the physical health. It also improves our energy level. If someone is feeling depressed exercise also improves their sleep.
These natural cures play an important role in curing depression problem.
Read useful Home Remedies for Depression. Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products to enhance your bosoms.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Best Herbal Male Enhancement Pills for Premature Ejaculation
Herbal pills are the best way of treating premature ejaculation as they are free of side effects and very effective. Herbs are nature’s medication provided to human beings for leading a healthy and happy life but due lack of knowledge and awareness most of the times people are unable to take the advantage.
Premature ejaculation occurs due to low libido in the body, which makes a person lose control over his ejaculation and deteriorates his performance. Apart from this, muscular weakness is also responsible for causing PE. Stress and depression cause male menopause in which man loses his desire for lovemaking and may suffer from PE later on. Unable to control the intensity is another major cause of PE. Out of so many reasons those give rise to the condition of PE it becomes literally impossible for a common man to identify the root cause of PE in his own case that is why herbal pills are the best treatment for premature ejaculation as they provide complete treatment for all the possible reasons leading to the condition of PE.
Though there are many herbal pills in the market and all of them claim to be providing a complete treatment for PE but most of them are making hollow claims. It is very important to use right and really effective herbal pill which is truly an herbal preparation and no synthetic compounds have been used as ingredients.
Duramale is a reliable, effective and the best herbal pill for premature ejaculation. The ingredients of duramale are the herbs that are very effective in alleviating the condition of PE and have been trusted for sure cure since ages. It is completely an herbal medicine and free from any sort of side effects. Duramale cures the condition of PE affecting each and every possible reason of its occurrence and leaves no space for failure
Duramale affects muscles of the body, strengthens and tones them, for better performance, it can also control the problem of high intensity by controlling the sensors at the emotional centers of the brain and keeping excitement levels under control. It contains herbs those work as hormone balancer to maintain the level of testosterone and libido in the body for better attitude and acceptable desire for lovemaking. Amino acids are very important for our body to function properly, duramale supplies the body with essential amino acid to reduce the levels of anxiety and prevent stress which makes it the best herbal pill for premature ejaculation.
Duramale is not only best herbal pill for premature ejaculation but it works wonders for over all health and stamina. The herb used as an ingredient increases safely the nitric oxide in the body which not only improves endurance during lovemaking activity but also clears the blood vessels for better flow of blood all over the body. It also improves quality and quantity of semen and improves libido.
Duramale is very easy to use as easy to be consumed as food because of its purely herbal ingredients. Anyone using duramale as herbal pill for premature ejaculation does not have to go on any type of diet plan and it provides perfect cure to this condition.
Read more on herbal Premature Ejaculation Pills. Also read the benefits of Herbal Male Enhancement Pills in boosting your male performance.
Premature ejaculation occurs due to low libido in the body, which makes a person lose control over his ejaculation and deteriorates his performance. Apart from this, muscular weakness is also responsible for causing PE. Stress and depression cause male menopause in which man loses his desire for lovemaking and may suffer from PE later on. Unable to control the intensity is another major cause of PE. Out of so many reasons those give rise to the condition of PE it becomes literally impossible for a common man to identify the root cause of PE in his own case that is why herbal pills are the best treatment for premature ejaculation as they provide complete treatment for all the possible reasons leading to the condition of PE.
Though there are many herbal pills in the market and all of them claim to be providing a complete treatment for PE but most of them are making hollow claims. It is very important to use right and really effective herbal pill which is truly an herbal preparation and no synthetic compounds have been used as ingredients.
Duramale is a reliable, effective and the best herbal pill for premature ejaculation. The ingredients of duramale are the herbs that are very effective in alleviating the condition of PE and have been trusted for sure cure since ages. It is completely an herbal medicine and free from any sort of side effects. Duramale cures the condition of PE affecting each and every possible reason of its occurrence and leaves no space for failure
Duramale affects muscles of the body, strengthens and tones them, for better performance, it can also control the problem of high intensity by controlling the sensors at the emotional centers of the brain and keeping excitement levels under control. It contains herbs those work as hormone balancer to maintain the level of testosterone and libido in the body for better attitude and acceptable desire for lovemaking. Amino acids are very important for our body to function properly, duramale supplies the body with essential amino acid to reduce the levels of anxiety and prevent stress which makes it the best herbal pill for premature ejaculation.
Duramale is not only best herbal pill for premature ejaculation but it works wonders for over all health and stamina. The herb used as an ingredient increases safely the nitric oxide in the body which not only improves endurance during lovemaking activity but also clears the blood vessels for better flow of blood all over the body. It also improves quality and quantity of semen and improves libido.
Duramale is very easy to use as easy to be consumed as food because of its purely herbal ingredients. Anyone using duramale as herbal pill for premature ejaculation does not have to go on any type of diet plan and it provides perfect cure to this condition.
Read more on herbal Premature Ejaculation Pills. Also read the benefits of Herbal Male Enhancement Pills in boosting your male performance.
How to Naturally Enhance Breast Size, Shape and Appearance?
The breasts of a woman are one of her most attractive assets. These are what tempt men to like a woman and make their moves. And women are equally well aware of it! They too know that men get attracted with large and well shaped breasts, and hence, they do not mind flaunting off their cleavage with deep neck sexy clothes. Breasts are also a major turn-on for men and they love it when a woman accepts their moves.
However, all this can turn out to be a problem for a woman who is not naturally endowed with good a good breast size. This tendency is especially common in those women who are genetically very thin and sleek, and do not have big breasts.
It is somewhere in high school that girls start to realise the importance of a good breast size. And if they do not have it, they feel embarrassed in front of their friends. Some girls wear padded lingerie too to ensure that their breasts look a little bigger than their actual size. But deep inside they still feel the inferiority complex, and they think that they will never be able to attract men towards them. The problem increases when they grow older and still do not see any improvements in their bust sizes.
It is for these young women that there are now a lot of options available in the market. You need not be worried, for there are ample numbers of natural ways with which you can solve this problem. Some gynaecologists and others suggest that sleek and extremely thin women should exercise so that they tummy gets flat and the rest of the body too get toned, so that the breasts automatically look fuller in comparison.
Apart from that, there are a lot of different kinds of breast enhancement pills available in the market, which helps to work on your body and enhance your breast size. The herbal ones among these are the best as they are made of herbal and safe substances that do not cause any harm to the body, and hence, do not have any kind of side-effects. You must however, check on the reliability of any pill that you take to avoid the side-effects and other negative implications. Best is to consult an expert.
Breast creams are also available, which if applied on a regular basis help to solve your problem, and make your bosoms look fuller and shapely. These are again available in wide variety, and you can consult other users, friends and experts to find out which one of them is the best for you. Most of the ingredients used in breast cream, and enhancement serum are carefully chosen to work on the firming up of the breasts. Loose breasts become firm and look more attractive, and at the same time, the size grows and looks better.
Now any time you are shying away from wearing a low cut dress because of a small bust size, you know what the remedy is!
Find information on Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills to increase cup size. Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products.
However, all this can turn out to be a problem for a woman who is not naturally endowed with good a good breast size. This tendency is especially common in those women who are genetically very thin and sleek, and do not have big breasts.
It is somewhere in high school that girls start to realise the importance of a good breast size. And if they do not have it, they feel embarrassed in front of their friends. Some girls wear padded lingerie too to ensure that their breasts look a little bigger than their actual size. But deep inside they still feel the inferiority complex, and they think that they will never be able to attract men towards them. The problem increases when they grow older and still do not see any improvements in their bust sizes.
It is for these young women that there are now a lot of options available in the market. You need not be worried, for there are ample numbers of natural ways with which you can solve this problem. Some gynaecologists and others suggest that sleek and extremely thin women should exercise so that they tummy gets flat and the rest of the body too get toned, so that the breasts automatically look fuller in comparison.
Apart from that, there are a lot of different kinds of breast enhancement pills available in the market, which helps to work on your body and enhance your breast size. The herbal ones among these are the best as they are made of herbal and safe substances that do not cause any harm to the body, and hence, do not have any kind of side-effects. You must however, check on the reliability of any pill that you take to avoid the side-effects and other negative implications. Best is to consult an expert.
