Diminishing sexual desire in women is now a very common trait found across the globe. One can easily see its impact in negative or stagnant population growth figures of the developed countries like Japan, Finland and Australia.
Here, we are going to discuss about the various causes, which are playing the spoil-sport.
First of all, let us discuss the medicinal or physical factors, which is responsible for lowering down of libido in women.
1. Estrogen and progesterone (female sex hormones) make a woman responsive towards a sexual stimuli i.e. libido. So deficiency of these two hormones in a woman body can easily diminish her sexual power.
2. Prolonged excessive intake of alcoholic beverages or smoking of cigarette play a big hand in low libido.
3. Some drugs, which are used to cure different disease apart from sexual one, are potent to makes a person less attracted towards sex.
4. There are some sexual, which makes the affected woman less potent for sex, than before.
5. Prolonged intake of fatal drugs likes Heroine and Marijuana could make a woman complete impotent.
6. Pain from any injuries or diseases leaves a woman with no mood for lovemaking.
7. Weakness due to any reason hampering the sexual power in woman is very common.
8. As one becomes older, no matter man or woman inclination towards sex decreases.
9. According to some researches, a woman experiences lesser desire for sex as the Menopause (a phase observed by each and every woman, in which menstrual cycle stops forever) arrives.
Apart from the medicinal or physical factors, emotional factors are the culprit in some of the cases. As the woman pool is distinguished from their male counterpart, possessing a strong emotion; in diminishing sexual desire in a woman due to some emotional road-blocks is more likely than man.
1. Unresolved relationships always witness a low frequency in lovemaking.
2. A conflict with their man could make a woman less attracted towards sex.
3. Looking woman with suspicious eyes is a common trait found in men. Sometimes it creates a emotional dead-lock in women, resulting low libido.
4. Sometimes, sex desire in woman diminishes due to the ignorance of their male partner.
5. Fear, anger and stress creates negative ripple in one’s body, which blocks the sex tide.
The most potent causes of diminishing sexual desire in woman are environmental ones.
1. After having their own baby a woman is rewarded with another priceless domain as 'mother'. And a mother always has less time to think or have sex as she devotes most of her time towards the care-taking her baby.
2. Sometimes, kids are come in between the couple as a hurdle in lovemaking.
3. Presence of other members of the family in a typical joint family restricts a couple to make sex according to their wish. Unable to make sex could lower down one's libido on a long run.
4. The fact we highlighted on the header of this article "Negative or stagnant population growth rate in most of the developed countries." is the excessive work-load as professionals. In today's fast- forward world, women are finding places for themselves in some of the most important organization as professionals. That means enduring heavy work-load. Work-load means loss of vital energy, which leaves themselves with less or almost no desire or time for sex.
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