Although they sound so cute, nobody is a big fan of love handles. There are lots of people trying to get rid of them through various methods. There are two aspects involved when you plan to get rid of love handles. First, you have to burn the fat and then you have to tone the muscles in your midsection. One without another is simply not enough. While you probably know already what you need to do in order to burn fat, you might be wondering what exercises for love handles you need to practice.
There are indeed some exercises to lose lower abs fat that you can try, but be aware of the fact that they actually tone the muscles and you won't solve your problem entirely until you also burn the fat. So make sure you are on a healthy diet and you burn more calories than you eat. This means exercises, exercise, exercise because this is the only way of consuming more calories than you ingest. Basically any form of exercise will do the work in what concerns burning calories, but for the specific problems of love handles there are some targeted exercises you have to include in your routine and to practice on a regular basis.
Crunches are the most popular exercises for love handles. Everybody knows them and they can be easily practiced at home. However, for a little bit of variety and also an increased efficiency it is best to combine the regular crunches with twisted crunches and reverse crunches. What you can also do at home is to buy some dumbbells, or actually just one, and as you stand straight, to hold it in one hand along the body and to bend your trunk until the dumbbell reaches the floor. Perform this exercise gently and slowly because you wouldn’t want to suffer any injury. Adding weights to your crunches is another excellent exercise to lose lower abs fat.
Besides various types of crunches other effective exercises for love handles are trunk rotations, which are actually very easy to do at home and leg lifts or leg flutters. Buying a medicine ball and practicing medicine ball twists is also a good option. However, if you are not sure how to structure your workout routine so that you do the best thing for getting rid of love handles, there is always the possibility of going to a gym and asking for the help of a professional trainer. He will indicate the exact exercises, their duration and how often you need to practice them.
Read information about How to Lose Love Handles. Find How to Lose Thigh Fat.