Breast creams are also available, which if applied on a regular basis help to solve your problem, and make your bosoms look fuller and shapely. These are again available in wide variety, and you can consult other users, friends and experts to find out which one of them is the best for you. Most of the ingredients used in breast cream, and enhancement serum are carefully chosen to work on the firming up of the breasts. Loose breasts become firm and look more attractive, and at the same time, the size grows and looks better.
Now any time you are shying away from wearing a low cut dress because of a small bust size, you know what the remedy is!
Find information on Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills to increase cup size. Find information about Natural Breast Enlargement Products.
Natural Cures for Yeast Infection, Causes and Remedies
Yeast infection is a very irritating problem faced by most of the women. Severe itching, burning sensations mostly in the vagina can be the most bothering and embarrassing at times. This infection can occur in other parts of the body like breasts, skin folds, nail bed and lower abdomen. Some yeast infections also occur in mouth resulting in white patches and sores; occasional bleeding from the infected parts creates lots of discomfort.
Men also contact this infection from the infected female partner through sexual contacts. Though this infection does not turn serious, but other discomforts faced by women are -
1. Problem in urination
2. Painful sexual intercourse
3. Foul odor from vagina
4. White and thick vaginal discharge
Yeast generally thrives in damp and moist conditions and when the pH level of the vagina changes to acidic. Other factors are -
1. Injury in the vaginal membrane
2. Dryness of vagina due to menopause
3. On prolonged intake of antibiotics
4. Pregnancy when there is hormonal change
5. Use of sanitary napkins
6. Tight clothing that induce moist conditions
7. Frequent contact with semen
Yeast infection in mouth is caused due to the weak immune system of the body or due to regular use of inhalers in asthma treatment.
Most of the infected persons are always in the look out for antifungal creams, pills in the drug stores for instant relief. Very few care for the natural remedies which work with long lasting effects and can be reused to prevent such infections.
1. Application of curd is a good natural therapy as the beneficial lactobacillus bacteria replaces the harmful yeast in the vagina.
2. Garlic fights yeast very effectively. Application of garlic few times a day is soothing providing relief.
3. Apple cider vinegar if applied in dilute concentrations kills the yeast.
4. Adding yoghurt to the daily diet or drinking butter milk helps in preventing any sort of yeast infection.
5. Drinking plenty of water flushes out the sugars that aid in the growth of yeast resulting in low chance of its infection and also to the cure.
6. Taking oil of oregano in prescribed doses also helps in combating the infection.
7. Mouth infection can be cured by frequent rinsing of the mouth with salt water.
8. Drinking cool liquids soothes the sores in the mouth and strictly avoiding sugar content food that helps in yeast formation.
Maintaining clean hygiene and good diet prevents such infections. Wearing of loose garments to allow free movement of air prohibits the growing of yeast.
Find information Home Remedies for Yeast Infection. Find information on Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills to increase cup size.
Men also contact this infection from the infected female partner through sexual contacts. Though this infection does not turn serious, but other discomforts faced by women are -
1. Problem in urination
2. Painful sexual intercourse
3. Foul odor from vagina
4. White and thick vaginal discharge
Yeast generally thrives in damp and moist conditions and when the pH level of the vagina changes to acidic. Other factors are -
1. Injury in the vaginal membrane
2. Dryness of vagina due to menopause
3. On prolonged intake of antibiotics
4. Pregnancy when there is hormonal change
5. Use of sanitary napkins
6. Tight clothing that induce moist conditions
7. Frequent contact with semen
Yeast infection in mouth is caused due to the weak immune system of the body or due to regular use of inhalers in asthma treatment.
Most of the infected persons are always in the look out for antifungal creams, pills in the drug stores for instant relief. Very few care for the natural remedies which work with long lasting effects and can be reused to prevent such infections.
1. Application of curd is a good natural therapy as the beneficial lactobacillus bacteria replaces the harmful yeast in the vagina.
2. Garlic fights yeast very effectively. Application of garlic few times a day is soothing providing relief.
3. Apple cider vinegar if applied in dilute concentrations kills the yeast.
4. Adding yoghurt to the daily diet or drinking butter milk helps in preventing any sort of yeast infection.
5. Drinking plenty of water flushes out the sugars that aid in the growth of yeast resulting in low chance of its infection and also to the cure.
6. Taking oil of oregano in prescribed doses also helps in combating the infection.
7. Mouth infection can be cured by frequent rinsing of the mouth with salt water.
8. Drinking cool liquids soothes the sores in the mouth and strictly avoiding sugar content food that helps in yeast formation.
Maintaining clean hygiene and good diet prevents such infections. Wearing of loose garments to allow free movement of air prohibits the growing of yeast.
Find information Home Remedies for Yeast Infection. Find information on Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills to increase cup size.
Natural Cures for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Causes and Symptoms
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that occurs with the inflammation of the joints of the different parts of the body along with severe pain as one advance towards aging. Prolonged suffering leads to permanent damage to the joints leading to crippling and disability of the body. Other symptoms include mild fever, weakness, fatigue and small nodule like lumps are formed under the skin. About 1.5 millions of people in US are affected by this disease, women being more prone to RA. This disease not only affects the joints but also different organs of the body.
The genetic factor plays an important role in this Rheumatoid Arthritis. The exact cause of this disease is unknown, but the immune system of the body is held responsible for this. Antibodies present in the blood fight against the foreign bodies attacking the immunity of the body, but the patients with auto immune diseases have high level of special antibodies (Rheumatoid Factor) in their blood attacking the tissue and organs leading to the inflammation. With aging production of estrogen is retarded in women making the bones weak, fragile and more prone to Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
Although no exact cure can be devised for Rheumatoid Arthritis, but some natural cures or alternative medicines has been able to provide relief to the patients.
1. Fish are the source of omega-3-fatty acids which produce good results when taken. But fish oil capsules are better options if taken in controlled doses.
2. Gamma linolenic acid present in borage oil, black currant seed oil and evening primrose oils have proven results in improving the painful symptoms.
3. Boswellic acid available from Boswellia herb blocks chemical reactions leading to inflammation. It is also effective in reducing other types of inflammation.
4. Devil's Claw, a native herb from South Africa contains iridoid glycosides and helps in treating rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, Tai chi are the various natural methods to reduce stress helping in the cure of rheumatoid arthritis.
6. Age old Chinese treatment acupuncture is also found to be very effective in its treatment.
7. Hot and cold water treatment provides temporary relief to the rheumatoid joint aches.
8. Taking tomatoes in raw form or as juice is a good treatment for RA.
9. A mixture of dry ginger, black pepper a rock salt about 3 grams if taken with honey provides relief from pain.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is very painful and distressing, still by eating healthy and balanced diet and cutting down intake of tea, coffee, liquors, white sugar, the severity can be reduced to a great extent enabling the patient to carry out normal activities of life.
Read simple and effective Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Find information on Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis.
The genetic factor plays an important role in this Rheumatoid Arthritis. The exact cause of this disease is unknown, but the immune system of the body is held responsible for this. Antibodies present in the blood fight against the foreign bodies attacking the immunity of the body, but the patients with auto immune diseases have high level of special antibodies (Rheumatoid Factor) in their blood attacking the tissue and organs leading to the inflammation. With aging production of estrogen is retarded in women making the bones weak, fragile and more prone to Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
Although no exact cure can be devised for Rheumatoid Arthritis, but some natural cures or alternative medicines has been able to provide relief to the patients.
1. Fish are the source of omega-3-fatty acids which produce good results when taken. But fish oil capsules are better options if taken in controlled doses.
2. Gamma linolenic acid present in borage oil, black currant seed oil and evening primrose oils have proven results in improving the painful symptoms.
3. Boswellic acid available from Boswellia herb blocks chemical reactions leading to inflammation. It is also effective in reducing other types of inflammation.
4. Devil's Claw, a native herb from South Africa contains iridoid glycosides and helps in treating rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, Tai chi are the various natural methods to reduce stress helping in the cure of rheumatoid arthritis.
6. Age old Chinese treatment acupuncture is also found to be very effective in its treatment.
7. Hot and cold water treatment provides temporary relief to the rheumatoid joint aches.
8. Taking tomatoes in raw form or as juice is a good treatment for RA.
9. A mixture of dry ginger, black pepper a rock salt about 3 grams if taken with honey provides relief from pain.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is very painful and distressing, still by eating healthy and balanced diet and cutting down intake of tea, coffee, liquors, white sugar, the severity can be reduced to a great extent enabling the patient to carry out normal activities of life.
