Stress and anxieties are common factors that are very closely related to pregnancy. During pregnancy, lots of changes take place within the body due to the fluctuating hormonal levels. Added with excitement, fear and sometimes unwanted situations in personal life the stress levels are difficult to control, and too much of stress affects adversely the baby in the womb sometimes resulting in disasters. As the completion of the pregnancy nears, stress and worries will be following in series unless it is tackled efficiently from the beginning.
Yoga can do wonders!
Stress relieving drugs though are available in market, still gynecologists and obstetricians strictly prohibit the use of such drugs as these can have serious side effects leading to abnormal development of the fetus. Believe it or not researches and statistics have showed that yoga is the best medicine to relieve stress during pregnancy. But one should seriously carry on the yoga to get proven results till the baby is delivered. Basically four steps are followed in yoga -
1. Some mild stretching exercises are adopted for the smooth functioning of the reproductive organs and pelvic areas to ensure almost painless and smooth delivery without any complications.
2. Deep breathing exercises (Pranayama) increases the oxygen level in the blood improving the blood circulation and also providing energy and relaxing the mind, which helps in the better development of the baby in the womb.
3. Meditation helps in focusing the mind, helps the nerves to function in a coordinated manner releasing all tensions, stress. It soothes the nerves and prevents the production of harmful toxins. Meditation helps in maintaining the normal pulse rate. It helps to control emotions, develops self awareness and the bond with the baby in the womb. It even eases out the labor pains.
4. Relaxation is very essential throughout the pregnancy period. Pregnancy itself it very stressful and strenuous especially in the advanced stage. So few hours of relaxing mentally and physically, totally switching off from worries and anxieties helps one to get prepared to deliver the baby.
Yoga does not require too many procedures or tough techniques; neither extra effort nor investment is necessary. One just needs to fix a schedule time and a private secured place to carry on with the exercises. Obviously one must be cautious enough not to strain herself during pregnancy as it may result in unwanted complications. It is advisable to seek professional guidance in carrying out these exercises. One can join prenatal class to get the best advice from the experts and can also interact with other would be mothers.
Regular yoga and exercises can add glow and beauty in pregnancy too! So no use in worrying in pregnancy but it is the time to plan for a new nursery for the new member.
Read more about Stress during Pregnancy. Find information on Pregnancy Week By Week.