Pediculus humanus capitis is the scientific name of the lice. So head lice are also famous by other name known as pediculosis. It is an insect which is parasite and live in the scalp or hair of the human. Usually head lice grow in three stages. They are nits, nymphs and adults.
Nits are the eggs of the lice. They are very small and often confused with the dandruff or droplets of hairspray. They remain firmly attached with the hair. Usually they take about 7 days to hatch. They are usually oval in shape and are white or yellow in color.
Nymphs are hatched by the nits. They are small and immature adult lice. After hatching it takes about 7 days to mature into adults. Nymphs require blood to live and they are feed on the blood only.
An adult louse is grayish white in color and they look darker in the persons with dark hair. It has six legs and is of the size of sesame seed. Adult lice also require blood to live so if they fall of a person it dies within two days. On a person's head it can live up to 30 days.
Head lice spread by direct contact from person to person. It can be spread by coming in close contact of a person who is already infested. Children are infested while playing, riding in a school bus, during classroom activities and any common activities. People also get lice by wearing infested scarves, hats, coats, sports uniforms, hair ribbons, clothing and also by using towel, combs and brushes.
Itching and irritability are the major symptoms of having lice. Due to scratching it may lead to sores and skin infections.
Some of the natural treatments which help to get rid from the lice are -
Remove all the clothes from your body. You may apply lice-killing medicines but if the hair is too long then apply this medicine twice. These lice killing medicines can be prepared in home also. After applying this treatment don't rewash your hair for 2-3 days. Affected person after the treatment put on the clean clothes. Retreat this process after 7-10 days with all the precaution.
Olive oil is also effective in the treatment of lice. Dress your child with old clothes as oil can leave oil stains. Apply the olive oil in your hair as well as scalp. At least scalp must be very oily. Oil covers the lice and the eggs and prevents them from breathing and thus they die.
Find more useful Hair Lice Home Remedies. Read the benefits of Shilajit in improving overall health.