Heartburn is actually a simple term describing a set of symptoms provoked by the fact that the acid found in the stomach for digesting food is coming up on the esophagus and it causes a burning sensation behind the breastbone. While there are people who barely experience heartburn once or twice in their life, there are others who are frequently tormented by it. Doctors and specialists are constantly giving advice on the precaution measures that need to be taken in order to stay away from heartburn. Nevertheless, a lot of people are still affected and home remedies for heartburn seem like the only solution for them. Antacids are widely used on the territory of United States, but what if you have run out of antacids and need some fast relief from heartburn?
Ginger and papaya are well-known home remedies for heart burn. An enzyme contained by papaya is doing wonders. It can be found in chewable capsules that need to be taken before eating. Ginger capsules also have to be administered before meals. If you already ate and now you are faced with the symptoms of heartburn, there still are some efficient home remedies. If the symptoms are not very strong, try to drink a glass of water. It might clean the esophagus from the excess acid. However, drinking up to eight glasses of water a day is highly recommended in preventing heartburn. If symptoms are not mild at all, drink aloe juice or chamomile tea. Pay attention to the aloe juice, because if you make it directly from the plant, it will contain some laxative substances which are not actually recommended. Try drinking aloe juice especially made for internal used and available on the market. For best results, drink it half an hour before eating.
Among other home remedies for heartburn is apple cider vinegar. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar with half a glass of water and then drink it. When feeling the burning sensation caused by the acid in your stomach, you probably think that ingesting vinegar, which is also acid, is not the best solution. However, there are various types of acids and it seems that vinegar is a "good" type.
Home remedies for heartburn are indeed effective, but it's better to prevent than to treat. Don't forget about eating the right foods, about avoiding the foods and drinks that trigger heartburn and about the fact that smoking, be it active or passive, also causes heartburn. Also avoid eating before going to bed and avoid overeating.
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