Amenorrhea is a condition in a woman during her reproductive age when menstruation becomes totally absent. Amenorrhea has two different stages; the first being primary and second is secondary. The primary stage of amenorrhea is common in an adolescent girl of 14 to 16 years old where menstrual bleeding and other normal sexual development get stranded. This is during the stage of puberty even before the girl has started her periodic cycle. The secondary one is when a lady who has been menstruating all though suddenly stops menstruating. This condition happens in absence of the various reasons responsible for the same like pregnancy, intake of contraceptive pills, lactation or menopause.
There are multiple causes for Amenorrhea. It is primarily caused due anatomical abnormality in hypothalamic axis, genital tract etc. Hypothalamic causes include formation of tumor, any chronic disease, or lack of ganadotropin hormones responsible for function and growth of reproductive organs. Deficiency in nutrition or low body weight both of which are overlapping issues can also be a reason for Amenorrhea. Besides this Pituitary and ovarian causes can also result in Amenorrhea. Other common functional disorders like mal nutrition, anorexia or bulimia, low weight, obesity, excessive stress and exercise, depression, drug use or abuse, chronic disease etc.
Amenorrhea is itself a symptom of an underlying disorder in the body. Depending on the condition of Amenorrhea the symptoms can vary from lactation in a non pregnant lady to hot flushes. Common symptoms are headache or visual disability which could be a sign of the presence of a tumor in the cranium, increased growth of hair which could be a sign of increased level of androgen hormone in the body, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, disordered sleep resulted by ovarian failure, considerable weight gain or loss and excessive stress and anxiety associated with disorder in the psychological process.
Amenorrhea treatment could be diversified depending on the underlying disorder causing it. In case of malnutrition induced by improper dieting can be repaired by having a balanced diet. In case of overweight patients intake of fat should be controlled and body weight should be brought down to an ideal level. If excessive workout is the cause of Amenorrhea then bring down your exercising schedule to a moderate level. Attending distressing programs in case of excessive stress and anxiety and avoiding conflict can help restore normal menstruation. Lastly living a healthy life and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you avoid Amenorrhea to a large extent. Give up smoking and avoid drinking to get rid of these complications.
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