The problem of joint pain is related with the sensation of inflammation, discomfort, achiness, soreness and there is stiffness in a joint or joints of the body. Joints are the place or area where two or more bones meet. The condition of pain in the joint can result from the problem of infection, malignancy, trauma, autoimmune diseases and other abnormal process.
Joint pain gives the indication of relatively benign condition like mild sprain. It is the result of the condition or disorder like ankylosing spondylitis, bursitis, a moderate ligament sprain or a dislocation. It is also associated with a serious condition which may be life threatening. These include leukemia, bone cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.
The time period of the joint pain depends upon its cause. Sometimes it may be for short term and disappear quickly but in many cases it may be for extended period and also problematic.
In some cases joint pain can occur suddenly and severely. For example: when pain occurs in shoulder dislocation. Sometimes it may be of chronic nature and may continue over a long period of time, like pain due to osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Variety of traumatic conditions are also responsible for including which includes sprains, contusions, sports injuries, joint separation and dislocations. Some other traumatic injuries which are responsible for pain in the joint and it include tennis elbow, swimmer's shoulder, torn cartilage torn ligaments and sprained ankle.
There are some chronic degenerative conditions which result into pain in the joint. They are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. There are some infectious diseases and condition which can cause pain in the joint which include septic arthritis and rheumatic fever.
Sometimes joint pain occurs in addition to other symptoms. These symptoms include edema or swelling of the joint, redness and inflammation, and fever. In this condition the complications of pain in the joint may be progressive and vary depending on the different cause.
To have a perfect diagnosis about the pain in the joint, varieties of test must be performed. Proper treatment of jaundice involves exact diagnosis and proper treatment of the disorder or disease causing the pain in the joint. Some of the condition of the joint pain can be easily and successfully treated and cured but in some cases of pain, the treatment is not so easy. It requires more intensive treatment and it is also possible that it may not have an optimal prognosis.
Some diets are also responsible for pain in the joint. So with the help of a doctor those food items must be restricted.
Read about effective Joint Pain Relief supplements. Find how Joint Pain Massage Oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain.