Gastritis is that condition in which the lining of the stomach gets affected severely, and as a result of that, the white blood cells move inside the wall of the stomach. This leads to an increased sensation of itchiness, irritation and even inflammation. Usually, gastritis starts off in a mild manner, but it has chances of become worse of the person is facing a deficiency of iron. It is very important to cure this problem as soon as possible, because if not treated, it can lead to several other complications as well.
One of the main reasons why people suffer from this problem is because of the excessive intake of alcohol. This is why, it is essential to restrict the consumption of alcohol whenever one faces some kind of stomach relate problems. When gastritis has been diagnosed, then the person suffering from it should completely stay away from alcohol.
Also, spicy food needs to be avoided, because it can lead to more burning sensations in the stomach and can add to the discomfort of the person. Those suffering from gastritis should consume light and less spicy foods, which are preferably bland in nature, so that the stomach can easily digest the foods.
Coconut water is considered to be the most soothing and effective healer for people suffering from gastritis. It helps in treating the problem, and also reduces the inflammation in the stomach to make the person feel more comfortable. In addition to that, spinach juice and carrot juice should be consumed frequently when one is suffering from gastritis.
Before meals, it is also good to take half a cup of potato juice. And it is also very important to ensure that the patient consumes a lot of water.
Buttermilk and curd can also be consumed for added relief and quick recovery. Additionally, you can try the use of asafoetida and cumin water.
Pickles, beverages such as tea and coffee, sweet aerated drinks, extremely sugary sweet dishes, all kinds of strong spices and condiments etc. all need to be avoided completely. These make the digestion process difficult, and add to the discomfort of the patient. However, tamarind water can be consumed for relief.
All home remedies for gastritis aim at making sure that the inflammation level in the stomach gets reduced, and that the digestion process improves, so that the stomach condition gets back to normal. Along with these things that one can consume, it is also a good idea to use hot water bottles on the stomach if one feels extremely uncomfortable. Also, ginger can be chewed along with meals or added in the dishes to improve digestion.
If the home remedies do not show any results in a few days, then it is always good to consult a doctor and find out the reason for no improvement. Sometimes, gastritis can also result because of some kind of stomach infection. Hence, it is important to sort out the infection as well, and not just treat the problem of gastritis.
Read more useful Home Remedies for Gastritis. Also know effective Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis.