Alcohol has a corrosive action on liver, and may also lead to complications of brain, heart, stomach, pancreas and other important organs of the body. A person becomes alcoholic when excessive intake of alcohol throws certain chemicals in the brain out of balance. This article briefly describes the major causes and ill-effects of alcoholism or alcohol addiction.
For instance imbalance in the brain chemicals such as gamma-aminobutyric acids and glutamate may increase a person's craze for alcohol. The victim under such circumstances would invariably need alcohol to feel good or bar the advent of negative feelings. The victim suffers from severe withdrawal symptoms if he or she is kept away from alcohol. The treatment should start with cutting down the physical dependency on alcohol, and then taking necessary precautions to check relapse. Victim may go for rehabilitation programs to get rid of his or her addiction.
Causes of Alcoholism
1. Research gives an evidence of biological factors and genes promoting alcoholism. Inheritance of D2 dopamine receptor gene in a specific form may make a person vulnerable to alcoholism.
2. Family influence and craze for picking up high-profile and glamorous life habits as shown in advertisements and through the entertainment media sends a wrong message to people, thereby promoting alcoholism.
3. Certain stress hormones promote alcoholism. High levels of emotional upheaval, stress, depression and agony can cause a person seek peace in alcoholism. Such addiction grows out of mental turmoil.
4. Having poor self-confidence and suffering from depression may cause a person to become addicted to alcohol.
5. Frequent partying with friends or being in close contact with people who consume alcohol accelerates the risk of falling prey to alcoholism. The habit in this context grows through enablers
6. Studies show that youthful drinking of alcohol may lead to addiction in future. The earlier a person starts drinking, the more he is at the risk of becoming a prey to alcoholism.
Hope this article has helps you to understand the major causes and bad effects of alcoholism. It is also true that if someone is fully determined, it's not impossible to overcome alcoholism.
Read more useful Home Remedies for Alcoholism. Also know effective Home Remedies for Anemia.