Breastfeeding can be a problem after the birth of the baby especially with the new moms. There can be many reasons leading to breastfeeding problems, but most of the problems can be solved by adopting suitable strategies. It is recommended by most health experts that mothers should start breastfeeding within few hours of delivery and that must continue till the baby attains six months of age. Breast feeding has many beneficial aspects both related to the baby and the mother, but it may need some professional help and advice to get started with it.
Soreness of the nipple is observed within the first few weeks of breast feeding and that is caused mainly due to the wrong positioning of the baby during feeding. The proper latching is not done and the baby cannot suck properly. Changing the position of the baby enables proper sucking so that it does not hurt the nipples. Avoiding the use of harsh soaps and chemicals prevents the drying and cracking of nipples preventing sores.
The fullness in breasts is observed due to the accumulation of milk in the breasts and that often leads to hardening of the breasts causing pain. Frequent breastfeeding of the baby about 7-8 times a day allows the baby to suck enough milk that lessens the pain and hardness of the breasts. Sometimes the milk can be pressed out manually or with the help of an electric pump.
Inadequate milk supply can be another serious problem in breast feeding as there are chances for the baby to remain under nourished. Proper nutrition, frequent breast feeding, sufficient rest and reduced stress levels are essential for adequate supply of milk. The milk supply of mother also depends on the demand of the baby.
Plugging of the milk duct: Sometimes the milk ducts of the mother gets congested if there is skipping in breastfeeding or if the baby is unable to suck milk properly. This causes tenderness and redness in a particular area of the breast with the formation of a lump. This plugging can be removed by gentle massaging of the breasts by applying little pressure.
Infections in breast: Some breast infections like mastitis can occur in mothers those who are over stressed, have plugged milk ducts and cracked nipples and those who skip feeding. These infections develop symptoms like mild fever, aching muscles and redness, tenderness over a particular area of the breast. These are generally treated by antibiotics and by giving warm compressions on the infected area.
Mother's milk is always safe and nutritious for the baby in spite of these infections. Even if the mother faces problems in breast feeding due to some illness or some common problems consulting a pediatrician or an expert nurse is always advisable.
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