Read simple and effective Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Find information on Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis.
Natural Cures for Candida, Causes, Symptoms and Remedies
Candida also known as thrust is a form of yeast infection, when the yeast Candida albicans starts multiplying in large numbers. A small amount of candida always exists in the human body, but beneficial bacteria and immune system of the body regulates its growth. If due to any prolonged medication or illness the beneficial bacteria are destroyed then Candida can erupt as vaginal yeast infections, oral infections, skin infections even infecting the intestine.
Symptoms include tiredness and fatigue, frequent mood swings, depression and anxiety attacks, poor concentration and memory, stomach aches, swelling of joints and pains, low libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility, vaginal itching and discharge, constipation and other digestive problems like bloating, diarrhea, allergies, sensitiveness to chemicals and many others.
The yeast Candida flourishes when the body immune system gets reduced to a great extent making conditions favorable for the yeast to multiply.
1. Using antibiotics for a long time destroys the beneficial bacteria favoring the Candida.
2. Reduced body immunity system due to prolonged illness.
3. Use of oral contraceptives.
4. Diet containing high levels of carbohydrates and refined sugar provides the feed to Candida to flourish.
5. Stress and under performance of adrenal glands.
6. Heavy metal poisoning.
Natural Cures
Various drugs and medicines are available in plenty but they offer some side effects and often the fungus becomes resistant to those drugs. On the contrary natural cures not only heal the infections but also prevent its recurrence.
1. Taking garlic in raw form, garlic capsules or in pickled form heals the infection due to the anti fungal and anti bacterial properties of garlic.
2. Adding few drops of oregano oil in water and taking it helps in fighting the infection.
3. Super green foods like Spirulina, chlorella is rich in nutrients and helps in the detoxification of colons which is the most important step to kill the yeast.
4. Green vegetables rich in nutrients must be taken as their alkalinity neutralizes the action of Candida which thrives in acidic environment.
5. Some edible clays like Bentonite, Montmorillonite have been effective in treating Candida, as these are capable of absorbing toxins, virus, bacteria which are passed out in stools.
6. Psyllium husk or isabgol are rich in fibers. They can be taken regularly as colon cleansers as it is important in fighting Candida.
7. Minimizing the intake of refined sugar and refined foods so that the yeast can "starve" and wean off.
Changing the lifestyle like stopping smoking and drinking prevents Candida infections, as these habits seriously damage the immune system. Maintaining some clean habits and healthy diets prevents many microbial infections without any professional intervention.
Read useful Home Remedies for Candida Infection. Find information Home Remedies for Yeast Infection.
Symptoms include tiredness and fatigue, frequent mood swings, depression and anxiety attacks, poor concentration and memory, stomach aches, swelling of joints and pains, low libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility, vaginal itching and discharge, constipation and other digestive problems like bloating, diarrhea, allergies, sensitiveness to chemicals and many others.
The yeast Candida flourishes when the body immune system gets reduced to a great extent making conditions favorable for the yeast to multiply.
1. Using antibiotics for a long time destroys the beneficial bacteria favoring the Candida.
2. Reduced body immunity system due to prolonged illness.
3. Use of oral contraceptives.
4. Diet containing high levels of carbohydrates and refined sugar provides the feed to Candida to flourish.
5. Stress and under performance of adrenal glands.
6. Heavy metal poisoning.
Natural Cures
Various drugs and medicines are available in plenty but they offer some side effects and often the fungus becomes resistant to those drugs. On the contrary natural cures not only heal the infections but also prevent its recurrence.
1. Taking garlic in raw form, garlic capsules or in pickled form heals the infection due to the anti fungal and anti bacterial properties of garlic.
2. Adding few drops of oregano oil in water and taking it helps in fighting the infection.
3. Super green foods like Spirulina, chlorella is rich in nutrients and helps in the detoxification of colons which is the most important step to kill the yeast.
4. Green vegetables rich in nutrients must be taken as their alkalinity neutralizes the action of Candida which thrives in acidic environment.
5. Some edible clays like Bentonite, Montmorillonite have been effective in treating Candida, as these are capable of absorbing toxins, virus, bacteria which are passed out in stools.
6. Psyllium husk or isabgol are rich in fibers. They can be taken regularly as colon cleansers as it is important in fighting Candida.
7. Minimizing the intake of refined sugar and refined foods so that the yeast can "starve" and wean off.
Changing the lifestyle like stopping smoking and drinking prevents Candida infections, as these habits seriously damage the immune system. Maintaining some clean habits and healthy diets prevents many microbial infections without any professional intervention.
Read useful Home Remedies for Candida Infection. Find information Home Remedies for Yeast Infection.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Natural Cures for Acne, Causes and Remedies
Acne is a very common skin disorder observed mostly among the teenagers and the young generations, age ranging from 13-25. Inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles are main physical causes behind acne. There are many types of acne found, but the most common form appears as dark lesions, blackheads, pimples, cysts. These appear on the temples, cheeks, foreheads, chin, chest and back. If the face gets scarred by acne, it leads to embarrassing situations as well as destroying the beauty of the face.
Can't spend a day without panipuris? Paobhajis? Samosas? Young generation is crazy after these yummy snacks and other fried chips etc. Wrong eating habits definitely are the root cause of acne. Consuming oil rich fatty foods and too much of sweets leads to the spread of acne. Another cause is the chronic constipation, where the bowel is not cleared off and the toxic wastes gets back into the bloodstream resulting in the acne. Sometimes the liver can’t dispose off the excess androgens in the body and so can lead to the acne in adults. Under nourished skin due to vitamin deficiency sometimes lead to acne.
Natural Cures
Many blood purifying pills, creams, ointments each promising a beautiful and clear skin has flooded the market. Their results may not be always satisfactory as they are all superficial treatments. Natural cures treat the root cause giving long term effects.
1. Washing face with Neem based soap twice a day heals acne, due to antibacterial properties of Neem.
2. Applying honey mask on face softens the skin along with treating acne.
3. Taking foods rich in Vitamins such as A and B like carrot, colored fruits or vitamin supplements are effective in acne treatment
4. Drinking wheat grass juice cures and prevents acne.
5. Application of rosewater and sandalwood powder pack quickly heals acne removing scars.
6. Rubbing raw garlic on the affected part several times a day cures acne.
7. Taking all fruit diet instead of three square meals consisting juicy fresh fruits like apples, pineapples, grapes, pears for a week treats acne effectively. Plain water or sweet lime water must be taken along with it. This diet may be followed often to get the best results.
8. This should be followed by a balanced diet consisting brown rice, sprouted grains, nuts and fresh fruit and vegetables. This altering of diets vitalizes the skin removing acne and scars.
9. Lastly reduced intake of meat, beverages, fizzy drinks, processed foods helps in the cure.
10. Make ups should be avoided as the chemicals may aggravate the condition.
Following the above tips not only cure acne, but also helps in getting a glowing and radiant skin and body that surely draws the crowd's attention.
Read useful Home Remedies for Pimples. Find information on Home Remedies for Body Acne.
Can't spend a day without panipuris? Paobhajis? Samosas? Young generation is crazy after these yummy snacks and other fried chips etc. Wrong eating habits definitely are the root cause of acne. Consuming oil rich fatty foods and too much of sweets leads to the spread of acne. Another cause is the chronic constipation, where the bowel is not cleared off and the toxic wastes gets back into the bloodstream resulting in the acne. Sometimes the liver can’t dispose off the excess androgens in the body and so can lead to the acne in adults. Under nourished skin due to vitamin deficiency sometimes lead to acne.
Natural Cures
Many blood purifying pills, creams, ointments each promising a beautiful and clear skin has flooded the market. Their results may not be always satisfactory as they are all superficial treatments. Natural cures treat the root cause giving long term effects.
1. Washing face with Neem based soap twice a day heals acne, due to antibacterial properties of Neem.
2. Applying honey mask on face softens the skin along with treating acne.
3. Taking foods rich in Vitamins such as A and B like carrot, colored fruits or vitamin supplements are effective in acne treatment
4. Drinking wheat grass juice cures and prevents acne.
5. Application of rosewater and sandalwood powder pack quickly heals acne removing scars.
6. Rubbing raw garlic on the affected part several times a day cures acne.
7. Taking all fruit diet instead of three square meals consisting juicy fresh fruits like apples, pineapples, grapes, pears for a week treats acne effectively. Plain water or sweet lime water must be taken along with it. This diet may be followed often to get the best results.
