Our kidneys are bean shaped situated on the loins below the liver on the right side and below the spleen on left side. They are on either side of the backside of abdomen. They are about 2.6 cm in the center, 10 cm in length and 6 cm in width. They act as a filter device in our body and excrete salt and water into the urinary bladder and passed out through urethra.
The major symptoms of kidney stones are pain in the abdomen, ureter, bladder and urethra. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sweating and chills but sometimes they may be formed in kidney or bladder without any symptoms. In this article, you will find some simple dietary guidelines and home remedies that will help in the treatment of kidney stones.
Avoid asparagus, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, meat and onions. The patient should take low calcium and phosphor diet. When stones are with calcium and magnesium, the patient is advised to take tomatoes, turnips, pumpkins, fresh green peas, grapes, papaya and pineapple. Foods to avoid in calcium oxalate stones are almonds beetroots, cabbage, beans, potatoes, soybeans, spinach and radish. Kidney beans are good natural remedy for stones. Low protein diet with plenty of fluid with more than 3-4 liters is useful in treating this condition. Holy basil juice and honey are beneficial in this condition.
Soak 250 grams of horse gram (kulthi) in three liters of water at night. Heat it slowly in the next morning for at least 2-3 hours and when one liter is left, remove from the flame. Now warm 30-50 grams of clarified butter (ghee) and add to it. Also add some black pepper (kaali mirch), black salt, cumin seeds (jeera) and turmeric (haldi) in the ghee. Drink this soup once in the afternoon instead of lunch. At least drink 250 grams. The stone will come out by itself in one or two weeks after being broken into pieces. Drink this soup daily. It has no side effects. If after drinking this soup, you are not able to control your hunger then you can take one wheat bread (chapati).
In a glass vessel, soak 20 grams of horse gram (kulthi) in 250 grams of water at night. In the morning mix it with a plastic spoon, and drink on an empty stomach. Now add the same amount of water in the glass containing horse gram and drink in the afternoon. Then add the same amount of water in that and drink in the evening. After drinking water thrice dipped in the same horse gram, add 20 grams of horse gram seeds for the next day. Drinking this water for two to three months and your kidney stone will dissolve and come out. Ayurveda advocates coffee prepared with five grams of tribulus terrestris (gokshura) with one liter of water boiled to one-fourth liter and given twice a day is good for kidneys.
Some yogasanas are beneficial in stones for relief such as uttanapadasana, pavanamuktasana, bhujangasana, danurasana as they stimulate the kidney. Hot water enema with hot bath at 100 degree F to 110 degree F is also advised. The head must be cooled with the paste made of Indian gooseberry. Hot fomentation is done on the kidney to relieve pain and agony. Regular exercise and plenty of water intakes are helpful in reducing the chances of stone formation.
Read Home Remedies for Kidney Stones to relieve discomfort. Lose your excess body fat using natural Fat Loss Diet.