Waking up early morning and feeling dizzy, reluctant to start the days work, heaviness in the head may be due to hectic work schedule and stress. But it is also a thing to ponder. Are you sexually active past few months? Well then those discomforts may be the first sign of pregnancy!
You cannot be sure enough of pregnancy by only those signs, but the probability is there. Other symptoms do follow in due course ultimately assuring that you have conceived.
Signs of pregnancy and their severity vary from women to women. If you are aware enough of the system of your body, then you can be almost sure of your pregnancy by the elusive changes that follow after conception.
Few symptoms that help in confirming pregnancy -
1. Missed periods are almost the surer test of pregnancy, but if late periods are common feature, then other signs of pregnancy must be watched out for.
2. Morning sickness is another common symptom faced by most of the women in the early days of pregnancy. In some cases it lasts for the first trimester, whereas in many cases it may last throughout the pregnancy.
3. Nausea and loss of appetite can be another sign of pregnancy, which starts from almost the 8th or 10th day of conception. Some particular smell of food or anything may lead to nausea and aversion to food. Generally this subsides in the 2nd trimester, or it may continue till the end of the term.
4. Spotting is observed in some cases due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. This starts mostly from the eighth day after the conception.
5. Tenderness and swelling of the breasts starts from about the first or second week after conception. Breasts become sensitive and even painful due to the hormonal changes that occur in pregnancy.
6. Craving for certain food items is widely experienced by the pregnant women that remain till the delivery of the baby.
7. Backaches and headaches result to the sudden upsurge of the hormonal levels.
8. Heartburns and constipation is another outcome of pregnancy. As the uterus swells it pushes the stomach leading to the above indigestion problems. Higher levels of hormones to some extent are also responsible for these problems.
9. Area surrounding the nipple (areola) changes in color and a dark line starting from the central abdomen up to the pubic region is observed.
10. Mood swings and stress can be experienced in the early stages of pregnancy expressing high emotions and frequent crying spells.
11. Feeling of frequent urination starts after few weeks of the uterine implantation due to the secretion of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) hormone.
The above mentioned symptoms can guide you in confirming pregnancy, the only thing left out is to confirm it clinically and make the necessary arrangements in successfully delivering the baby.
Know more about First Pregnancy Sign. Read information on Heartburn during Pregnancy.