8. This should be followed by a balanced diet consisting brown rice, sprouted grains, nuts and fresh fruit and vegetables. This altering of diets vitalizes the skin removing acne and scars.
9. Lastly reduced intake of meat, beverages, fizzy drinks, processed foods helps in the cure.
10. Make ups should be avoided as the chemicals may aggravate the condition.
Following the above tips not only cure acne, but also helps in getting a glowing and radiant skin and body that surely draws the crowd's attention.
Read useful Home Remedies for Pimples. Find information on Home Remedies for Body Acne.
Natural Cures for Lice, Home Remedies for Head Lice
Lice are tiny insects which are wingless. They suck the blood of animals and human as they live upon them. Usually head lice are also known as pediculosis. Mainly there are three types of lice. They are body lice, head lice and pubic lice. It bites the skin of human and cause extreme itching. Sometimes due to itching many persons get some skin infection also.
Lice are spread by body to body contact, due to intercourse, sharing personal items such as combs, clothing, helmets, hats and also the brushes. Its color varies from grey to brown. The size of the adult lice is about the size of the sesame seeds.
Different lice have different symptoms -
1. Head lice - itching in the scalp, due to scratching sores are caused on the scalp which may be infected, tiny grayish white eggs which are clinging to hairs close to scalp, insects one-eighth of an inch long and which are grayish or brownish are found behind the nape of the neck and also behind the ears.
2. Body lice -due to the bites on the buttocks shoulders and other parts of the body red raised bumps are caused and eggs are seen on the clothing.
3. Pubic lice-itching is caused in the genital region, in the crotch area there are tiny crab like insects, to the base of pubic hair eggs are attached and on underwear small dark specks.
Some of the natural cures to get rid of lice are -
1. If you don't have mayonnaise then you may apply Vaseline for overnight. But with mayonnaise it is not safe as without refrigeration it turns poisonous. Children after scratching their head may put fingers into their mouth. You can also prepare natural lice shampoo to kill the lice. For this purpose you can take five teaspoon of pure olive/coconut carrier oil then add five drops of tea tree essential oil, five drops of lavender essential oil, five drops of rosemary essential oil, five drops of peppermint essential oil and also five drops of eucalyptus essential oil. To this mixture add small amount of shampoo. Apply this mixture to your head and it is very effective.
2. Rinse your hair and scalp with vinegar after doing shampoo and after that rinse it with hot water.
3. Comb your hair with a nit comb after combing first with a regular comb. It is easily available in any drug store where the lice shampoos are also available.
Read useful Hair Lice Home Remedies. Find information on Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills to increase cup size.
Lice are spread by body to body contact, due to intercourse, sharing personal items such as combs, clothing, helmets, hats and also the brushes. Its color varies from grey to brown. The size of the adult lice is about the size of the sesame seeds.
Different lice have different symptoms -
1. Head lice - itching in the scalp, due to scratching sores are caused on the scalp which may be infected, tiny grayish white eggs which are clinging to hairs close to scalp, insects one-eighth of an inch long and which are grayish or brownish are found behind the nape of the neck and also behind the ears.
2. Body lice -due to the bites on the buttocks shoulders and other parts of the body red raised bumps are caused and eggs are seen on the clothing.
3. Pubic lice-itching is caused in the genital region, in the crotch area there are tiny crab like insects, to the base of pubic hair eggs are attached and on underwear small dark specks.
Some of the natural cures to get rid of lice are -
1. If you don't have mayonnaise then you may apply Vaseline for overnight. But with mayonnaise it is not safe as without refrigeration it turns poisonous. Children after scratching their head may put fingers into their mouth. You can also prepare natural lice shampoo to kill the lice. For this purpose you can take five teaspoon of pure olive/coconut carrier oil then add five drops of tea tree essential oil, five drops of lavender essential oil, five drops of rosemary essential oil, five drops of peppermint essential oil and also five drops of eucalyptus essential oil. To this mixture add small amount of shampoo. Apply this mixture to your head and it is very effective.
2. Rinse your hair and scalp with vinegar after doing shampoo and after that rinse it with hot water.
3. Comb your hair with a nit comb after combing first with a regular comb. It is easily available in any drug store where the lice shampoos are also available.
Read useful Hair Lice Home Remedies. Find information on Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills to increase cup size.
Natural Cures for Hemorrhoid, External and Internal Hemorrhoids Remedies
Very few people want to talk about this painful condition hemorrhoids or piles. Many people suffer from this problem but only fewer seek help to overcome from this painful condition. We all have hemorrhoidal veins in both the side of the anal area from inside as well as outside. Due to hemorrhoids these veins get swollen and irritated and result into the symptoms of hemorrhoids like itching, pain, burning sensation and the general discomfort. Two types of hemorrhoids are there -
1. External hemorrhoids - In this condition due to swollen veins there form a soft lump around the opening of anal. This condition is very painful as around the anus the skin tissue is densely covered with nerve endings. The lump becomes hard and painful, if there develops a blood clot. Usually external hemorrhoids are very painful.
2. Internal hemorrhoids - Usually it is not painful because inside the anal there is lack of nerves endings. Many people remain unaware of internal hemorrhoids until they bleed during the bowel movements or become irritated. It is caused due to hard stool which results into blood on the stool, toilet paper, or even droplets of bright red blood.
Some of the causes of hemorrhoids are diet and straining on the toilet. This cause is related to constipation which is due to eating bad food and it results into straining on the toilet. Western diet contributes to hemorrhoids as they are rich in processed food and also lack in fiber. Straining is also encouraged due to style of the modern toilet. Pressure is increased to the anal veins when any one read while sitting on the toilet. Other factors which cause hemorrhoids include pregnancy, bouts of diarrhea, hereditary and aging also.
Some of the natural remedies are -
1. Our diet should be anti-constipation diet. It must be high fiber diet which includes bran cereals, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and carrots. You must avoid ice-cream, cheese, meat and processed food. You must drink enough water and exercise daily.
2. Avoid soda beverages, beer and wine, citrus fruits and juices and also caffeinated products especially coffee. It will reduce the itching caused by hemorrhoids.
3. Inflammation in the anal area is reduced by icing the anal area for 15-20 minutes. For ice pack you may use small zip lock bag.
4. In order to get relief from constipation and fecal impaction you may use enemas. It is very effective and keeps the bowels clean.
Find information about Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Piles.
1. External hemorrhoids - In this condition due to swollen veins there form a soft lump around the opening of anal. This condition is very painful as around the anus the skin tissue is densely covered with nerve endings. The lump becomes hard and painful, if there develops a blood clot. Usually external hemorrhoids are very painful.
2. Internal hemorrhoids - Usually it is not painful because inside the anal there is lack of nerves endings. Many people remain unaware of internal hemorrhoids until they bleed during the bowel movements or become irritated. It is caused due to hard stool which results into blood on the stool, toilet paper, or even droplets of bright red blood.
Some of the causes of hemorrhoids are diet and straining on the toilet. This cause is related to constipation which is due to eating bad food and it results into straining on the toilet. Western diet contributes to hemorrhoids as they are rich in processed food and also lack in fiber. Straining is also encouraged due to style of the modern toilet. Pressure is increased to the anal veins when any one read while sitting on the toilet. Other factors which cause hemorrhoids include pregnancy, bouts of diarrhea, hereditary and aging also.
Some of the natural remedies are -
1. Our diet should be anti-constipation diet. It must be high fiber diet which includes bran cereals, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and carrots. You must avoid ice-cream, cheese, meat and processed food. You must drink enough water and exercise daily.
2. Avoid soda beverages, beer and wine, citrus fruits and juices and also caffeinated products especially coffee. It will reduce the itching caused by hemorrhoids.
3. Inflammation in the anal area is reduced by icing the anal area for 15-20 minutes. For ice pack you may use small zip lock bag.
4. In order to get relief from constipation and fecal impaction you may use enemas. It is very effective and keeps the bowels clean.
Find information about Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Piles.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Natural Cures for Breast Cysts, Causes, Symptoms and Remedies
Usually breasts changes are very common. Throughout the life, starting from the girls begins to develop breasts and starts menstruating, women experiences various changes and pain in the breasts. Some changes are very normal like during menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and also with the aging. There occur other changes, breasts lumps and tenderness. It is not necessary that most of the changes and the breasts lumps are cancerous only.
Some of the causes of the breast lumps and pain are - premenstrual syndrome, fluctuations in the normal hormone, due to pregnancy, due to breast feeding, estrogen therapy, menopause, fibrocystic breast disease, injury in the breast, shingles, due to infection in the breast, breast cancer and also due to some medications.
Breasts lump may also result into breasts cysts. These cysts are filled with fluid. Especially before period breast cysts can be tender also.
It is not necessary that all the breasts lumps can be cancerous but it is alarming. Women may experience this pain as dull, heavy, sore, aching and it can radiate to your arm pit. There may be nipple discharge and the color of the skin also changes. Some other symptoms of the breasts cysts are body ache, chills and fever, breast engorgement, fatigue, swelling and tenderness.
Some of the remedies to reduce or remove the breast cysts which are harmful are as follow:
1. Intake of vitamin A reduces the breast pain. It helps the breast duct to function properly. You must take vitamin A up to a dosage of 15,000 IV daily But if you are pregnant than don't exceed this dose beyond 10,000 IV.
2. Intake of isoflavones protects the tissue of the breast in the formation of the tumors. Usually these compounds are found in soy-based foods and tofu. It must be taken daily about 20-40 milligrams.
3. Due to antioxidants ability of Vitamin E, it has the quality of skin boosting. It protects the breast tissue and also helps in keeping the balance in the hormone. With the therapy of Vitamin E, the tenderness of breast and cysts are usually improved. It has been advised to take 800 to 1200 IV of d-alpha tocopherol daily.
4. Try to drink alcohol, coffee, food and beverages containing caffeine like tea and coffee. Also try to cut down the dairy products and the meats of the animal and packed fried foods. Sugar, salt and the wheat flour are also very harmful.
Read information on Cystitis Causes, Symptoms. Know about Ovarian Cysts Symptoms, Causes and treatment.
Some of the causes of the breast lumps and pain are - premenstrual syndrome, fluctuations in the normal hormone, due to pregnancy, due to breast feeding, estrogen therapy, menopause, fibrocystic breast disease, injury in the breast, shingles, due to infection in the breast, breast cancer and also due to some medications.
Breasts lump may also result into breasts cysts. These cysts are filled with fluid. Especially before period breast cysts can be tender also.
It is not necessary that all the breasts lumps can be cancerous but it is alarming. Women may experience this pain as dull, heavy, sore, aching and it can radiate to your arm pit. There may be nipple discharge and the color of the skin also changes. Some other symptoms of the breasts cysts are body ache, chills and fever, breast engorgement, fatigue, swelling and tenderness.
Some of the remedies to reduce or remove the breast cysts which are harmful are as follow:
1. Intake of vitamin A reduces the breast pain. It helps the breast duct to function properly. You must take vitamin A up to a dosage of 15,000 IV daily But if you are pregnant than don't exceed this dose beyond 10,000 IV.
2. Intake of isoflavones protects the tissue of the breast in the formation of the tumors. Usually these compounds are found in soy-based foods and tofu. It must be taken daily about 20-40 milligrams.
3. Due to antioxidants ability of Vitamin E, it has the quality of skin boosting. It protects the breast tissue and also helps in keeping the balance in the hormone. With the therapy of Vitamin E, the tenderness of breast and cysts are usually improved. It has been advised to take 800 to 1200 IV of d-alpha tocopherol daily.
4. Try to drink alcohol, coffee, food and beverages containing caffeine like tea and coffee. Also try to cut down the dairy products and the meats of the animal and packed fried foods. Sugar, salt and the wheat flour are also very harmful.
Read information on Cystitis Causes, Symptoms. Know about Ovarian Cysts Symptoms, Causes and treatment.
Natural Cures for Allergies, Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies
Due to certain environmental substance or any foreign substance, when there is a reaction in the immune system then this condition is known as allergy. The foreign substance which enters our body is usually harmless. In non-allergic persons these foreign substance remain as it is. The allergic reactions which are very prevalent include asthma, food allergies, eczema, hives, hay fever etc. Sometimes these reactions are so sharp that even they can be life threatening and sometimes they may prove fatal.
Some of the important causes of allergies are-peanuts, fish, cow’s milk, medicines, wheat, psychological factors, insect stings, pet dancer, mold spores, dust mites, pollen, food poisoning, chocolates, soybeans, tree nuts, such as walnuts and pecans and shellfish.
Some of the major symptoms of allergy are dark circles inner the eyes, swelling, coughing, hives, wheezing, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, asthma, irritability, nervousness, itchy, scaly rash, depression, frequent headaches, high fever, migraine, dizziness and ear fullness and popping or itching.
Some of the natural cures for allergy are -
1. Increase the intake of foods which are rich in Vitamin C. The best option to fulfill the requirement of Vitamin C is to take citrus fruits.
2. For the treatment of allergies combine the carrot juice with beet root and cucumber juice. It is also an effective natural cure for allergy which can be easily made in our home.
3. Make a paste of sandal wood and lime juice. Apply this paste on the affected area to get relief from itching. It also provides soothing effect in the affected area.
4. Due to allergy many person get irritated with itching. So to get rid of itching by rubbing mashed papaya seeds over the affected area.
5. To heal yourself from allergy drink the solution made by mixing two tablespoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water. It is also very effective natural remedy.
6. In order to get relief from itching due to allergy, make a paste of almond leaves by mashing it. Applying this paste over the affected area is an effective natural remedy to reduce the allergy caused due to any reasons.
7. Make a solution by mixing five drops of castor oil in half cup of plain water, fruit juice and vegetable juice. To heal yourself from allergy, drink this mixture.
8. Make a paste by mixing lemon juice with coconut oil and also add one table spoon of crushed poppy seeds. Applying this paste over the affected area will cure allergy.
Read useful Home Remedies for Allergy. Find information on Home Remedies for Skin Allergies.
Some of the important causes of allergies are-peanuts, fish, cow’s milk, medicines, wheat, psychological factors, insect stings, pet dancer, mold spores, dust mites, pollen, food poisoning, chocolates, soybeans, tree nuts, such as walnuts and pecans and shellfish.
Some of the major symptoms of allergy are dark circles inner the eyes, swelling, coughing, hives, wheezing, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, asthma, irritability, nervousness, itchy, scaly rash, depression, frequent headaches, high fever, migraine, dizziness and ear fullness and popping or itching.
Some of the natural cures for allergy are -
1. Increase the intake of foods which are rich in Vitamin C. The best option to fulfill the requirement of Vitamin C is to take citrus fruits.
2. For the treatment of allergies combine the carrot juice with beet root and cucumber juice. It is also an effective natural cure for allergy which can be easily made in our home.
3. Make a paste of sandal wood and lime juice. Apply this paste on the affected area to get relief from itching. It also provides soothing effect in the affected area.
4. Due to allergy many person get irritated with itching. So to get rid of itching by rubbing mashed papaya seeds over the affected area.
5. To heal yourself from allergy drink the solution made by mixing two tablespoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water. It is also very effective natural remedy.
6. In order to get relief from itching due to allergy, make a paste of almond leaves by mashing it. Applying this paste over the affected area is an effective natural remedy to reduce the allergy caused due to any reasons.
7. Make a solution by mixing five drops of castor oil in half cup of plain water, fruit juice and vegetable juice. To heal yourself from allergy, drink this mixture.
8. Make a paste by mixing lemon juice with coconut oil and also add one table spoon of crushed poppy seeds. Applying this paste over the affected area will cure allergy.
Read useful Home Remedies for Allergy. Find information on Home Remedies for Skin Allergies.
Gout Natural Cures, Home Remedies and Treatment
Gout results due to the unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle of modern age people. Sometimes hereditary and high blood pressure levels may be the underlying cause. Obesity, too much of alcohol consumption also adds to the primary cause. When uric acid in blood reaches a very high level, needle like crystals start depositing in the joints, tendons and cartilages of human body resulting in abnormal swelling and inflammation of that joint, followed by acute pain. Generally the toes get swelled abnormally due to gout. Severe cases of gout often lead to a disfigured and crippled body. Though predominant in males, women do suffer from gout after menopause when the estrogen production is lowered drastically.
A simple solution which most prefers, to reduce the gout pain attacks is to take painkillers, but is the basic cause is not cured there is no end in taking painkillers. The side effects of painkillers cannot be ignored and prolonged use often leads to an addiction to it.
Natural curing of gout starts with the lowering of uric acid levels in blood. Food rich in purines, (the metabolism of which raises the uric acid level in bloods) like red meat, shell fish, eggs must be totally avoided. Flushing of the uric acid by drinking plenty of water reduces its levels significantly. Taking a glass of baking soda solution in water daily also gives good results as it neutralizes the uric acid in the body maintaining a definite pH level. Milk and yoghurt also gives good result.
Intake of good quantities of cherries, blueberries go a long way in curing gout as these are loaded with Vitamin A, B5 and E. A cup of cherry daily will suffice. Some prescribe taking foods rich in Vitamin C, but those who have kidney problems must be cautious about the intake of Vitamin C. Cherries not only provide relief from pain but reduces the inflammation as well. Bananas also provide a good natural way of curing gout. Potassium present in the banana reacts with the uric acid in blood, thus flushing it out of the body.
A change in the life style is must. Apart from alterations in diet some physical exercises must be carried out at the same time to get complete relief from gout. Being a couch potato will only worsen the situation. Some stretching exercises regularly around the affected joints and muscles prove to be fruitful in curing gout.
Just some moderate alterations in the life style and adopting some healthy food habits can keep one running and hopping throughout the life. After all physical impairment is the most undesirable thing.
Read useful Home Remedies for Gout. Read how Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills helps increase your cup size.
A simple solution which most prefers, to reduce the gout pain attacks is to take painkillers, but is the basic cause is not cured there is no end in taking painkillers. The side effects of painkillers cannot be ignored and prolonged use often leads to an addiction to it.
Natural curing of gout starts with the lowering of uric acid levels in blood. Food rich in purines, (the metabolism of which raises the uric acid level in bloods) like red meat, shell fish, eggs must be totally avoided. Flushing of the uric acid by drinking plenty of water reduces its levels significantly. Taking a glass of baking soda solution in water daily also gives good results as it neutralizes the uric acid in the body maintaining a definite pH level. Milk and yoghurt also gives good result.
Intake of good quantities of cherries, blueberries go a long way in curing gout as these are loaded with Vitamin A, B5 and E. A cup of cherry daily will suffice. Some prescribe taking foods rich in Vitamin C, but those who have kidney problems must be cautious about the intake of Vitamin C. Cherries not only provide relief from pain but reduces the inflammation as well. Bananas also provide a good natural way of curing gout. Potassium present in the banana reacts with the uric acid in blood, thus flushing it out of the body.
A change in the life style is must. Apart from alterations in diet some physical exercises must be carried out at the same time to get complete relief from gout. Being a couch potato will only worsen the situation. Some stretching exercises regularly around the affected joints and muscles prove to be fruitful in curing gout.
Just some moderate alterations in the life style and adopting some healthy food habits can keep one running and hopping throughout the life. After all physical impairment is the most undesirable thing.
Read useful Home Remedies for Gout. Read how Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills helps increase your cup size.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Jock Itch Natural Cures, Home Remedies and Treatment
Jock Itch or Tinea Cruris is a type of fungal infection which occurs in the skin folds of the groin spreading to inner thighs and other genital areas. Predominantly observed in males, this skin infection is not so serious but too much itching cause great discomfort to the patients with the chance of the infection spreading to other areas. The case is severe with overweight persons and those who sweat profusely. Trichophyton rubrum, the fungus responsible for this infection resides in our system and it multiplies in damp and moist conditions. Red rashes appear in the skin and over scratching results in peeling of the skin giving a burning sensation.
Since this skin infection is not serious it can be cured naturally at home or by some herbal applications. It is not necessary to take antibiotics as these often can lead to other side effects. At the onset of this infection, it is advisable to keep the infected areas clean and dry as far as possible, preferably by wearing loose dresses and undergarments made of cotton, which allows the inbuilt moisture to dry off constantly. Care should be taken to use clean undergarments and changing them twice or thrice in a day. This prevents the spread of the infection providing some comfort. Use of blow driers to keep the crotch area dry is a wise step to get some comfort.
Application of antibacterial and antifungal soaps does help in curing jock itch to a great extent. Use of antidandruff shampoos can lead to rapid healing of the jock itch rashes. Another useful natural curing of this jock itch is by adding garlic in the diet. Garlic due to its antifungal properties work much more effectively compared to other creams and ointments. Spreading honey and smashed garlic on the effected area helps in curing the infection giving relief to the affected person.
Many other natural cures for jock itch are also available which cost less and produce marked results. Calendula ointment is quite soothing and works well in this case. Intake of 500-600 ml. of cat's claw extract three times a day is advised until the infection subsides. Cat's claw has antifungal properties and improves the body immune system.
Even grapefruit seed extract has shown remarkable results in jock itch treatment.
Aromatic essential oils also come as a natural cure, as this treats the nervous and the immune system of the body helping in release stress and producing soothing effect. Essential oils of tea tree are notable in this respect.
It is better to opt for simple diets consisting green vegetables, and lean proteins. Raw and refined sugar, sodas, processed foods helps in the yeast multiplication, so such food must be excluded from the diet.
Read useful Home Remedies for Jock Itch. Read how Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills helps increase your cup size.
Since this skin infection is not serious it can be cured naturally at home or by some herbal applications. It is not necessary to take antibiotics as these often can lead to other side effects. At the onset of this infection, it is advisable to keep the infected areas clean and dry as far as possible, preferably by wearing loose dresses and undergarments made of cotton, which allows the inbuilt moisture to dry off constantly. Care should be taken to use clean undergarments and changing them twice or thrice in a day. This prevents the spread of the infection providing some comfort. Use of blow driers to keep the crotch area dry is a wise step to get some comfort.
Application of antibacterial and antifungal soaps does help in curing jock itch to a great extent. Use of antidandruff shampoos can lead to rapid healing of the jock itch rashes. Another useful natural curing of this jock itch is by adding garlic in the diet. Garlic due to its antifungal properties work much more effectively compared to other creams and ointments. Spreading honey and smashed garlic on the effected area helps in curing the infection giving relief to the affected person.
Many other natural cures for jock itch are also available which cost less and produce marked results. Calendula ointment is quite soothing and works well in this case. Intake of 500-600 ml. of cat's claw extract three times a day is advised until the infection subsides. Cat's claw has antifungal properties and improves the body immune system.
Even grapefruit seed extract has shown remarkable results in jock itch treatment.
Aromatic essential oils also come as a natural cure, as this treats the nervous and the immune system of the body helping in release stress and producing soothing effect. Essential oils of tea tree are notable in this respect.
It is better to opt for simple diets consisting green vegetables, and lean proteins. Raw and refined sugar, sodas, processed foods helps in the yeast multiplication, so such food must be excluded from the diet.
Read useful Home Remedies for Jock Itch. Read how Herbal Breast Enlargement Pills helps increase your cup size.
Cancer Natural Cures, Home Remedies and Treatment
Cancer is such a disease that rings the alarm in everyone's mind, because the percentage of cure from this disease is significantly low. The disease is mostly dominating in the affluent western countries specially America. The main cause for this disease is the dangerous diet followed by them.
Causes of Cancer
Cancer occurs when the immune system of the human body is reduced very much. Researches have revealed that most persons get affected by cancer due to faulty dietary habits. Too much consumption of unsaturated fats from meat, eggs, butter, processed and polished foods like polished rice, white sugar along with soda, tobacco, coffee, liquor are the main causes for this dreadful disease.
The main cure of cancer lies in boosting of the immune system of the body. The body's white cells will fight out the cancer cells destroying them, if the body immune system is high. Following some natural therapies one can fight the cancer to a great extent.
1. The first and foremost step is to eliminate high fat diet, avoid refined and polished food, junk foods and opt for a raw diet. Though it is tough to switch over totally raw food diet, but diet consisting with fruits, nuts, sprouted grains and raw vegetables can be tried through different recipes.
2. Use of the herb Red Clover is highly effective both in prevention and treatment of all types of cancer. Enriched with many vitamins and minerals it has proven results in curing cancer.
