Hello, I have some home remedies for skin tags that may be of use to you. As I see, you are still with a scarf - covering those skin tags! Do not worry; more than half the population have them at some or other time of their life. And they are perfectly benign, painless and harmless, though unseemly looking and respond very well to home remedies.
You know they are called acrochorda? They occur anywhere though groin, underarms, neck, under the breast folds and eyelids are the most common areas affected. Some women get it during pregnancy and they occur more in obese and/or diabetic people and mostly where skin rubs against clothing or rubs against skin itself. In some cases, heredity also plays a role.
As skin tags do not go away without treatment, and they can be quite a bother, let us look at how to treat them and what are the popular home remedies for skin tags.
You can go to a dermatologist and most likely, the options will be surgical ligation, incision, cryosurgery or cauterization, but you need to go to a hospital for it.
But there are other options like over-the-counter treatment with medicated creams which freeze them and make them fall off in 7-8 days. You can check the nearest drug store to learn more about them.
And you have a variety of home remedies for skin tags that you can try. And all these home remedies, though untested, are very popular and used by many.
Some of the home remedies for skin tags are found right in the kitchen that can help you; though they are not scientifically tested, they are all very popular.
* You can try rubbing tea-tree oil or fish oil (with vitamin A) on the skin tags until the skin tags fall off.
* As fresh potato is known to be a great skin healer, you can stick a piece of potato with Band-Aid on the tag covering it or bind it with a bandage. The colour of the tag will darken and will become black and eventually the tag will fall off.
* Apple-cider vinegar also can be tried, but you should soak the area in warm water for 30 minutes, wipe it dry and spread the vinegar with a cotton ball and let stay for 15-20 minutes and then clean well. This should be repeated until the skin tags fall off.
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