If you need to lose weight fast and you are wondering how to lose 5 pounds in a week, you probably don't care for the moment that this is not the healthiest option available. However, keep in mind that losing 5 pounds a week is not something that can be sustained in time and it is not recommended to be tried for more than a week. Also keep in mind that you shouldn't attempt to do this if you are in a medical condition. Once you acknowledged this, let's get started.
Choose a day for starting you weight loss plan and prior to that day get motivated. Write down the reasons why you want to lose weight, keep around a photo that it's not flattering for you, do basically anything that will maintain you on the right track. Also be aware that it's not going to be easy and pounds won't just vanish while you sit on the couch and watch TV.
During the entire week you will have to eliminate salt from your diet because it enhances fluid retention in the body and to drink water. Lots of water and by this I mean at least 8 glasses a day. You can also drink green tea because it accelerates the metabolism and coffee, but nothing else. Your diet will consist mainly of fruits and vegetables. Your carbohydrate intake will be extremely limited; this is why it is not healthy to lose weight at such a high rate per week.
You can enjoy all types of salads that cross your mind, but don't even think about dressings or salt. Just use lemon juice for adding some extra taste. The point is not to starve, but to eat healthy and low caloric meals. You can use an online calculator to find out how many calories you need daily and to reduce from there, but pay attention because going below 1200 calories might turn out dangerous for your heath. As I said, starvation is not the goal, so eat regularly because when you feel hungry your body deposits fat. Instead of the three meals a day, try having frequent and smaller ones, so that you feel satisfied at all times.
Since your caloric intake is very low, it is not recommended to go through intense workout sessions, but some physical activity is still needed. Do light exercises every day and also do some aerobic activities like running, swimming or even brisk walking.
Take care not to starve yourself, be motivated and good look in your attempt to lose 5 pounds in a week.
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