Low blood pressure or Hypotension, though not that common as high blood pressure can also lead to serious conditions as the patients suffering from it does not receive enough blood supply for the normal functioning of the brain and other parts of the body.
People suffering from hypotension may experience dizziness, burred vision, fatigue, low pulse rate, headache and poor concentration.
Low blood pressure condition generally arises due to some prolonged weakness, anemic conditions and under nourished body system. Malnutrition leads to the overstretching of the tissues of the blood vessels and so there is less oxygen supply to the tissues which ultimately lead to the hypotension.
Natural herbs for treating low blood pressure
In most cases drugs and pills are not required to treat low blood pressure conditions. It can be rectified by eating healthy and nutritious food rich in protein, Vitamin C and vitamin B. These vitamins play a very important role in maintaining normal blood pressure conditions. Naturally growing herbs also have wondrous effects in raising the blood pressure to desired levels.
1. Beet root- A cup of raw beet root juice if taken twice daily is good to treat this condition, improving the condition within one week.
2. Indian spikenard – Taking 30-40 grains mixed with pinch of camphor and cinnamon regularly raises the low blood pressure. Taking the extract of this herb also gives similar results.
3. Ginger – Most commonly used Asian herb it is equally useful in controlling high and low blood pressures.
4. Hawthorn – Though used in treating high blood pressure it functions mainly to stabilize the blood pressure and bring back to its normal state.
5. Rosemary – This herb in useful in treating low blood pressure. Taking 10 ml. of the extract daily stabilizes the blood pressure.
6. Motherwort – Extract of this herb, though bitter in taste helps in raising the blood pressure to desired levels.
7. Coffee – Coffee being a strong stimulant can create magic in case of mild low blood pressure conditions. Sipping a cup of this aromatic beverage early morning is enough to maintain the blood pressure at desired levels.
8. Ginseng – This herb is known to normalize all the functions of the body and that includes the normalizing of blood pressure too.
9. Siberian Ginseng - Though it is similar to the other ginseng herbs, studies revealed that this variety raises the blood pressure of only those who are suffering from low blood pressure.
10. Stinging nettle – This is a herb that nourishes and helps to build up blood cells and also raising the blood pressure in those suffering from hypotension. This herb can be taken as extract, tea or in capsule form.
External application of some herbs like Rosemary oil or inhaling the scent of Rose geranium can help in stabilizing the low blood pressure conditions.
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