3. Drinking plenty of water devoid of minerals should be followed strictly. Water from distillation and reverse osmosis are free from all minerals.
4. Walking bare feet on soil gets back the normal electrical frequency required by the body which is disrupted by the cancer cells.
5. Taking regular sunbaths for long hours is another treatment of cancer. Sunlight stimulates in producing white blood cells increasing the production of interferon which is an important drug to treat cancer.
6. Breathing in fresh oxygen from oceans, seas, rivers cleans the lungs improving the blood circulation of the body, as the cancer cells cannot stand oxygen.
7. Little outdoor exercise like brisk walking helps in fighting cancer.
8. Women suffering from breast cancer can fight the disease by daily massaging the breasts to improve blood circulation or by hydrotherapy (hot and cold water treatment). This helps in driving out the toxins and breaking down the cancer cells. Use of deodorants must be strictly avoided as these are the causes too.
As the saying goes, "Prevention is better than Cure", following some healthy eating habits and life style with religious regularity keeps the blood stream pure and boosts the body immune system. Simple practices do avert dangers!
Read information on Types of Cancer in Women. Also find Causes of Dysuria in women.
Causes of Cancer
Cancer occurs when the immune system of the human body is reduced very much. Researches have revealed that most persons get affected by cancer due to faulty dietary habits. Too much consumption of unsaturated fats from meat, eggs, butter, processed and polished foods like polished rice, white sugar along with soda, tobacco, coffee, liquor are the main causes for this dreadful disease.
The main cure of cancer lies in boosting of the immune system of the body. The body's white cells will fight out the cancer cells destroying them, if the body immune system is high. Following some natural therapies one can fight the cancer to a great extent.
1. The first and foremost step is to eliminate high fat diet, avoid refined and polished food, junk foods and opt for a raw diet. Though it is tough to switch over totally raw food diet, but diet consisting with fruits, nuts, sprouted grains and raw vegetables can be tried through different recipes.
2. Use of the herb Red Clover is highly effective both in prevention and treatment of all types of cancer. Enriched with many vitamins and minerals it has proven results in curing cancer.
3. Drinking plenty of water devoid of minerals should be followed strictly. Water from distillation and reverse osmosis are free from all minerals.
4. Walking bare feet on soil gets back the normal electrical frequency required by the body which is disrupted by the cancer cells.
5. Taking regular sunbaths for long hours is another treatment of cancer. Sunlight stimulates in producing white blood cells increasing the production of interferon which is an important drug to treat cancer.
6. Breathing in fresh oxygen from oceans, seas, rivers cleans the lungs improving the blood circulation of the body, as the cancer cells cannot stand oxygen.
7. Little outdoor exercise like brisk walking helps in fighting cancer.
8. Women suffering from breast cancer can fight the disease by daily massaging the breasts to improve blood circulation or by hydrotherapy (hot and cold water treatment). This helps in driving out the toxins and breaking down the cancer cells. Use of deodorants must be strictly avoided as these are the causes too.
As the saying goes, "Prevention is better than Cure", following some healthy eating habits and life style with religious regularity keeps the blood stream pure and boosts the body immune system. Simple practices do avert dangers!
Read information on Types of Cancer in Women. Also find Causes of Dysuria in women.
Fungal Infections Natural Cures, Home Remedies and Treatment
Fungal infections are of common occurrence in many, especially in the tropical countries. Normally fungi are available on human body surface and thrive on damp, humid conditions of the human body. Most fungal infections are harmless but severity of these infections often lands one in embarrassing situations. These infections occur not only in skins, but also on scalp and finger nails.
General symptoms of fungal infections appear as rashes resulting in red colored patches, severe itching, sometimes followed by mild fever. Skin becomes itchy, cracked in between the toes. Sometimes smelly discharge is noticed in the infected areas. Infection in scalp results in hair fall.
The causes of fungal infections are many, but the general causes are -
1. Moist and damp skin areas, especially in the folds of skin of obese persons and groin area, use of dirty shoes and socks as in athlete’s foot, over sweating and dirty health and hygienic habits.
2. It also occurs through contamination by using objects used by others like towel, handkerchief etc.
3. Deficiency of essential minerals, prolonged medication, low body immunity, diseases like cancer and diabetes also leads to fungal attacks.
The fungal infection can be cured by prescribing anti fungal creams and tablets, but the natural ways of curing showed miraculous results in complete curing of the disease.
1. Application of cider oil and vinegar is good for skin yeast infections.
2. Raw garlic is very useful to treat fungal infection both by applying externally or eaten regularly. It is a good anti microbial agent that fights infection.
3. Use of tea tree oil is helpful in jock itch infection reducing the itching and healing at the same time.
4. To reduce itching, application of a mixture of baby oil and Vitamin E is highly effective.
5. Some natural fungicidal herbs like myrrh, black walnut, castor bean oil can be taken as supplements as they eliminate the harmful micro organisms from the body without any significant side effects.
6. Mixture of olive leaf extract and grape fruit seeds can be taken with a glass of water to heal the infection.
7. Including yoghurt in diet or application, are effective in controlling the yeast infections.
8. Aloe Vera gel soothes the skin and helps in healing because of its anti parasitic properties.
9. Drinking plenty of water flushes out the toxins resulting in the curing of infections.
10. Diet should be low in refined sugars and foods, fats, preservatives but rich in organic fruits and vegetables to increase the body immunity system.
Above all a healthy and clean hygienic habits and healthy diet keeps the body free from all microbial attacks, as these simple preventions are always within our control than the complicated cures.
Read useful Home Remedies for Fungal Infection. Find information on Home Remedies for Nail Fungus.
General symptoms of fungal infections appear as rashes resulting in red colored patches, severe itching, sometimes followed by mild fever. Skin becomes itchy, cracked in between the toes. Sometimes smelly discharge is noticed in the infected areas. Infection in scalp results in hair fall.
The causes of fungal infections are many, but the general causes are -
1. Moist and damp skin areas, especially in the folds of skin of obese persons and groin area, use of dirty shoes and socks as in athlete’s foot, over sweating and dirty health and hygienic habits.
2. It also occurs through contamination by using objects used by others like towel, handkerchief etc.
3. Deficiency of essential minerals, prolonged medication, low body immunity, diseases like cancer and diabetes also leads to fungal attacks.
The fungal infection can be cured by prescribing anti fungal creams and tablets, but the natural ways of curing showed miraculous results in complete curing of the disease.
1. Application of cider oil and vinegar is good for skin yeast infections.
2. Raw garlic is very useful to treat fungal infection both by applying externally or eaten regularly. It is a good anti microbial agent that fights infection.
3. Use of tea tree oil is helpful in jock itch infection reducing the itching and healing at the same time.
4. To reduce itching, application of a mixture of baby oil and Vitamin E is highly effective.
5. Some natural fungicidal herbs like myrrh, black walnut, castor bean oil can be taken as supplements as they eliminate the harmful micro organisms from the body without any significant side effects.
6. Mixture of olive leaf extract and grape fruit seeds can be taken with a glass of water to heal the infection.
7. Including yoghurt in diet or application, are effective in controlling the yeast infections.
8. Aloe Vera gel soothes the skin and helps in healing because of its anti parasitic properties.
9. Drinking plenty of water flushes out the toxins resulting in the curing of infections.
10. Diet should be low in refined sugars and foods, fats, preservatives but rich in organic fruits and vegetables to increase the body immunity system.
Above all a healthy and clean hygienic habits and healthy diet keeps the body free from all microbial attacks, as these simple preventions are always within our control than the complicated cures.
Read useful Home Remedies for Fungal Infection. Find information on Home Remedies for Nail Fungus.
Erectile Dysfunction Natural Cures, Home Remedies and Treatment
Erectile dysfunction is a serious sexual impairment observed in males as they approach towards aging. The inability of the male organ to achieve an erection or to sustain the erection, required to fulfill the intercourse in known as erectile dysfunction. Generally males aged above 55 faces this problem, but this can be observed in males of any age. This can be frustrating and very often a really embarrassing situation arises of not being able to satisfy the partner, leading to strains in relationships.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
When the flow of blood in the blood vessels is insufficient or blocked due to some physical reasons, the male organ cannot achieve the desired erection. With aging, the functions of the blood vessels get reduced and the rock hard erection is not achieved. But there are other causes too which factor a lot in this sexual dysfunction, both psychological and physical.
1. Persons suffering from diabetes, having high blood cholesterol or undergoing some severe medication, high blood pressure face this problem.
2. Atherosclerosis, stroke, kidney failure, Parkinson's disease leads to Erectile Dysfunction (ED) problem.
3. Too much drinking habits, smoking are the most important factors for ED.
4. Physical tiredness or stress in workplace lowers libido factoring for the ED.
5. Anxiety, depression and troubled relationship with partner are responsible for ED.
Natural Cures for Erectile Dysfunction
The main reasons for the erectile dysfunction, whether it is psychological or physical needs to be determined first before starting the treatment. This problem can be overcome to a great extent by following some simple guidelines.
1. Avoid being lazy and try to remain active through some light physical activities.
2. Alcohol, tobacco must be strictly prohibited to avoid ED.
3. Being obese leads to laziness and lowers the libido which can play a vital role in ED. Controlling the body weight reduces this sexual dysfunction.
4. Relaxing few hours with a mind devoid of stress, tension before sex increases the blood flow in male organ giving a hard rock erection.
5. Citrus fruits rich in Vitamin C helps in overcoming this sexual problem
6. The herb Ginseng, the Korean herb has proved wonders in increasing libido and energy in males when taken regularly.
7. Arginine present in foods increases the production of nitric oxide which helps in erections.
8. Some do go for acupuncture which is proved to have provided the desired erection.
The crux of the matter lies in the fact that no medicine herbal or drugs can match with a healthy life style bubbling with vigor and energy. No use in wasting time looking for medicines and treatment, but just adopt few activities, remain cheerful to enjoy the sexual pleasure throughout the life.
Read information on Herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills. Find powerful Erectile Dysfunction Herbs.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
When the flow of blood in the blood vessels is insufficient or blocked due to some physical reasons, the male organ cannot achieve the desired erection. With aging, the functions of the blood vessels get reduced and the rock hard erection is not achieved. But there are other causes too which factor a lot in this sexual dysfunction, both psychological and physical.
1. Persons suffering from diabetes, having high blood cholesterol or undergoing some severe medication, high blood pressure face this problem.
2. Atherosclerosis, stroke, kidney failure, Parkinson's disease leads to Erectile Dysfunction (ED) problem.
3. Too much drinking habits, smoking are the most important factors for ED.
4. Physical tiredness or stress in workplace lowers libido factoring for the ED.
5. Anxiety, depression and troubled relationship with partner are responsible for ED.
Natural Cures for Erectile Dysfunction
The main reasons for the erectile dysfunction, whether it is psychological or physical needs to be determined first before starting the treatment. This problem can be overcome to a great extent by following some simple guidelines.
1. Avoid being lazy and try to remain active through some light physical activities.
2. Alcohol, tobacco must be strictly prohibited to avoid ED.
3. Being obese leads to laziness and lowers the libido which can play a vital role in ED. Controlling the body weight reduces this sexual dysfunction.
4. Relaxing few hours with a mind devoid of stress, tension before sex increases the blood flow in male organ giving a hard rock erection.
5. Citrus fruits rich in Vitamin C helps in overcoming this sexual problem
6. The herb Ginseng, the Korean herb has proved wonders in increasing libido and energy in males when taken regularly.
7. Arginine present in foods increases the production of nitric oxide which helps in erections.
8. Some do go for acupuncture which is proved to have provided the desired erection.
The crux of the matter lies in the fact that no medicine herbal or drugs can match with a healthy life style bubbling with vigor and energy. No use in wasting time looking for medicines and treatment, but just adopt few activities, remain cheerful to enjoy the sexual pleasure throughout the life.
Read information on Herbal Erectile Dysfunction Pills. Find powerful Erectile Dysfunction Herbs.
Eczema Natural Cures, Home Remedies and Treatment
Eczema or dermatitis is a skin disease that occurs mainly in infants, children but also not uncommon in adults. Being the most chronic skin disorder, symptoms like inflammation of the skin, itching, red patches, rashes, dryness and sometimes discharges are observed with this disease. Generally it appears in hand, face, wrists, upper neck, and upper chest or back of the knees. Eczema is not contagious.
Causes for Eczema
Hereditary factor is an important cause for this disease. Some other factors responsible for this disease are -
1. Exposure to harmful and irritant chemicals
2. Disturbed metabolism system of the body
3. Inability of the body in Detoxification
4. Nutritional deficiencies like Vitamin B6 deficiency
5. Too much of physical and emotional stress
6. Problem in blood circulation
Natural Cures for Eczema
Generally ointments and Anti allergic tablets are prescribed and antibiotics to prevent further spreading of the infection. These medications reflect side effects like drowsiness and uneasiness of the body. But with natural cures, with application of things available at home, the cure is much effective but has to be continued with religious regularity. Sometimes the treatment may be prolonged but considering the multi benefits one can easily opt for these simple treatments.
1. Application of coconut oil on the affected areas reduces itching and keeps the skin soft.
2. Mixture of camphor and sandalwood powder is very effective and a good natural cure for Eczema.
3. Occasional sunbathing also helps in the cure as it kills the harmful bacteria.
4. Application of a paste of Neem leaves gives fast relief from eczema itching and rashes, due to its antibacterial property.
5. Basil leaves if taken or applied is a great natural remedy as it is a blood purifier and kills harmful bacteria.
6. Use of chamomile herb produces good results as it reduces itching and soothes the skin due to its anti- inflammatory (anti- microbial) properties.
7. Drinking juices of raw fruits, fresh vegetables like a mixture of carrot and spinach flushes out the toxins from the body.
8. Drinking plenty of water is also effective in flushing out wastes from the body.
9. Use of perfumed soaps, antiperspirants must be avoided as these can aggravate the skin irritations.
10. Some allergy inducing foods like sea food, eggs, milk, soy products and fruits must be avoided as they can trigger Eczema.
Besides these natural cures, one must be cautious about the diet, avoiding tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, refined flour, tobacco, processed food or those with preservatives. Use of cotton garments that helps in the air circulation helps in the treatment and provides relief to the patients. Relaxed and cheerful mood and healthy life style helps in curing Eczema with other added benefits.
Read useful Home Remedies for Eczema. Find information on Home Remedies for Amoebiasis.
Causes for Eczema
Hereditary factor is an important cause for this disease. Some other factors responsible for this disease are -
1. Exposure to harmful and irritant chemicals
2. Disturbed metabolism system of the body
3. Inability of the body in Detoxification
4. Nutritional deficiencies like Vitamin B6 deficiency
5. Too much of physical and emotional stress
6. Problem in blood circulation
Natural Cures for Eczema
Generally ointments and Anti allergic tablets are prescribed and antibiotics to prevent further spreading of the infection. These medications reflect side effects like drowsiness and uneasiness of the body. But with natural cures, with application of things available at home, the cure is much effective but has to be continued with religious regularity. Sometimes the treatment may be prolonged but considering the multi benefits one can easily opt for these simple treatments.
1. Application of coconut oil on the affected areas reduces itching and keeps the skin soft.
2. Mixture of camphor and sandalwood powder is very effective and a good natural cure for Eczema.
3. Occasional sunbathing also helps in the cure as it kills the harmful bacteria.
4. Application of a paste of Neem leaves gives fast relief from eczema itching and rashes, due to its antibacterial property.
5. Basil leaves if taken or applied is a great natural remedy as it is a blood purifier and kills harmful bacteria.
6. Use of chamomile herb produces good results as it reduces itching and soothes the skin due to its anti- inflammatory (anti- microbial) properties.
7. Drinking juices of raw fruits, fresh vegetables like a mixture of carrot and spinach flushes out the toxins from the body.
8. Drinking plenty of water is also effective in flushing out wastes from the body.
9. Use of perfumed soaps, antiperspirants must be avoided as these can aggravate the skin irritations.
10. Some allergy inducing foods like sea food, eggs, milk, soy products and fruits must be avoided as they can trigger Eczema.
Besides these natural cures, one must be cautious about the diet, avoiding tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, refined flour, tobacco, processed food or those with preservatives. Use of cotton garments that helps in the air circulation helps in the treatment and provides relief to the patients. Relaxed and cheerful mood and healthy life style helps in curing Eczema with other added benefits.
Read useful Home Remedies for Eczema. Find information on Home Remedies for Amoebiasis.
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